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Clothes that promote Ganja?



I am looking to raise awareness for legalization by 'advertising' the medicine through some dope clothing.

Does anyone have any links with places I could buy some irie T-shirts?



her dankness
Promote legalization by wearing hemp, not cotton! Hemp clothing is durable and beautiful and gets softer and softer the more you wear it. And it's very efficient fiber source.
Spread the GOOD word

Spread the GOOD word

illchemist said:

I am looking to raise awareness for legalization by 'advertising' the medicine through some dope clothing.

Does anyone have any links with places I could buy some irie T-shirts?



We have marijuana saves lives clothing there on sale on the website please go to the PRODUCTS PAGE AND Buy until your heart is content...hehe

But yes to answer your question we have a very positive clothing line . Promoting Truth Awareness and a positive image for Marijuana. Please Check it out.... Change the worlds mind with the TRUTH ABOUT MARIJUANA. Stop perpetuating the same old negative message to the non user.

Our Story, how marijuana saved my life

I was a normal active 25-year-old female who loved family, surfing, and my boyfriend. When I got terribly sick. The doctors did tests and told me I had crohns disease. They said there is no cure, and that they don't know what causes it; oh and since we don't know what causes it we aren't entirely sure how to treat it. The doctor put me on Asacol for my diarrhea, stomach cramping, and loss of appetite…on Vicodin for all my pain…Valium to help me rest, and one other for nausea. He kept upping my dosage until I was taking 27 pills a day. Which weren't doing anything to improve my condition, they only created more side affects to deal with. My boyfriend, who has now quit his job to be my full time nurse tries to get me some marijuana to smoke thinking that if anything it would take away my nausea and I might get some sleep. He got some, and like he thought it stopped the nausea and I got some rest.

“Well that's more than any of those prescriptions have done for her,” my boyfriend thought. He started researching and he found out that in California I could get my recommendation for medical marijuana. He took me to the doctor's and I got my recommendation for marijuana. While we were there, at the doctor's office, my boyfriend picked up a copy of O'Shaughnessy's News Paper , the journal of cannabis in clinical practice. Funny thing about this particular issue, that we see once we get back home, there happens to be a huge write up on how cannabis helps alleviate the symptoms of crohns disease. With charts and graphs all based on scientific studies showing how much marijuana helped all the symptoms of crohns disease.

Wait a minute! You mean to tell me, a suffer of crohns for 2 years now, that there have been studies done and all this information is out there and the four doctors I saw before this told me absolutely nothing about it! This non-toxic all natural medicine that can help all my problems and they did not even mention it. Oh no that's right, they wanted to pump me full of steroids and cut out my colon! It's crazy and backwards everyway you look at it.

Since I've had my recommendation and have been using medical marijuana, in heavy doses continuously, I have gotten progressively better. So much so now that I'm off all other medications, and have actually just started working out of my home again for the first time in four years. I didn't have to take steroids or have any surgeries, I just have to have a cup of my marijuana milk every day; that's right a cup of milk, it's that simple. My now husband searched and searched for different methods of preparing and administering the marijuana, because smoking it was hard on me and I couldn't stand the pain in my stomach that coughing would create due to my stomach already being cramped up. He found this ancient recipe where they had soaked and simmered the marijuana in milk and then strained and drank the milk. One night in particular I was having a really hard time, going to the bathroom every 15 minutes in terrible pain and it wasn't letting up at all. My husband said a prayer, held his breath and dropped a handful of buds, about $300 worth, into one quart of goats' milk. (I can't have dairy) He simmered it for three hours paying very close attention not to let it boil, strained the marijuana out of the milk and made a cup of hot cocoa for me with the milk. I drank that cup of cocoa and I didn't go to the bathroom for the rest of the night and I actually slept through the night for the first time in 2 years without getting up to go to the bathroom! It was amazing at how well it worked. And ooooohh was it a tasty way to get your medicine, much better than choking down 27 pills.

Now when people meet me for the first time they have no idea that I even have anything wrong with me. Marijuana saved my life; it gave me back the life I am supposed to be living instead of a life full of pain, disability, disappointment, depression, and embarrassment. No one should have to suffer when there is a safe non-toxic herbal remedy.

The even more amazing thing about marijuana is that it doesn't just help my disease but it helps numerous other diseases and conditions that plague us daily.

Once you start finding out the truth about this beautiful plant you can't believe all the nonsense, lies and propaganda that surround one of Gods greatest gifts.

Since my husband started researching crohns disease and marijuana he also found out that marijuana stops the blood flow to tumors and kills old malignant and dieing cells; well to me that sounds like there is a cure for cancer in that process somewhere. Also, he found out that it doesn't cause lung cancer to smoke it, it doesn't kill brain cells, except the ones we don't want there, it actually promotes new brain cell growth. It helps chronic pain, asthma, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's, migraines, macular degeneration, neuropathy pain, arthritis, depression, and that's just the beginning.

OH MY GOSH! How come the News channels aren't reporting any of these studies! Why aren't they telling us? Why, don't they want to help people? It seems almost everyday we see a new T.V. commercial for some new drug with a list of side effects longer than the commercial it self, yet they say nothing about this harmless completely safe God made PLANT whose only side effects are happy, hungry and sleepy; can these really be classified as side effects, most of us need more of these anyway!

This is how MedicalMarijuanaPatient.com came about. We don't want one more person to suffer the way we did. We want there to be a resource of true factual medical information about marijuana, in one easy spot. Where we can spread the word about this beautiful healing plant, and how it can help change millions of peoples' lives, and do it safe and naturally as God intended.

We want to help change the negative stereotype that surrounds marijuana. Help people see the truth, and stop the hypocrisy of marijuana prohibition. It's just a plant, a beautiful one at that. We believe people just don't know the truth because it has been suppressed and hidden from us for years. Well the people deserve the truth; and Scientist should be able to study it fully without restrictions. We are making T-shirts to try and get the message out and help spread the word about medical marijuana. If you feel the same about this wonderful healing plant please see our products page at medicalmarijuanapatient.com to see our latest designs of T-shirts to help YOU spread the word too!

stinkyattic said:
Promote legalization by wearing hemp, not cotton! Hemp clothing is durable and beautiful and gets softer and softer the more you wear it. And it's very efficient fiber source.

Hey Stinky how is it going... Just reminded me to go eat a caramel.

I agree with your post completely.We should have a hemp line pretty soon...

Our cotton shirts are less expensive so everyone can wear them. and we use the Triple A shirts which I think are the best cotton shirt I can find on the market...So you get a good shirt that will last you a long time....

So please buy our cotton shirts so that we can afford to go to hemp 8)


her dankness
Heya 420patient! I saw your t-shirts at the event! They promote a very positive MMJ image!
Just out of curiosity- do those caramels make your dairy intolerance act up? They are made with both butter and condensed cows' milk, but I wonder if the high temps (245'F) break down the casein and lactose enough to be gentler on the stomach?