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nirvana Big Bud-First time grower

Hey guys, I've been lurking a for a while, just got my account activated.

So anyways I have 3 big bud plants growing in one 3 gallon pot. I veg'd for 2 weeks and yesterday I started flowering on 12/12. I am using no nutes other then what is in the miricle gro moisture control soil that I am using. I am also using a 150w CFL hanging above the three plants.

Stay tuned. Pictures to come. :jump:
Jon said:
You should let it veg a few weeks longer.

Yeah I know, but as a new grower I'm impatient and want my herb as soon as possible, I really want to know the sex soon so i can get rid of wasted space, so I may flower to get sex, and then throw back into veg, Im not sure yet though.


why 3 to a pot so small?

I can see 3 in like a 10-15 galloner maybe.

Peace and good luck
geminibud said:
why 3 to a pot so small?

I can see 3 in like a 10-15 galloner maybe.

Peace and good luck

Yeah that was a bad move on my part, I had'nt checked out this forum yet until they had already grown for about a few days. Next time I am going to go 1 plant per pot. Making mistakes on this first grow and learning from it.

Week five coming up this Monday. 3rd week of flowering. Still am not 100 percent sure of sexes, but my biggest one has what appears to be female hairs in the top most node area in between leaves.






Hey guys, do you think it is to late to transplant two of those plants out of the

pot. It's getting cramped and one of them is much shorter then the other two

probably due to lack of light from fan leaves covering it. If you think I should

repot two of them, how should I go about this with out disturbing the roots and

such of the main plant and could the roots of the plants be tangled?

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I don't think you should re-pot. In my opinion, you would be surprised by the root growth, I'm sure the hole pot is filled with roots. IMO you should just repot into a larger container and not disturb the roots. I would be be VERY surprised if the roots have not already covered the bottom of the container.


Tom 'Green' Thumb
I think with the amount of light you are using your plants will do just fine all together. If you seperated them I don't think the amount of light you have would increase yield considerably anyways. Finish her the way htey are and it will be a good first learning experience with growing. One thing I should metion is, you probably will need to add some type of fertilizer to get nice bud formation and healthy growth. Read up on nutrient deficiencies now so you will be ready when the time comes. Good luck on your first grow and let it be the first of many.

TGT said:
I think with the amount of light you are using your plants will do just fine all together. If you seperated them I don't think the amount of light you have would increase yield considerably anyways. Finish her the way htey are and it will be a good first learning experience with growing. One thing I should metion is, you probably will need to add some type of fertilizer to get nice bud formation and healthy growth. Read up on nutrient deficiencies now so you will be ready when the time comes. Good luck on your first grow and let it be the first of many.


Thanks for the advice brotha. I think next watering I will add a very small

amount(a pinch) of miracle gro all purpose 30-10-20 or something like that. I

know its not the best but its what I have available to me at the moment.

Since the soil im using says it feeds plants for 3 months do you think it would

be bad to add a small amount of miracle gro to every feeding which is when

ever soil drys out(every 3-4 days)
All three plants have spikey green things flush with the plant aiming upwards at

the center of a few nodes on the side. Are these female preflowers, they look

awfully similar if the picture I saw showed them correctly? I have been flowering

for 3 weeks now and only see a few hairs on my largest plant in the top most

leaf nook. SHould I be seeying more signs of sex then this at this point or is this

normal? Sorry if my post is disjointed I just smoked a fat blunt :fsu:


Get two birds stoned at once
Female flowers look like elf ears, they also eventually send out a "hair" which really confirms it. Males generally start out as a nub and grow into a ball then a coconut shaped thing that dries out and opens up and drops its load, when it drops its load it looks like a bunch of bananas with petals above.
I finally got the sense to adjust the knob on the camera to focus it.

Here are pics of what I think to be a female flower. Followed by some better

quality plant shots then previous.

Can someone tell me if that is a def female flower?


Largest most vigorous one confirmed male, had balls, idk how i missed those. Chopped it,

then looked closely at second biggest one and I saw a white hair coming out of a

preflower, confirmed female! Smallest one is still un sexed. Is it normal to be on 5th

week of flowering and not have buds yet?


5 weeks of flowering and the plant still hasn't shown sex? They don't look like they're in their fifth week of flowering by looking at your pics.

Is your room/cabinet completely light sealed so that they are in complete darkness when the lights are off?
five_put said:
5 weeks of flowering and the plant still hasn't shown sex? They don't look like they're in their fifth week of flowering by looking at your pics.

Is your room/cabinet completely light sealed so that they are in complete darkness when the lights are off?

Well one was male and was pulled, the next biggest one is female and is showing

lots of white hairs on several nodes, but the smalled one that looked a bit sick

when it was younger is still not showing.