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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Knew a gal who had a Masters in nursing.

Went to her dream job interview after eating a poppyseed muffin for breakfast.

Being she would be the head of the department the hospital required a pee test.

It came back 'hot' for heroin.

She didn't get the job and no lawyer would take the case!
This is very unfortunate and happens too often, poppy seeds creating a false positive. I believe sporting people have encountered this problem. What right minded sporting individual would take a drug like opioids to perform their best. If anything they would drag you down, I can't imagine calling opioids an athletic enhancement. I could be wrong but from my experience taking opioids in a prescription, they do not increase sporting abilities maybe pain tolerance but you probably won't run, jump or do any of the sporting events in a faster or more efficient way.

Hello Goldhedge:)


Well-known member
Still, with all the hub bub about Tesla, it's still in the long term upward channel!

When it hits @$175 I'd be for buying this dog... LOL

Unless you believe electric vehicles are a thing of the past?

What a ride!

View attachment 19170679

Someone with better charting skills can chime in RE MACD and the rest....

The guy certainly knows how to start companies. But he has proven equally that he knows how to fuck them up. And eating acid for weeks and months (years) on end, and smoking weed on tv, does not particularly enamor investor confidence. I don't need to look at any indicators to know that it is deeply oversold. But that matters not when sentiment has turned. Far too many factors in play to trust an imaginary trendline. My guess - that it will break, and break hard. Investors are fleeing in droves and the cars are not selling. What Pute was talking about the other day also does not bode well. When the current batch of leases run out, and dealers cannot move them, not only does that spark panic in new car sales, but electric used car sales across the spectrum. And the cycle continues.:eek:


Well-known member

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
You definitely want to keep Loki from chasing deer. Deer can be very dangerous to a little dog. Loki wants to put on the tough dog look but smart enough to say, "that deer will kick my ass."

I don't remember seeing a white deer here never mind a few of them. After a quick look it appears they are more common than I imagined in the UK.

Dentistry is damn expensive, I have no insurance, it's all money out of pocket. The implants are nice my Mom had her teeth done in that way. Does a good job if you can afford it. If I had the cash to spend I would get the implants, otherwise a plate will have to do. I spend more time on my teeth than ever, trying to save them.

Fun time coming up soon Gypsy, surrounding yourself with cannabis enthusiasts, should be a good time. I'll look forward to your photos.
Ya - this tooth 😤 problem - has caused me to not go to Sam's/Dave Watson's memorial in Amsterdam tomorrow - which I really wanted to go to - but have an urgent dental appointment tomorrow - so cannot - need to get this fixed - probably just have it yanked out - and be done with it - tooth pain clouds your quality of life considerably - so need to get back to normality - and off the antibiotics and pain killers -


Well-known member
The guy certainly knows how to start companies. But he has proven equally that he knows how to fuck them up. And eating acid for weeks and months (years) on end, and smoking weed on tv, does not particularly enamor investor confidence. I don't need to look at any indicators to know that it is deeply oversold. But that matters not when sentiment has turned. Far too many factors in play to trust an imaginary trendline. My guess - that it will break, and break hard. Investors are fleeing in droves and the cars are not selling. What Pute was talking about the other day also does not bode well. When the current batch of leases run out, and dealers cannot move them, not only does that spark panic in new car sales, but electric used car sales across the spectrum. And the cycle continues.:eek:
Short with confidence!


Well-known member
You definitely want to keep Loki from chasing deer. Deer can be very dangerous to a little dog. Loki wants to put on the tough dog look but smart enough to say, "that deer will kick my ass."

I don't remember seeing a white deer here never mind a few of them. After a quick look it appears they are more common than I imagined in the UK.

Dentistry is damn expensive, I have no insurance, it's all money out of pocket. The implants are nice my Mom had her teeth done in that way. Does a good job if you can afford it. If I had the cash to spend I would get the implants, otherwise a plate will have to do. I spend more time on my teeth than ever, trying to save them.

Fun time coming up soon Gypsy, surrounding yourself with cannabis enthusiasts, should be a good time. I'll look forward to your photos.
some folks go to Mexico or? to get their implants.

A nice vacation for what it costs in the US....


Well-known member
Ya - this tooth 😤 problem - has caused me to not go to Sam's/Dave Watson's memorial in Amsterdam tomorrow - which I really wanted to go to - but have an urgent dental appointment tomorrow - so cannot - need to get this fixed - probably just have it yanked out - and be done with it - tooth pain clouds your quality of life considerably - so need to get back to normality - and off the antibiotics and pain killers -
That's good Gypsy, get it over with and carry on...probably not in the way of the "Carry On" movie franchise characters:)


Well-known member
any chinamen on this board?

WOW 🚨 Former US Border Deputy Patrol Agent J.J. Carrell EXPOSES there are “Over 3000 marijuana grows in Oklahoma, all run by Chinese national illegal aliens”

“$40 billion a year business. Why is this important? — This is a cash crop. China doesn't have to finagle wire transfers and get ensnared in the financial transactions to buy weapons, ammunition, food, all that”

“They have billions of dollars of cash that they can use here in America with no transactions and do everything below the radar.”

Travis Kelcee

Well-known member
The admin inherited an economy that was ROCKING! It's donnie and his tariff crap that's causing the problems. That and saying he's gonna deport every one, sucking Putin's cock, and telling the Zionists to kill another batch of Palestinians. This is the Trump economy. His Admin didn't send you your SS check and he's fired the people who would usually try and fix the problem.
Joint me in a big irony belly laugh. There are going to be lots more.
Inflation down, gas prices down and once again it seems people don't know shit about how tariffs work.



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Well-known member
Fortunately, it is clear, but I’ve never had such an abundance literally flowing out of me. My buddy who’s been caring for me got me some decongestant which help quite a bit. I’ve been on the recliner since 9 AM and don’t intend on getting out until I head out to the doctors office… I don’t normally get sick like this, but I guess this is payback for being healthy for so long
Do you have a Volcano?
I ask because most folks in this thread are cannabis junkies and it would be better to use a Volcano or eatables rather than smoke.


Well-known member
any chinamen on this board?

WOW 🚨 Former US Border Deputy Patrol Agent J.J. Carrell EXPOSES there are “Over 3000 marijuana grows in Oklahoma, all run by Chinese national illegal aliens”

“$40 billion a year business. Why is this important? — This is a cash crop. China doesn't have to finagle wire transfers and get ensnared in the financial transactions to buy weapons, ammunition, food, all that”

“They have billions of dollars of cash that they can use here in America with no transactions and do everything below the radar.”
What Attorney General issued these "3000 illegal aliens" their business license?!? Inquiring minds want to know.:oops: