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Thai weed from Thailand


The Haze Whisperer
I have a question for the Thai experts...Have you seen or heard of opiated Thai herb?

As much as Wally disagrees with me and that's his right to, I did see opiated Thai sticks a few times, but the smoking experience in my opinion was not a pleasant one.

If the topic interests you, here's a thread with a lot of info.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
View attachment 19167052 It's all down to perspective - what you see - and what you perceive - from where you are - which can differ immensely - depending on where you are -

I can understand that and agree .
Also I have had to reconsider my opinion and values many times after getting better informed on forums .
But you gotta wonder if its not more a case of this .

“If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.”​

― Raylan Givens Justified

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
As much as Wally disagrees with me and that's his right to, I did see opiated Thai sticks a few times, but the smoking experience in my opinion was not a pleasant one.

If the topic interests you, here's a thread with a lot of info.
I've seen the same very rarely - but initially I thought that it was at the behest of foreigners to Thailand wanting an extra side to their high - as if the 'erb could be augmented or improved somehow - by rolling it in opium - so of course 😉 - I had to try it - I guess it all started in '84 - when The Professor first introduced me to his 'No Headache' mixture - which included good Thai sativa - and black tar like opium - along with the obligatory crumbled Bayer Aspirin - toking any opium is heavy on the lungs - so I've discovered - gawd knows how toxic toking Aspirin is - <chokes!>

Anyway - as for opiated Thai Sticks - yes - have seen it done many years ago (late 70's early 80's) - but not on a massively commercial basis - looked to be only an item available thru personal order - because it wasn't a constantly available product - as far as I know - you would rarely if ever see opiated Thai Sticks - that is why even today it's a sorta myth - to most all people - seeing is believing -
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The Haze Whisperer
The Professor first introduced me to his 'No Headache' mixture -

That's around the time I saw them to Gypsy late 70s, early 80s and they were smaller as in volume of cannabis to the regular Thai Sticks. I got them from a schoolmates' uncle that was a biker.

A few people I grew up with around my age tried them too.

Going by some research, I found it was common for Thais to mix option with cannabis and even tobacco and at the time and here you could score opium to smoke as easily as you could hash at that time.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -

That's around the time I saw them to Gypsy late 70s, early 80s and they were smaller as in volume of cannabis to the regular Thai Sticks. I got them from a schoolmates' uncle that was a biker.

A few people I grew up with around my age tried them too.

Going by some research, I found it was common for Thais to mix option with cannabis and even tobacco and at the time and here you could score opium to smoke as easily as you could hash at that time.
The further North you travelled - the more prevalent opium and heroin was - nearly everyone seemed to have poppies growing somewhere - and it was prepared for smoking in many ways - often mixed with 'erb/tobacco - or just on its own - cannabis cultivation was evident too - in areas far from the long arm of the law - such as The Golden Triangle - where the Shan Army ruled under Khun Sa - and supplied much of the illicit narcotics and 'erb to and thru Thailand during the 70's - 80's

- The Thai Stick was a handy way to market Thai 'erb - and back then in the early days I only saw the shorter Thai Sticks - later around the mid 80's - down in Phuket - I bought what's called Buddha Sticks - which were much bigger than the original Thai Sticks - and only cost 20Baht each -

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
I've seen the same very rarely - but initially I thought that it was at the behest of foreigners to Thailand wanting an extra side to their high - as if the 'erb could be augmenteg or improved somehow - by rolling it in opium - so of course 😉 - I had to try it - I guess it all started in '84 - when The Professor first introduced me to his 'No Headache' mixture - which included good Thai sativa - and black tar like opium - along with the obligatory crumbled Bayer Aspirin - toking any opium is heavy on the lungs - so I've discovered - gawd knows how toxic toking Aspirin is - <chokes!>

Anyway - as for opiated Thai Sticks - yes - have seen it done many years ago (late 70's early 80's) - but not on a massively commercial basis - looked to be only an item available thru personal order - because it wasn't a constantly available product - as far as I know - you would rarely if ever see opiated Thai Sticks - that is why even today it's a sorta myth - to most all people - seeing is believing -

Story I read was the Thai Sticks were suspended over the pots of opium as it was boiled to make morphine.
The steam coming off the opium is called early water .

Raw opium, which has a strong odor that can be easily detected by customs officials, must be converted into morphine base before it can be transported out of the country. To create morphine base, the opium is added to boiling water. The raw opium dissolves into a clear brown liquid or “liquid opium.” Plant scrapings and other impurities float to the top to be scooped up. Slaked lime is then added to the liquid so that the morphine alkaloid reacts with the lime to form a solution. The solution is poured through a filter to remove any impurities, such as other alkaloids, that have sunk to the bottom. Concentrated ammonia is added to the solution and is then reheated. The morphine solidifies and settles at the bottom of the pot. A cloth is used to filter out the solid white chunks of morphine base. The morphine base, also known as “Heroin No. 1,” which makes up about 10 percent of the original quantity of raw opium, is wrapped into blocks and dried out in the sun. The blocks are now ready to be shipped to heroin laboratories.

The sticks would be under an inverted pan that would collect the steam from the boiling water and condense it and drip back onto the kancha .

I even saw a diagram of the process . So either some people had vivid imaginations or some of the waste from the opium brewing was repurposed .

@gypsy I met a guy on a bus back from Chiang Mai who had opium he was trying to smoke in roll your own tobacco cigarettes .Sat next to him and pretty quickly regreted it . He said check these baby elephant tusks I picked up from the Hill Tibes . Along with the opium . He told me it didn`t work very well smoking it that way . Were you smoking it in a pipe ?

I tried to warn him that Ivory smuggling would get him into some serious trouble and he should consider ditching those tusks .
Then ,,, we arrived at an army road block . Young conscripts with M16s . The Captain boarded the bus and started making his way down the aisle . I pulled out my pass port and waved it . Hoping an Ozzie pass port might mean some sanctuary . LOL .

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Story I read was the Thai Sticks were suspended over the pots of opium as it was boiled to make morphine.
The steam coming off the opium is called early water .

Raw opium, which has a strong odor that can be easily detected by customs officials, must be converted into morphine base before it can be transported out of the country. To create morphine base, the opium is added to boiling water. The raw opium dissolves into a clear brown liquid or “liquid opium.” Plant scrapings and other impurities float to the top to be scooped up. Slaked lime is then added to the liquid so that the morphine alkaloid reacts with the lime to form a solution. The solution is poured through a filter to remove any impurities, such as other alkaloids, that have sunk to the bottom. Concentrated ammonia is added to the solution and is then reheated. The morphine solidifies and settles at the bottom of the pot. A cloth is used to filter out the solid white chunks of morphine base. The morphine base, also known as “Heroin No. 1,” which makes up about 10 percent of the original quantity of raw opium, is wrapped into blocks and dried out in the sun. The blocks are now ready to be shipped to heroin laboratories.

The sticks would be under an inverted pan that would collect the steam from the boiling water and condense it and drip back onto the kancha .

I even saw a diagram of the process . So either some people had vivid imaginations or some of the waste from the opium brewing was repurposed .

@gypsy I met a guy on a bus back from Chiang Mai who had opium he was trying to smoke in roll your own tobacco cigarettes .Sat next to him and pretty quickly regreted it . He said check these baby elephant tusks I picked up from the Hill Tibes . Along with the opium . He told me it didn`t work very well smoking it that way . Were you smoking it in a pipe ?

I tried to warn him that Ivory smuggling would get him into some serious trouble and he should consider ditching those tusks .
Then ,,, we arrived at an army road block . Young conscripts with M16s . The Captain boarded the bus and started making his way down the aisle . I pulled out my pass port and waved it . Hoping an Ozzie pass port might mean some sanctuary . LOL .
It was always better to smoke the opium in a prepared pipe - usually the person selling you a pipe of opium - would prepare it for you - and help light the pipe - as you toked in repose/relaxed - so as not to have to worry about anything other than toking on the pipe - and getting your lungs filled with opium smoke - to achieve the desired effect -

- the 'cotton wool effect' - I'd call it - when you felt like you were encased in cotton wool - and felt very safe and comfortable - all aches and pains would dissappear - and you could mong-out for hours - just simply entertained by feeling so good - in that dreamy/soft opium world -

Osama Bong Loadin'

Well-known member
Premium user
Story I read was the Thai Sticks were suspended over the pots of opium as it was boiled to make morphine.
The steam coming off the opium is called early water .

Raw opium, which has a strong odor that can be easily detected by customs officials, must be converted into morphine base before it can be transported out of the country. To create morphine base, the opium is added to boiling water. The raw opium dissolves into a clear brown liquid or “liquid opium.” Plant scrapings and other impurities float to the top to be scooped up. Slaked lime is then added to the liquid so that the morphine alkaloid reacts with the lime to form a solution. The solution is poured through a filter to remove any impurities, such as other alkaloids, that have sunk to the bottom. Concentrated ammonia is added to the solution and is then reheated. The morphine solidifies and settles at the bottom of the pot. A cloth is used to filter out the solid white chunks of morphine base. The morphine base, also known as “Heroin No. 1,” which makes up about 10 percent of the original quantity of raw opium, is wrapped into blocks and dried out in the sun. The blocks are now ready to be shipped to heroin laboratories.

The sticks would be under an inverted pan that would collect the steam from the boiling water and condense it and drip back onto the kancha .

I even saw a diagram of the process . So either some people had vivid imaginations or some of the waste from the opium brewing was repurposed .

@gypsy I met a guy on a bus back from Chiang Mai who had opium he was trying to smoke in roll your own tobacco cigarettes .Sat next to him and pretty quickly regreted it . He said check these baby elephant tusks I picked up from the Hill Tibes . Along with the opium . He told me it didn`t work very well smoking it that way . Were you smoking it in a pipe ?

I tried to warn him that Ivory smuggling would get him into some serious trouble and he should consider ditching those tusks .
Then ,,, we arrived at an army road block . Young conscripts with M16s . The Captain boarded the bus and started making his way down the aisle . I pulled out my pass port and waved it . Hoping an Ozzie pass port might mean some sanctuary . LOL .
That's what I read, that it was waste from the process...God help us if they ever sell that at the 7-11. It was so good. The herb I got was grown with love. It was just amazing. Couchlock destruction. At the time I didn't understand that the narcotic effect of it was due to the opium. Someone more seasoned would have smelled it on the bud.
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Osama Bong Loadin'

Well-known member
Premium user
It was always better to smoke the opium in a prepared pipe - usually the person selling you a pipe of opium - would prepare it for you - and help light the pipe - as you toked in repose/relaxed - so as not to have to worry about anything other than toking on the pipe - and getting your lungs filled with opium smoke - to achieve the desired effect -

- the 'cotton wool effect' - I'd call it - when you felt like you were encased in cotton wool - and felt very safe and comfortable - all aches and pains would dissappear - and you could mong-out for hours - just simply entertained by feeling so good - in that dreamy/soft opium world -
I saw some 19th century opium pipes in a museum. From the days of Jack Black- You Can't Win. What a great book. The original On The Road. Old junkie tales of the old west.
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Active member
anybodys that ever smoked opium on purpose will instantly know its a mythe .
1 How are you gonna dip bud in opium ? its a hard substance like hash , its not liquid or powder
2 It smells and tastes like floral wet dog .
3 Opium hardly has a effective high in those amounts
4 you cant even smoke it without inventing some smoking device , its not even active at joint burning temperatures


The Haze Whisperer
The further North you travelled - the more prevalent opium and heroin was - nearly everyone seemed to have poppies growing somewhere - and it was prepared for smoking in many ways - often mixed with 'erb/tobacco - or just on its own - cannabis cultivation was evident too - in areas far from the long arm of the law - such as The Golden Triangle - where the Shan Army ruled under Khun Sa - and supplied much of the illicit narcotics and 'erb to and thru Thailand during the 70's - 80's

- The Thai Stick was a handy way to market Thai 'erb - and back then in the early days I only saw the shorter Thai Sticks - later around the mid 80's - down in Phuket - I bought what's called Buddha Sticks - which were much bigger than the original Thai Sticks - and only cost 20Baht each -

From the research I did, North of Chiang Mai down into the Golden Triangle was where a lot of it was grown. The interesting part to all of this was the CIA connection, who were also operating out of the Thai side of the Golden Triangle.

Frank John Nugan or Michael Hand I believe was the head of the largest drug cartel of the time and is where most of the imports came from. They had set up a bank both in Sydney and also in Chiang Mai, Thailand and once it all got exposed the imports all stopped here and everywhere else when it came to Thai.

The opiumated Thai sticks I believe were socked in what they called opium water, a byproduct of the heroin proses, they were then dried.

These guys CIA / Military were operating out of Thailand during the Vietnam War until the early 80s when they became exposed.


The Haze Whisperer
anybodys that ever smoked opium on purpose will instantly know its a mythe .
1 How are you gonna dip bud in opium ? its a hard substance like hash , its not liquid or powder
2 It smells and tastes like floral wet dog .
3 Opium hardly has a effective high in those amounts
4 you cant even smoke it without inventing some smoking device , its not even active at joint burning temperatures
UNODC - Bulletin on Narcotics - 1965 Issue 3 - 001


Both ganja and charas
came to be most commonly smoked in earthenware or water pipes sometimes mixed with tobacco, datura or opium. Bhang is sometimes smoked and sometimes chewed, but most commonly it is taken as a beverage (as is ganja sometimes) or confectionery. Numerous preparations in combination with various other ingredients exist and go by many different names. The effects produced are believed to be similar, with ganja four or five times as potent as bhang, and charas two or three times as potent as ganja.


The number of narcotic users in Thailand, including Thai (the majority now), Chinese, and hill-tribes people, probably approaches 250,000. Since the abrupt 1959 ban on opium there has been a steady increase in heroin use (mostly among the young who now predominate) although there is still extensive opium use. The heroin is taken by "chasing the dragon" and sometimes by injection, and opium by smoking. Cannabis is widely used in the country, particularly in the north-east by smoking in pipes or cigarettes or adding it to food. It is often in combination with the opiates.

In the following documentary, they show people smoking Opium that they mixed with some kind of tobacco like plant and smoke it into a (bamboo) pipe.



Chasing the Present
You would think that 5c at night would slow them down, but they thrive and power on threw flower, that's why they could be grown here even as far down to Vic and inland as long as it didn't snow or get frost they could go until August / September in our part of the world.

The closer to the coast you are the warmer the night temps are, through winter at a guess Thailand would be no different.
IME (every year) They can handle snow and frost no issue, happens all the time here, 28F / -2 C is the real cut off and if for long enough there's no coming back...Sativas that is, Indicas long before this melt away, Sativas are strong, you're right though slow temps at night and cool soil into mornings slow them down a ton, ripening is all that occurs then.



Well-known member
Your Thai experience mirrors mine if you also toss in bouts of mild paranoia.
Not always but it happened more than once, as I said in another post it depends of the settings where I smoke, in situations where I'm not comfortable enough it will make me paranoid but in the good conditions it will be a much more pleasing ride. But it's true some east asian sativas can quickly make me anxious as it's already in my nature. We all react differently because we don't all have the same mental state and even one person don't always have the same mental.


Well-known member
IME (every year) They can handle snow and frost no issue, happens all the time here, 28F / -2 C is the real cut off and if for long enough there's no coming back...Sativas that is, Indicas long before this melt away, Sativas are strong, you're right though slow temps at night and cool soil into mornings slow them down a ton, ripening is all that occurs then.

This was my experience as well when I've grown long flowering plants at lat 44N in France, past the 15 october you can have some freezing nights and a lot of humidity. Any plants needing to go longer thazn october will completely stop growing new calyxes and slowly mature. Even indoor I've seen plants being slow down because the soil in their pots was too cold, it happened when I switched to LED in the winter.
One year I had too many females for my small indoor set-up so I decided to put them outdoor to see what happen and to my surprise they have been able to flower and make some tasty buds. It was some Sour-Jack and it was in January so the temps were really low, going often in the negative celsius at night. The plants were in 7L pots but being black they could heat up quickly with just a ray of sun hitting them, I think that's one thing who helped them to stay healthy, in the end they took around 3 months to reach maturity and produced only +/-30/35g but I was surprised they were able to do this anyway.
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Well-known member
Story I read was the Thai Sticks were suspended over the pots of opium as it was boiled to make morphine.
The steam coming off the opium is called early water .

Raw opium, which has a strong odor that can be easily detected by customs officials, must be converted into morphine base before it can be transported out of the country. To create morphine base, the opium is added to boiling water. The raw opium dissolves into a clear brown liquid or “liquid opium.” Plant scrapings and other impurities float to the top to be scooped up. Slaked lime is then added to the liquid so that the morphine alkaloid reacts with the lime to form a solution. The solution is poured through a filter to remove any impurities, such as other alkaloids, that have sunk to the bottom. Concentrated ammonia is added to the solution and is then reheated. The morphine solidifies and settles at the bottom of the pot. A cloth is used to filter out the solid white chunks of morphine base. The morphine base, also known as “Heroin No. 1,” which makes up about 10 percent of the original quantity of raw opium, is wrapped into blocks and dried out in the sun. The blocks are now ready to be shipped to heroin laboratories.

The sticks would be under an inverted pan that would collect the steam from the boiling water and condense it and drip back onto the kancha .

I even saw a diagram of the process . So either some people had vivid imaginations or some of the waste from the opium brewing was repurposed .

@gypsy I met a guy on a bus back from Chiang Mai who had opium he was trying to smoke in roll your own tobacco cigarettes .Sat next to him and pretty quickly regreted it . He said check these baby elephant tusks I picked up from the Hill Tibes . Along with the opium . He told me it didn`t work very well smoking it that way . Were you smoking it in a pipe ?

I tried to warn him that Ivory smuggling would get him into some serious trouble and he should consider ditching those tusks .
Then ,,, we arrived at an army road block . Young conscripts with M16s . The Captain boarded the bus and started making his way down the aisle . I pulled out my pass port and waved it . Hoping an Ozzie pass port might mean some sanctuary . LOL .
Interesting, I always believed you need a chemical product to dissolve raw opium in liquid form like it is with THC and fat. Raw opium is not easy to be smoked and having someone with adequate knowledge making you a pipe is a good way to not waste it because if you don't know what you're doing most of it will be lost in the air. I have very rarely seen real raw opium in my life, each time it was brought back by travelers from India or east asia. But in Europe there are a lot of pharmaceutical poppy fields to make legal medicines and often some people will steal some part of those crops to cook the bulbs in what is called rashasha. Now that I think about it, it's the same as dissolving raw opium in straight water so the begininng of my post is pointless, sorry.

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