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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)

moose eater

Well-known member
Premium user
I’m sure you are referring to j6 ,I believe that is false
My memory was either incorrect or the video isn't up anymore. I couldn't find Trump saying his supporters should punch protesters in the face, but he stated in many videos that he'd -like- to punch protesters in the face.


And a number of his supporters at rallies have punched protesters in the face, and kicked them, etc.

In the aftermath of one incident, 5 sheriffs' deputies were placed on suspension for standing by while protesters were assaulted.

There are many more incidents, but I couldn't find what I believed I recalled, which was Trump telling rally attendees to punch protesters.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Because it’s not evidence, I’m guessing.

So let me get this straight, you're guessing they went to the trouble of blocking evidence that had they allowed in couldn't have possibly proved the point trying to be made, which would have given the defense the opportunity to demonstrate to the jury that it wasn't proof....because it wasn't evidence? Yeahhhhhhh, righhttttt. :rollyes:

Just picture this happened to anyone other than trump. Would it still seem fair to you?? 3 people say you raped someone and present no evidence. When you call her a liar they award her 80M???
No of course it wouldn't be fair WITHOUT evidence to back it up. What you're failing to understand though is that there was evidence to back it up, enough evidence to convince a jury. You just don't like the evidence because you refuse to accept that the orange glob of lard that you worship could ever possibly be guilty of the crim for which he was convicted. Now I will agree that 80M is an excessive amount to be fined for calling someone a liar. What you're leaving out though is that the amount of 80M was awarded for the second time he committed the exact same defamation and therefore was made much larger as a punitive measure since he didn't learn his lesson to not defame her that way after the first time he was convicted and given a much smaller fine.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
My memory was either incorrect or the video isn't up anymore. I couldn't find Trump saying his supporters should punch protesters in the face, but he stated in many videos that he'd -like- to punch protesters in the face.


And a number of his supporters at rallies have punched protesters in the face, and kicked them, etc.

In the aftermath of one incident, 5 sheriffs' deputies were placed on suspension for standing by while protesters were assaulted.

There are many more incidents, but I couldn't find what I believed I recalled, which was Trump telling rally attendees to punch protesters.
I'm not going to try to find the video for you but there was video at one time that showed Trump encouraging his audience to attack people protesting his rallies where he said if they got arrested he would pay to bail thm out. That video may not exist online any more because it's so old and there is so much newer more relevent videos to share, but it did exist at one time and anyone that is honest and has a decent memory will admit that it was something he actually said to his supporters.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Almost all republicans i know didn't have a clue what Qanon was...

until the liberals installed it into their daily round of psychobabble
I could make the same claim of ANTIFA until a bunch of consevatives turn ANTIFA into the boogieman of the day.

Of course at least I'm honest enough to admit there is such a group known as ANTIFA instead of trying to pretend they don't exist and that I never heard of them.

moose eater

Well-known member
Premium user
I'm not going to try to find the video for you but there was video at one time that showed Trump encouraging his audience to attack people protesting his rallies where he said if they got arrested he would pay to bail thm out. That video may not exist online any more because it's so old and there is so much newer more relevent videos to share, but it did exist at one time and anyone that is honest and has a decent memory will admit that it was something he actually said to his supporters.
There are several videos up of Trump telling the audience/security/etc. to "get her/him out of here." in re. to protesters, and in at least one of the videos I looked at when searching for the video I'd referenced earlier, the person being dragged from the event was being dragged by attendees/Trump supporters, not security, etc.

Similar behavior that resulted or is likely to result in criminal charges for the private security goons who assaulted and ejected the woman and man from a 'town hall meeting' in Couer D'Alene, Idaho the other day, more recently.


Well-known member
There are several videos up of Trump telling the audience/security/etc. to "get her/him out of here." in re. to protesters, and in at least one of the videos I looked at when searching for the video I'd referenced earlier, the person being dragged from the event was being dragged by attendees/Trump supporters, not security, etc.

Similar behavior that resulted or is likely to result in criminal charges for the private security goons who assaulted and ejected the woman and man from a 'town hall meeting' in Couer D'Alene, Idaho the other day, more recently.
There was a video of the Trumpster telling stnuc to protest peacfully,

They forget that


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I’m not in favor of the action, but non citizens can legally be deported for almost anything.
Then you should be very grateful that the courts blocked Trumps attempt to do away with birthright citizenship because if Trump had succeeded with that the only people that would be legal citizens are those who took and passed the citizenship test to get their green card. Everyone else would suddenly be illegals until they took and passed the same test. Would have been quite the coup for Trump though because then he could legally have anyone he didn't like deported, even if they never lived anywhere else.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Telling who?

You have video of this?

My cynical guess is that someone near Trump informed him of the potential consequences for inciting assaults or worse.
No it's true, Trump did say, almost as an after thought, for the people going to the capital to be peaceful of course that was after more loudly and forcefully telling them to "Fight like hell or you won't have a country anymore"

Of course that would mean that the militia's Trump had working with him like the Oathkeepers and Proudboys and who were positioned at the Capital before the rally ended would have never heard Trump's instruction to protest peacefully.
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