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Drumskinz Spicy Pepperoni Grow


Well-known member
Any updates Drumz? It's been a good minute.

I was wondering what your thoughts were on the Mac1? Everyone complains about how slow the growth is, but in your pictures all the plants seem to be keeping pace.


Well-known member
Any updates Drumz? It's been a good minute.

I was wondering what your thoughts were on the Mac1? Everyone complains about how slow the growth is, but in your pictures all the plants seem to be keeping pace.
Sorry for the radio silence…but I’ve had this terrible chest cold that has been bothering me now for the past couple weeks…haven’t been able to sleep very well with the wheezing going on…hence the longer down time…finally this past weekend went into my walk in clinic and got a z-pack…I think I’m finally turning the corner on getting rid of this crap…this Thursday will be 42 days and I will try and get an update for ya…Yes MAC1 is a very slow plant to veg and a PITA to defoliate…but staying with her does have its’s rewards in beautiful fat buds usually at or after 70 days…you probably want to take her at about 63 days…but I think the extra wait is well worth it


Well-known member
Well drumz, just when I thought I was ready to declare the HK a fine rooting plant this last batch had other ideas. Last ones to root and at day 14 still waiting on a few.
She did better in my rockwool exposed end setup.
Well that sux…on my run with her I put 8 of them under the dome…and they were also the last to root…but 5 of them had decently stacked roots at 14 days and I had three that had none…I waited for an extra 5 days and two had a few stubs and one I had none and had to throw it out… I found she was still better under the dome than in the ez cloner…have you got any of her in a grow yet?

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Well that sux…on my run with her I put 8 of them under the dome…and they were also the last to root…but 5 of them had decently stacked roots at 14 days and I had three that had none…I waited for an extra 5 days and two had a few stubs and one I had none and had to throw it out… I found she was still better under the dome than in the ez cloner…have you got any of her in a grow yet?
Nothing in flower yet. Hopefully next run I’ll check out a few.

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
I have smoked it and I am still trying to figure out why I'm always trying to root it. I guess for the challenge. I'll grow it out one time but it wasn't anything I'd keep around judging by the flowers I sampled.

I put two in rockwool two in soil and two in aero. Zero roots. Now that I say that I'll probably just get rid of it and save myself the hassles lol

Hope you feel better Drumskinz! Hopefully some fresh Spring air is helping! Along with that Z pack that is.


Well-known member
HK seems like a rooting nightmare! What’s the flower like compared to Cherry Cookies?
She is stubborn on getting her to produce roots...but the run under the ac humidity dome I recently did...produced the most roots I ever got with her in 14 days...out of 8 cuttings 5 threw the best set of roots...2 took another 5 days to get a few to keep them growing and 1 did not root at all...she produces beautiful flowers with a definite baked goods smell...and that smells stands out even next to Cherry Cookies...HK is a squattier plant than CC and I think CC's flowers are a little more robust...The best part of HK is that she makes a good deal of rosin...I'm not that great at describing taste...but I think HK has a bit of hashy flavor...when this run is over I will be able to make a good comparison between the two...I've kept HK going now for 7 years going back to when I was first gifted her by Star...I guess you could say it's been a crazy obsession I've had with Hammer's Kush!!!


Well-known member
I have smoked it and I am still trying to figure out why I'm always trying to root it. I guess for the challenge. I'll grow it out one time but it wasn't anything I'd keep around judging by the flowers I sampled.

I put two in rockwool two in soil and two in aero. Zero roots. Now that I say that I'll probably just get rid of it and save myself the hassles lol

Hope you feel better Drumskinz! Hopefully some fresh Spring air is helping! Along with that Z pack that is.
Thanks LB...it seems like this winter I've been sick more than I've been healthy...I guess I gotta grow some damn good veggies this year in the garden to help combat against these freakin ugly germs...I did see a few garlic sprouts when I was out in the garlic patch yesterday 😁

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
I have many clones backed up of each of what you last gave me. I greatly appreciate you giving me these cuts and such nice plants. I have some interesting stuff coming up and will be getting you some real gems soon enough.

You have a show coming up as I recall?

Been sowing veg seeds like a mad man. Going to be one helluva garden this season with it being my primary focus. Let me know if you want any heirloom tomato plants to trial.

I had a half peck of garlic under the produce stand. Forgot it and it wintered there. It's all sprouting like crazy so I will get that planted tmrw when it warms back up. How many bulbs do you plant?


Well-known member
I do…It’s the Grand Opening of The Boar’s Nest 414 (The Old Big Johnson’s in Hector, NY) on March 22nd…should be a big deal…right now over 160 peeps are interested…prolly Chunky is one of them 😂…I know it’s a ride for ya but maybe you can make it…Heirloom ’maters sounds beauteous Lester…keep me posted…I think I planted close to 400 cloves

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