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Thai weed from Thailand

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
@Elmer Bud

hempy said -No one in Thailand would have even thought to preserve seed long term in a fridge or freezer, so for viable seed to still be there from the 70s it would have had to be only a few years old and that line would have had to have been grown fairly consistently since the 70s until now.

I just followed along saying nobody there has probably ever had a fridge (tribes? etc).
Id agree. They would just continue the line at least for cooking or something.

Ive had seeds that I haven't stored properly for like...about 14-16 years and they still pop. Not sure if that means anything though.
In the early 80's - I arrived at several Thai Hill Triibe villages - by elephant - usually being deposited at the 'Head Man's' house - climbing off a moving elephants saddle - then onto the big deck of a house on stilts - up in the air - was perhaps 10 people in all visiting - and the Headman's house is where we would usually crash out - after a long day of riding elephant's thru some of the most awkward terrain - in heavy rain on occasion too -

After canoeing down the Ma Ping river - we mounted elephants - to go visit the Akaa and Luau - Karen and Po-Karen people - different hill tribes -
I didn't see electricity at most of these hill tribe villages - just oil lamps for night time lighting - cooking was done with charcoal -

In our group we had an interesting multi-lingual Hmong fella - called 'The Professor' - small/slightly built man - with a bag full of 'erb and opium - which he sold to us for 10 Baht per pipe or bong - and after a very strenuous/hot day - of sitting on top of an elephant in a pitching and rolling wicker basket - The Professor and his medicament's were very popular -

The only place I saw seeds - was in the weed - they would just plant the seeds they had gathered from the previous harvest - year on year - and that was nearly a half century ago -

Donald Mallard

el duck
Just because you post it don't make it a fact, Wally.
thats true , nor is the case with your posts ,
however , i have tonnes of information and evidence to back it up ,
prem talks about it all the time too as she is in one of the provinces where they were growing thai stick back in the day ,
ive spoken with sam about it also , he concured,
as did the guys who wrote the thai stick book ,
and many many others ,

you were the only guy heading up to chang mai for thai stick,
though theres a great temple up there , lots of elephants ,
and the food is quite nice ,
strawberries from up in the nearby mountains etc ,
ive been there several times , its a good spot to visit for sure ..
but you wouldnt be getting any thai sticks im afraid ..
on the way down the river on a bamboo raft i spotted these girls in the middle of the river ,
once we got close enough , they yelled ,, do u want cold beer , hahah ,
sure why not , what a good service i thought ... lol ..


The Haze Whisperer
I didn't say it would be easy. I've said over and over that it would be hard to find. Just like someone turning up here as a tourist trying to find old varieties. You'd have to know someone or be lucky.

The fact someone did find it suggests it's there, somewhere.
I know of only 2 possibly 3 people here who still grow and have old Thai that dates back to the 70s and not that long ago lots grew Thai here.

Thailand had harsh drug laws and after the exports stopped in 84/85 here and 1983 in the US the market for what was being grown domestically in Thailand dried up, so why would they continue to grow commercial quantity of cannabis if they had no market for it ?

The only cannabis after that was for domestic us, so lots would have started to grow other things then the Laos / Cambodian exports on top and people like KD bringing in Dutch lines and spreading those all threw Thailand finished off what was left.


Active member
@Gypsy Nirvana - That sounds like a movie to me.
I'm kinda scared of elephants so that would be scary enough for me.
Food woulda been pretty cool to watch being prepared.
I wonder if legalization has effected them much?....might do some reading to learn a bit more about them.

A google search and some books I have seem to suggest it originated around Sakhon Nakhon or Phu Phan areas.

I haven't got much on 'mango Thai' but I thought it was from up north....
Humidity must make drying a friggin nightmare up north?
That's what I thought all those Indian and Himalayan sorta things got turned into hashish.

Donald Mallard

el duck
The commercial stuff moved to Laos , they ramped up production ,
when i was there in 2013/14 with eb ,
and the year after too , we got some fairly good quality laos brick,
im sure had we gotten enough seed from there , and grown it well , harvested when mature properly , dried and stored well , it would have been similar to the old thai ,
what they make brick from is poorly handled after harvest , its very commercial , thai stick was much better handled as a result the end product was better,
i suspect the genetics are similar or the same even , or were .. i do have some seed from it somewhere but im not sure it will strike now ...

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
The viability of seed drops extremely fast outside a fridge and would be unviable in a short period of time, and as I said for the old Thai lines to be preserved they would have had to continually grow them since the 70s for them to be still around.

How many do you think did that ?
A lot .
70 odd million folks there . Many beyond the reach of government and law enforcement .

And as far as the racism bizz Greek is an ethnicity not a race . So me translating my post to Greek to assist your understanding could not be rightly labelled as racism .

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
@Gypsy Nirvana - That sounds like a movie to me.
I'm kinda scared of elephants so that would be scary enough for me.
Food woulda been pretty cool to watch being prepared.
I wonder if legalization has effected them much?....might do some reading to learn a bit more about them.

A google search and some books I have seem to suggest it originated around Sakhon Nakhon or Phu Phan areas.

I haven't got much on 'mango Thai' but I thought it was from up north....
Humidity must make drying a friggin nightmare up north?
That's what I thought all those Indian and Himalayan sorta things got turned into hashish.
When you are travelling up a slippery and steep escarpment on an elephant - bouncing around on yer arse in a wicker basket 🧺 - and due to increased respiration the elephant is literally 'blowing chunks' of elephant snot all over you - it kinda takes the romanticism out of the scenario 😀 - but that was the only way to access some of these very remote Northern Thai villages - they had no roads for trucks - where I'd see weed and opium - but not Thai sticks - like I'd seen down south -

Donald Mallard

el duck
Yea its a bit jungly up north ,
with nearby mountains im sure the rainfall is higher ,
the green jungle like i see near where i live seems to suggest this too ...

Out in the north east , udonthani , sakhon nakhon, nong khai etc ,
its so far from the coast and large mountains , there is less rain during the year and mostly only during the monsoon ,
when the monsoon ends , it turns off like a tap ,
allowing cannabis the dry finish it really requires for a good harvest ...
even gets a wee bit nippy during those cooler months into january ,
cold fresh nights , and days up to 30 c still ...

Donald Mallard

el duck
The last time i smoked imported thai in Australia was 1985,
it wasnt on a stick , loose buds called golden buddha,
it was excellent weed , i have fond memories of it ,
ive heard others speak well of it too ..

This is the other golden buddha i last saw ,
its pure gold , 5 tonnes of the stuff ,
previously covered in plaster apparently to hide it until one day some plaster fell off to reveal the golden underneath...



Well-known member
I never saw this post, put a fork in the old Thai Cannabis, seen in Thailand it's done.

This would be like the Champagne region of France pulling up their grape vines and growing hops to produce beer for German tourists.

They have no idea of what they have done.

If they had re produced the old Thai sticks they be cashing in right now and instead of all the excess Californian commercial weed being dumped into Thailand, they be exporting it to them.
The main difference is we have no problem selling champagne to every one in the world when the Thais struggle to sell the old landraces so your analogy makes zero sense.


See the world through a puff of smoke
People have been looking for the old Thai and other old sativas for years on the forums, a bit of reality check is needed on that one if people think they are easily found still.

Seed retailers like the RSC and the LRT and like Zomia have all been selling Thai seed that was sourced from with in Thailand well before any type of law reform was even a thought in Thailand, and how many of those lines that people grew in fact smoked like the old Thais ?

No one in Thailand would have even thought to preserve seed long term in a fridge or freezer, so for viable seed to still be there from the 70s it would have had to be only a few years old and that line would have had to have been grown fairly consistently since the 70s until now.
Pre2010 Mama Thai was really good. Kept you high for 9 hrs. A small reefer was more than enough.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
When you are travelling up a slippery and steep escarpment on an elephant - bouncing around on yer arse in a wicker basket 🧺 - and due to increased respiration the elephant is literally 'blowing chunks' of elephant snot all over you - it kinda takes the romanticism out of the scenario 😀 - but that was the only way to access some of these very remote Northern Thai villages - they had no roads for trucks - where I'd see weed and opium - but not Thai sticks - like I'd seen down south -
If not Thai stick, what was the weed like?


Well-known member
What are you even on about Kro-Manon ?

So you have old 70s Thai to sell to the tourists in Thailand do you, lol
Once again zero argument, the post who prompted your nonsensical analogy states the Thais struggle to sell their old landraces but you would need to visit Thailand to know what's happening there.


The Haze Whisperer
Once again zero argument, the post who prompted your nonsensical analogy states the Thais struggle to sell their old landraces but you would need to visit Thailand to know what's happening there.

They don't have the old Thai lines of the 70s that's the point and if they did, they have no struggle in selling it, trust me on that.

I would bet you have never tried Thai, well good Thai even from the 80s to even have a true understanding of this threads' topic and the discussion happening with in it.

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