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A World On A String

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In my empire of dirt
Premium user
thats the spirit! the secret to outdoor grows is good preparation
is that your friends property you are growing on?
that looks like some decent mulch, how many beds are you doing
do you ever have problems with the wild life munching your crop
hahaha look at you man! even spray painting the gate of your truck! that is pretty cool man
i that an old 4runner in the bg?
there is an old proverb abuot how do you eat a whale
one bite at a time
everything is doable brother, you just have to keep just take one bite at a time
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Jericho Mile

Well-known member
thats the spirit! the secret to outdoor grows is good preparation
is that your friends property you are growing on?
that looks like some decent mulch, how many beds are you doing
do you ever have problems with the wild life munching your crop
hahaha look at you man! even spray painting the gate of your truck! that is pretty cool man
i that an old 4runner in the bg?
there is an old proverb abuot how do you eat a whale
one bite at a time
everything is doable brother, you just have to keep taking this bites
That 4Runner is sick! Mike (ranch owner) built that just for the hunting trips he does. Well…that’s the concept. He hasn’t ever used it for that. Like the ranch…he gets bored and moves on to another project. I’ve never seen him finish anything yet. I just accept him for how he is. I call him 80%er…..gets things no further than 80% complete.

I only come on ICmag when I’m growing. Or when I’m feeling the itch to grow. If you see me on here…it’s because it helps me focus…I like the added pressure of real time documenting. It’s honest. Especially outdoors. Shit can go to ruin quickly. You can be a punk rock star or fuck it all up and look like a kook. I’ve grown a lot of herb plants at this point….documented a lot of grows. I still don’t predict outcomes. I just say : something will happen.

Seeing my spot all overgrown bothered me a couple weeks ago (or whenever it was I started coming down again after probably 9 months of not coming down)….and my ‘22 harvest is not going to last us through ‘26. I like having copious amounts of herb on hand at all times. I still have pounds…and want to continue to have pounds. In ‘22 a friend here fronted me a 1/4 pound just to get me through the grow. I kicked him back the 1/4 at harvest. Pot people looking out for pot people you know. I don’t buy weed. It was the first year New Mexico went rec. My last garden before that was 2018 outdoor in Pine Valley. 2017 was my last year indoor….shut down the perpetual.

A lot of lifting today on top of everything I did on the mountain yesterday. Running that rock up…and all the bar work etc….I’m feeling that shit today.

* the move the rock game…usually I select a rock that has rolled out of place. It’s like a signal. Yesterday I passed the rock by…but knew I was not playing the game square…so I went right back and picked it up. Probably a 20 pounder…teaches me to maintain form. 20 pounds is not heavy until it is. It’s 20 extra pounds on my frame going uphill on rocky single track. It hurts.

** deer, rabbits, caterpillars, grasshoppers, and javelina are the creatures I dealt with last time
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In my empire of dirt
Premium user
yeah that older 4runner looks sick and it still looks like it could still tackle the trails
i had a pathfinder back in the day and it was nice and would go forever and then some
mr.80% is a trap we can all fall into but as long as you have some 50%+ people around thing can get done
right on man and i will be sure to follow your grow no matter how it turns out
20# is a lot of weight and it is especially heavy when its in the form of a rock going uphill
you have javelina out there?! that is f'kn cool
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Well-known member
I’ll soak my beans like normal but I’m not thinking of planting until mid April. Direct sow clusters of beans…see what pops…let grow…make selections down to 1 per spot….cull the rest. I don’t want to fuck around with transplanting and maintaining young plants in bags. Last grow I had 38 in 1 gal bags until mid May. Nope.
That's the way to go. Direkt sowing for the win. Minimal effort as well. Hope it works out for you.

Here is what I found yesterday when out planting the first round of broad beans. We had -1°C this morning.


Jericho Mile

Well-known member
yeah that older 4runner looks sick and it still looks like it could still tackle the trails
i had a pathfinder back in the day and it was nice and would go forever and then some
mr.80% is a trap we can all fall into but as long as you have some 50%+ people around thing can get done
right on man and i will be sure to follow your grow no matter how it turns out
20# is a lot of weight and it is especially heavy when its in the form of a rock going uphill
you have javelina out there?! that is f'kn cool
That 4Runner is modified…a lot has been done. Motor and suspension. Even the grill is off a different year. I’m not a Toyota dude though so I don’t know all the special nuances. Guy has a parts 4Runner that had rolled. Keeps it on a different property with some other “to get to” projects.

But now Mike has a ‘24 Ford Bronco….the old school looking 2 door version….so you know…the 4Runner just sits now while rats chew apart the wires.

I’m stoked he’s learning to fly planes. If it keeps his attention long enough I’m sure Mike will be buying a plane. He tells me he is studying the academics of flying and putting in the air hours. See if he comes through. Definitely has an attention disorder.
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Jericho Mile

Well-known member
That's the way to go. Direkt sowing for the win. Minimal effort as well. Hope it works out for you.

Here is what I found yesterday when out planting the first round of broad beans. We had -1°C this morning.

View attachment 19161141

My last garden in California in 2018 was all direct sow. I used regular seeds that I had made…and just went for it. Everything worked out. I found a f3 Chem DD (Reservoir circa 2007/2008 release…I did the inline breeding into the f3) that I almost culled because I thought it was going to be a male. But it turned out to be a queen of a girl. If I had been continuing my indoor I’d have cloned her.

* because I was a member of a private forum at that time (2016-2022) a lot of those grows are documented there. And on Instagram when I participated on that platform for a while.

Now I’m just documenting here

I love beans. They can just pop up and reward me beyond my expectations.
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In my empire of dirt
Premium user
That 4Runner is modified…a lot has been done. Motor and suspension. Even the grill is off a different year. I’m not a Toyota dude though so I don’t know all the special nuances. Guy has a parts 4Runner that had rolled. Keeps it on a different property with some other “to get to” projects.

But now Mike has a ‘24 Ford Bronco….the old school looking 2 door version….so you know…the 4Runner just sits now while rats chew apart the wires.

I’m stoked he’s learning to fly planes. If it keeps his attention long enough I’m sure Mike will be buying a plane. He tells me he is studying the academics of flying and putting in the air hours. See if he comes through. Definitely has an attention disorder.
yeah you can see its been modded but thats what makes it so sweet!
/beefed up suspension and the motor are good place to start
im not a big gear head wither but i know good stuff when i see it
that is rad he is learning to fly and hopefully he follows through at least enough to get his pilots licence
single engine/twin engine planes are abundant on the used market but who knows and maybe he will buy new
i used to want to own a boat but had a friend who told me to not do it. he said the two best days of your life are going to be the day you buy your boat and the day you sell your boat
best $$$ i never spent
That's the way to go. Direkt sowing for the win. Minimal effort as well. Hope it works out for you.

Here is what I found yesterday when out planting the first round of broad beans. We had -1°C this morning.

View attachment 19161141
we used to call those volunteers! when a mystery sprout would just spring up from the earth
they usually kick ass

Jericho Mile

Well-known member




Today’s session. Got a lot of the weeding done, moved some bricks, removed and bagged up old cardboard that had tape on it… and started spreading the mulch. Back down tomorrow to continue weeding and move more bricks. Real quick…it’s starting to look like a garden again. Pretty sure it’s happy to be getting attention.

I’m right back in

* I need more mulch. It spread…as far as…I anticipated. I want a thick layer.

** work done with hand tools. No weed eater
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In my empire of dirt
Premium user
oh wow man! look at that spread some of the stuff in the pic looks kind of old man (and i say that in the best way)
i bet your spot loving all the attention and i cant wait to see her as she comes together plus you have a lot of plots to work with
she looks like a giving tree
looks ilke you have a lot of the stuff you need on site does but you could always bring in a few more truck loads of mulch
does that windmill work? that would be sweet
how have you amended the soil? in your beds
it would be interesting to see a plant grown in native soil for comparison

are you offering us all a bite of that breakfast burrito? or is that one of those migas things
freakin grinding brother
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Jericho Mile

Well-known member
oh wow man! look at that spread some of the stuff in the pic looks kind of old man (and i say that in the best way)
i bet your spot loving all the attention and i cant wait to see her as she comes together plus you have a lot of plots to work with
she looks like a giving tree
looks ilke you have a lot of the stuff you need on site does but you could always bring in a few more truck loads of mulch
does that windmill work? that would be sweet
how have you amended the soil? in your beds
it would be interesting to see a plant grown in native soil for comparison

are you offering us all a bite of that breakfast burrito? or is that one of those migas things
freakin grinding brother
Never enough mulch. I’ll truck in more. Probably not until the weekend. Talking about the stuff that was put through a chipper by the tree company clearing the power lines. The oak, juniper, and pine duff I can get on the ranch. I make a distinction between mulch and duff. Even though they are the same material…mulch is fresh and duff has broken down already.

Going to modify the footprint too. That will require a lot more mulch and duff. This garden will look more like an L shape. Those two Ponderosa Pines on the West side block too much sun on that end of the garden. Plus it slopes there and retains too much water when the monsoonal downpours happen. I had an issue with it during the ‘22 garden. So…I’m going to put that end farther up the hill…closer to the garage wall. Not sure how much more sun it’ll allow…but it for sure solves the other issue.

This is just the space I have to work with. As I noted previously….it’s not the best place in this property to put a garden. Not a terrible place….but there are better. The Well water tank also blocks the east-south east sun. That windmill is not working. It needs repair. Mike was talking about putting it on Solar….last time I gardened here. Still not done.

Stupid not to have that up and running. He’s fucking up. Could have the entire property irrigated. As it is he’s losing trees. His priorities were never about the land. A shame. There is mistletoe in many of the oaks and junipers. That’s stressing the trees further to the point they’ll die and have to be cut down. I’ve already cut two down for him. There are more that need to go.

Of course the two Ponderosa Pines that are in my way are healthy 😂 I can’t justify talking him into letting me cut those down just for this little garden. Just something I will have to mitigate best I can. Makes more work for me is all.

* our Spring winds are here. They’ve been blowing for days. All kinds of pollens and dust in the winds. My throat is toasted from the dry and various particles…not to mention all the herb I’m smoking. It’s not cold in the sun…the wind is cold and cutting though. I was busting ass yesterday and never even sweated. Besides 40 mph gusts that stand me up….it’s not bad weather to be working in.

I’m legitimately just waiting for the fires to start breaking. Crews come on March 10th. We’re already in conditions. I’m busting out this work before the inevitable happens and I don’t have the time to work on it. So far so good. It’s coming together fast. Still a lot to do to get it ready for planting but if I can get it weeded and mulched in the next week I’m within striking distance.

** wife made me a couple breakfast burritos so I could plow through all that had to be done yesterday. I don’t take a lot of breaks when doing this kind of work. Always about setting it up for the next session. Today I’ll go in and start with the heavy work of moving bricks….then back to digging out the weeds. Pretty simple.
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Jericho Mile

Well-known member

^ opened this up. In 2022 I dumped a lot of what I dug out of the grow holes up here. So basically there’s about a 4-6” layer of soil that until 3 years ago…was underground a couple feet.



^ How I left it for the day. Next step will be to mulch it heavy. Then outline the bed concept in cinder blocks and log rounds. Then backfill the design with forest duff.

I’m mulching everything I clear. Walk ways will all have the same cushion of mulch. As long as I have access to that freshly chipped mulch I will feast on it…and spread it everywhere.

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Jericho Mile

Well-known member
Aloha to you too. I’m surprised 😮 how good it feels to get polite recognition. Even on the internet! Thank you.

Peace and happiness to you and yours, Jeff

My sinuses and throat are shot out from dry winds and all the desert dusts and pollens. I’m not moving duff/mulch or raking anything today. Last night was a rough night of sleep. In bed at 6:30 P.M. slept a few hours to 10…up an hour…slept to 3:00….up an hour or so…slept to 7. Up
for the day. Days of this labor…and although I know what I need to do next and have the materials…I’m not even looking at it today.


^ Good day not to do anything much outside. I was planning on heading into the mountains and running….but this gray chilly sky…told me to fuck off 😂 I’ve got the basic pre wind event pressure headache that I get when the ions are going to start bouncing in an unstable manner….not smoking my typical morning wakey bakey because my throat is so wasted (didn’t smoke at all yesterday for same reason)….nose so dry it’ll bleed …etc

Not making excuses man…but that’s why I work in binges…I blast out stuff while the blasting is good. When it’s not…and I have the option…I find something else to work on. There is method to my madness. Or I will tell you there is anyway. Somehow I manage to pull it off. My life is somewhat productive….and I’ve never not pulled in a rewarding outdoor crop. Through sheer will

I’ve never been diagnosed with a compulsive disorder but sometimes it gets to the point of mania. A mania that has some downsides but one that causes no harm to anyone and one that I actually embrace and make work for me. Mania or intense focus (whatever) with a willingness to suffer through the downsides is just how I go through the curtains. Probably why I’m so dedicated to my health/mountain running….dedicated gardener…dedicated to my art stuff….can have 3 or 4 books going at the same time etc etc

There is a lot of that in this thread if I look back. The running and gardening parallel each other…18 years of this madness…the art stuff is recent years…I’d really have to think about it to figure out how that started…but I sure as shit went off the deep end into it…self expression is self expression with or without talent. This thread has many gaps….some gaps are years long…but the thing has never gone away. Documented here or somewhere else or not at all.

Pot forums are a funny place to keep tabs on yourself….to record a period of time. There’s been a shit ton of plants…a shit ton of seeds….a shit ton of runs through deserts and mountains…wild adventures and times…gains and losses

I am random. Solid though. Shit gets done. 😂

Fuck it


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
that could have been the storm that passed by the other day, short lived but it was super windy
we had rain again last yesterday and its supposed to rain off and on all weekend
not was windy and the first storm but this one brought the cold air with it
those look like some nice sized plots, about how many plants to put put in each grid square
i get that way too where when i sink my teeth into something i go all out
hahah i also read more than one book at a time
what are you reading right now?
i am rereading hannah tinti the good thief and a friend said she has a bunch of books i can go through before she donates them
i actually know that area of new mexico pretty well and pass through there a few times a year
the 10 is an easy peasy way to roll east and like i said, i just like the desert

i have a silverado too, they are nice trucks

Jericho Mile

Well-known member
that could have been the storm that passed by the other day, short lived but it was super windy
we had rain again last yesterday and its supposed to rain off and on all weekend
not was windy and the first storm but this one brought the cold air with it
those look like some nice sized plots, about how many plants to put put in each grid square
i get that way too where when i sink my teeth into something i go all out
hahah i also read more than one book at a time
what are you reading right now?
i am rereading hannah tinti the good thief and a friend said she has a bunch of books i can go through before she donates them
i actually know that area of new mexico pretty well and pass through there a few times a year
the 10 is an easy peasy way to roll east and like i said, i just like the desert

i have a silverado too, they are nice trucks
View attachment 19162907

This weather is sucking and blowing. No precipitation with it just cold wind and grit. A loud day. And I feel like junk.

I’m not going to grow more than 12 plants. Probably do my typical scrog on at least one of the plots…haven’t gotten that far along in planning yet. Right now it’s all prep work. I’m not going to have all kinds of time to deal with it during the grow season. The less maintenance requirements the better. Not going to nurse it much.

I just finished up all those library books I got out…on the Mimbrẽnos pottery and the Apache Chief...Mangas Coloradas. Returned those. Haven’t started anything else. Thinking about rereading Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy….a disturbingly heavy read. If you have never read that…can’t say I’d recommend it. It’s ugly. Not a feel good story. Some of it takes place around here…Santa Rita Del Cobre

I read it in a 2 day binge and then started rereading it immediately after…about 4 months ago. But only because I needed to understand what I’d just read. I keep going back to it though….I’d consider it a masterpiece of art.

I drive a Ford Ranger. My wife has the Silverado. Bought it new. It’s hauled a lot of firewood, rock, mulch, and about everything else. Those 5.3 motors are solid. Good truck. Can’t say anything thing bad about it unless you have to work on it. Then it’s just a pain in the ass. Engineered to make it difficult.

The 10….about 40some miles below us here. That section is notorious for dust outs. Like the one last week. Big pile up that took all day to clear. Going into El Paso the 10 is almost always under repairs…don’t enjoy that piece…but there are easy ways to bypass it. I usually only drive it during summer for work. I wouldn’t want to be on it today.

I’d say I’m chilling today. Not really though. Just lagging because my sinuses and throat are so tore up. My energy is low ball.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
my bil actually gave that truck, one day we were talking and he said he was going to junk it for $2500
i said i would give him $2500 for it and he said all i need to do i come out and pick it up and i could have it for free
its a good full sized pickup with just enough moxy for off road
we all have those low ball days man and you just ride them out
when i go east its the 10 to the 40 usually
the trick is to get out of california asap and enjoy the cheap gas you get in every other state but here
im glad we got at least some rain out of this last storm but this looks like a dry season for sure
anything you can do to make things easier for you outdoors is golden and a lot of it is in the prep work
cant wait to see this project come together
My sinuses and throat are shot out from dry winds and all the desert dusts and pollens. I’m not moving duff/mulch or raking anything today. Last night was a rough night of sleep. In bed at 6:30 P.M. slept a few hours to 10…up an hour…slept to 3:00….up an hour or so…slept to 7. Up
for the day. Days of this labor…and although I know what I need to do next and have the materials…I’m not even looking at it today.

View attachment 19162808

^ Good day not to do anything much outside. I was planning on heading into the mountains and running….but this gray chilly sky…told me to fuck off 😂 I’ve got the basic pre wind event pressure headache that I get when the ions are going to start bouncing in an unstable manner….not smoking my typical morning wakey bakey because my throat is so wasted (didn’t smoke at all yesterday for same reason)….nose so dry it’ll bleed …etc

Not making excuses man…but that’s why I work in binges…I blast out stuff while the blasting is good. When it’s not…and I have the option…I find something else to work on. There is method to my madness. Or I will tell you there is anyway. Somehow I manage to pull it off. My life is somewhat productive….and I’ve never not pulled in a rewarding outdoor crop. Through sheer will

I’ve never been diagnosed with a compulsive disorder but sometimes it gets to the point of mania. A mania that has some downsides but one that causes no harm to anyone and one that I actually embrace and make work for me. Mania or intense focus (whatever) with a willingness to suffer through the downsides is just how I go through the curtains. Probably why I’m so dedicated to my health/mountain running….dedicated gardener…dedicated to my art stuff….can have 3 or 4 books going at the same time etc etc

There is a lot of that in this thread if I look back. The running and gardening parallel each other…18 years of this madness…the art stuff is recent years…I’d really have to think about it to figure out how that started…but I sure as shit went off the deep end into it…self expression is self expression with or without talent. This thread has many gaps….some gaps are years long…but the thing has never gone away. Documented here or somewhere else or not at all.

Pot forums are a funny place to keep tabs on yourself….to record a period of time. There’s been a shit ton of plants…a shit ton of seeds….a shit ton of runs through deserts and mountains…wild adventures and times…gains and losses

I am random. Solid though. Shit gets done. 😂

Fuck it

Please excuse, but…
Retired RRT & old habits, etc
Remember to protect your runner’s lungs when working in dust. Any exam mask is helpful. Don’t need fancy to filter dust.

Now , back to your regularly scheduled program…