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El Quijote

Well-known member
Haze x Kali china ,después de 14 días sin parar de llover fuertes vientos y granizadas y aprovechando que no llueve hoy aproveche para cortar algunas ramas, encontré dos ramitas pequeñas con moho nada grave teniendo en cuenta la meteorología, esta variedad debería de tener premios solo por la resistencia a la lluvia y el viento y granizo la planta más resistente que cultive en 20 años es increíble ninguna rama rota por el aire llegando a picos de viento de 130 kilómetros por hora, flores de tamaño pequeño a mediano muy compacta y pesadas las flores, nada aireadas las flores teniendo en cuenta que es una sativa desde mi punto de vista pura ya que no encuentro nada de indica en mi fenotipo, el olor es a vino tinto dulce con matices agridulces, me recuerda a un vino tinto dulce que compraba en Alemania denominación de orígenen Valencia, con tapon de corcho 😁😁 ese olor me recuerda , las flores tienen un color muy chulo entre lila y verde ramas muy largas y que estoy deseando de que este curada para probarla no puedo aguantar mas para probarla😋😋


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Congrats on your Haze x Kali China harvests guys. I'm drooling over here looking at your pics imaging the terpenes and energies coming from your beautiful flowers.

Lovely final budshots Ur Humbl Nr8tor Haze x Kali China is probably my favorite Purple Haze hybrid with Oldtimer's Haze up to date, and such colorful phenos are also my favorite expressions of this strain, so i'm eager to know your opinion about your harvest. Red wine and incensey scented Purple Haze -Kali China buds is for sure my cup of tea for autumn afternoons like this one.

Glad your Haze x Kali China yielded so well flylowgethigh :) and that you are satisfied with the performance of the genetics.
Thanks to you for supporting our work. Please, let us know your opinion after curing.

una alegría saber ha aguantado como una campeona tantas semanas de mal tiempo seguidas El Quijote:dance013:
Vino tinto de Valencia y agridulces de comida china: muy buena manera de describir esta variedad :D :yes:

A joy to know she survived after so many weeks of rains, wind and hail El Quijote
Red wine from Valencia, and sweet and sours of Chinese food is a good way to describe the terpenes of this strain.

Enjoy your well deserved harvest friends! ;)

Ur Humbl Nr8tor

Well-known member
Click image for larger version  Name:	image_2088579.jpg Views:	3 Size:	217.0 KB ID:	17994051
Thanks so much, dubi. My friends got a cut of my plant and his got a lot more sun on the coast, so a bit more dense. He came over tonight to play some music. Harvested much earlier than I did (along with the Panama Haze plant I gave him). Not a great dry/cure, but we had a small joint after the Panama Haze. The incense is pronounced even without a proper cure. I can’t wait for mine being babied in jars. Where the Panama Haze just smells ripe of amazing old school sinsemilla, the Haze x KC was just perfumery and bright and warm. Panama Haze on left and Haze x KC on right.

Ur Humbl Nr8tor

Well-known member
Click image for larger version  Name:	CB036F57-BEA1-4FD2-B95D-EAC9E7711906.jpeg Views:	1 Size:	132.1 KB ID:	17994084

My small plant is fairly trimmed. Finishing its dry in a paper bag. Then into a jar in a few more days. The incense is intense. There is also a rubbery purple fruit eraser smell. I’m guessing as this cures, it will turn very exotic. I will keep a few buds for joints, but as it is fairly leaf/hash plant like, I’m very interested in dry sieving some as well.

El Quijote

Well-known member
Buenas tardes ,no pude con la tentación y decidi probar la haze x Kali China, probé las flores más diminutas tipo pelusilla, solo tiene 5 días de secado, el olor en seco es especiado y hachis conforme se está secando esta desapareciendo el olor a vino tinto, el sabor es impresionante es puro incienso de hachis Asin lo definió de momento y no hay sabor a clorofila, será por el color lila de las flores??aún que es demasiado pronto para que se definen todos los sabores, el sabor es puro hachis inciensado, se parece mucho a esos hachises antiguos y que llegaba a España con cuentagotas tipo Sputnik o doble cero crema crema, y cuando la fumo no parece marihuana es como fumar hachis tipo Sputnik y con notas a especies, este tipo de incienso nunca lo había probado no es el incienso de la Kali Mist o jack herrer y derivados holandeses, aun es pronto para hacer una valoración más precisa, mi fenotipo o individuo es muy potente darle 4 caladas a un porro mitad tabaco mitad flores pequeñas y estaba sudando toda la frente y la cabeza esto no me pasa con todas las variedades con lo cual me da de pensar que esta variedad supera el 18% de tch , el porro que me fume me dejó colocado por unas cuantas horas sin ganas de fumar, es de esas variedades que les das cuatro caladas y estas unas hora colocado sin terminar el porro, me encantó el efecto y el sabor y insisto que es muy pronto para hacer una valoracion precisa pero no pude esperar más a probarla.


ACE Seeds Breeder
so glad you are already enjoying so much with your incensey Haze x Kali China flowers El Quijote and Ur Humbl Nr8tor!
This hybrid was bred for that: to delight Haze incense lovers :huggy:

Voy a traducir tu post El Quijote porque no tiene desperdicio ;) Me alegro te estén gustando e impresionando tanto los terpenos incensados de esta variedad, tiene muchos distintos matices y complejidades que necesitan de 2-3 meses de buen curado para mostrarse en todo su potencial y detalle. Será interesante saber tu opinión de como se compara con Panama x Bangi Haze que también suele ser muy incensada.

So glad you so impressed and enjoying so much with the incensey terps of this strain El Quijote, it has many different details and complexities that need 2-3 months of good curing to show all its potential. It will be interesting to know your opinion of how does Haze x Kali China compare with your Panama x Bangi Haze since both are usually very incensey.

Good afternoon, I could not resist the temptation and decided to try my Haze x Kali China. I tried the tiniest fluff-type flowers, it only has 5 days of drying since harvest, the dry smell is spicy and hashish-like as it is drying, the smell of red wine disappears. The flavor is impressive: it is pure hashish incense.

There is no chlorophyll flavor, maybe because the purple colores of the flowers ?? even though it is too early for all the flavors to be defined, the flavor is pure Incense hashish, it looks a lot like those old hashish that arrived in Spain with a Sputnik-type dropper or double zero cream cream, and when I smoke it it doesn't seem like marijuana, it's like smoking Sputnik-type hashish and with notes of spices. It is not the incense of Kali Mist or Jack Herer and Dutch derivatives.

It is still too early to make a more precise assessment, my phenotype or individual is very powerful, just need to take 4 puffs on a joint (half tobacco, half small flowers) and i already start sweating all over my forehead, this does not happen to me with all the strains, which makes me think that this variety exceeds 18% THC, the joint that I smoked left me in place for a few hours without wanting to smoke more. It is one of those varieties that you take four puffs and you are sitting for a few hours without finishing the joint. I loved the effect and the flavor and I insist that it is too early to make an accurate assessment but I could not wait any longer to try it.

El Quijote

Well-known member
Si es especial me encanto ese regusto al Final en boca a vino dulce y cuando este curada con más de 3 meses debe de ser extremadamente deliciosa,es una pasada está variedad mereció mucho la pena el espacio ocupado por ella, es ese mismo espacio me entraba las dos bangis haze sobradamente, además de lo dura y fuerte que es por todo lo que aguanto de mal tiempo que no fue poco me dejó impresionado, si estoy deseando de que este bien curada para ver los tipos de incienso entre haze x kali China y Panamá x bangi haze 😋😋

El Quijote

Well-known member
y una cosa que me gustaría hacer con vuestro permiso dubi es hacer un post Comentando, hablando y comparando las experiencias de ace seeds muy positivamente y animar a la gente como yo que es el primer año que pruebo vuestras variedades , me quedé súper impresiónado cuando siembras una variedad f1 como haze x kali China y ves como explota en crecimiento, cero plagas , extremadamente dura a las lluvias y al fuerte viento y una vez que comienza la floración es rápida, yo esto nunca lo vi esto en mis cultivo anteriores,con los mismos parámetros sol mismas macetas, mismas horas de sol etc etc, con lo cual me da de pensar que muchos supuestos bancos de semillas a los que yo probaba cada año no son f1 y mucho menos f2 por qué no eran vigorosas , solian cojer plagas, y que no lloviera 3 días que cojian todas moho , sin hablar de falsas descripciónes ejemplo producción por metro cuadrado, ejemplo crecerán de 3 a 4 metros y no pasaban de los 2 metros, por eso este año muy seguramente fue mi mejor Cultivo en unos 20 años de cultivo, en crecimiento en floración, sabores, olores, colores en rendimiento, en todo en general por eso que me Quito en sombrero y estoy muy agradecido de estas variedades y sobre todo de estos trabajos de preservación y selección del equipo de ace seeds tengo muchísimo más que contar y todo muy positivo con muchas agradables sorpresas que me llevado este año con vuestras variedasdes por eso estaba pensando en hacer un post con vuestro permiso :smoker::rasta:

El Quijote

Well-known member
Espacio patrocinado por ACE seeds y haze x kali China :yummy::yummy: hoy empieza su curado impresionante la producción de esta preciosa F1 cogollos pequeño a medianos muy compactos y pesados y muy resinados algunas ramas median más de un metro produciendo más de 20 gramos por rama y de cada rama tenía más de 8 o 9 ramitas cargadas en la misma rama de cogollitos una pasada, y el olor y sabor es único incienso hachis vino tinto dulce fruta tropical y no está curada aún ,se convirtió en mi variedad favorita deliciosa, cuando fumas en una habitación cerrada y sales de la habitación por unos minutos y regresas el olor es Mmmmm delicioso incienso puro de hachis y fruta y más cosas deliciosas, no entiendo como no conocí esta variedad mucho antes bueno pronto preparare un informe de humo pasados unos meses 🥰🥰.
Space sponsored by ACE seeds and haze x kali China :yummy:,today begins its impressive curing, the production of this beautiful F1 small to medium buds, very compact and heavy and highly resinated, some branches are more than one meter long, producing more than 20 grams per branch and for each branch. it had more than 8 or 9 twigs loaded on the same branch of florets one pass, and the smell and taste is unique incense hashish red wine sweet tropical fruit and it is not cured yet, it became my favorite delicious variety, when you smoke in a closed room and you leave the room for a few minutes and come back the smell is Mmmmm delicious pure incense of hashish and fruit and more delicious things, I do not understand how I did not know this variety long before well soon I will prepare a smoke report after a few months🥰


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ACE Seeds Breeder
So touching El Quijote :dance013:Enjoy, well deserved! It has been a pleasure to follow your grow diary and see such good results and appreciation for this F1... if you are into exotic, incensey Hazes and incensey sativas this one and Thai Chi are :kiss:


K+ vibes
Nice write up, how long did they flower for? Sounds like a gem, I am popping some of these soon finally...Hoping to find some of that mesmerizing incense to puff on for 2022.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I think I pulled about 4-500gr off that one HCK. It is a big yielder, and right now my favorite jar to smoke. I like it better than the KA5H.

Edit: It is getting better with the cure. Buds are hardening up nicely.
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El Quijote

Well-known member
Nice write up, how long did they flower for? Sounds like a gem, I am popping some of these soon finally...Hoping to find some of that mesmerizing incense to puff on for 2022.

I, outdoors, the harvest in mid-November is perfect considering it is an almost pure sativa, as well as a very strong, healthy F1, and extremely in bad weather.

El Quijote

Well-known member
So touching El Quijote :dance013:Enjoy, well deserved! It has been a pleasure to follow your grow diary and see such good results and appreciation for this F1... if you are into exotic, incensey Hazes and incensey sativas this one and Thai Chi are :kiss:

Muchas gracias dubi :), no me había fijado bien el Thai chi y ahora me fije en la descripción madre mia conté más de 12 sabores en el bouquet debe de ser una auténtica explosión de sabores y parece deliciosa se me hace la boca agua solo de pensarlo, y se va para finales de octubre muy interesante ,también me fije en lo de vigor extremo de F1 ,debe ser ser más alta que haze x Kali China por lo de vigor extremo ;):plant grow:saludos y felices fiestas a todos :thanks::xmasnut:​​​​


ACE Seeds Breeder
Happy to hear she is already the favorite in da house flylowgethigh :D Enjoy!

El Quijote si te gusta la Haze x Kali China prueba Thai Chi el próximo año que no te defraudará ;) Felices fiestas!

Ur Humbl Nr8tor

Well-known member

I’ve now sampled the Haze x KC from my own grow. First of the Ace 2021 reports. Bong load on Saturday before playing some music and it sent me to another bands camp for about 45 minutes.

Tonight my buddy and I rolled the joint in picture. That’s how much we actually smoked (or didn’t) in a few hours of music around steak potatoes and red wine. 2 months cure. She goes brown in the jar quickly, maybe because of a late harvest. The high is absolutely no joke. It hits smooth as can be with a grey ash. Smell is old school hazy in the grinder, she leaves the same sort of aromas of very kind old sativa smoke. It hits your head hard. We smoked the entirety of a blueberry joint from Canada a couple of days ago. The sort of tasty warm pot you could smoke more and more of without really throttling the buzz. Haze x KC. Two puffs (or the one bong from Saturday), she comes on in a heat wave. Am I in menopause? I felt it as a flush. Sweat beads, but not going cold like some extreme hazes do. My buddy just grins and says it’s an immediate head ripper. This one warms my face and then moves into my heart. Just taking another drag as I type. She’s nearly right as rain at the 2 month mark. Maybe a little improvement with another few weeks in the jar. It really is a body effect into my lungs and that little bit of indica would go along way in positively effecting those accustomed to the dispensary stone. But it will still leave them anxious to be throttled.

Where she is amazing is the hits keep bringing more positive effect. Mild goes to moderate to heavy upper body euphoria. The brain is there from inception. I’m hours in from the first hits and there is no real down effects. Might not be best if I didn’t plan to be up for a few more hours. One more puff…a few beers seem to be no contributing factor. She is clearly in control. After a few more hits than I took earlier, she’s a real pleaser in my cerebellum. I can though, sort of see the end of her extremely positive effects in my current session. So maybe not ceiling-less, but she’s going to take you just about all the way there.

Yeah, if your uncle or cousin or anyone with a few grey hairs comes over, they’re going to take a whiff of the air and smile. There’s no church or Frankie or anything else quite like those aromas in this particular sample, but there is an absolute bright, wood, herbal (not acrid at all) incense (like sandalwood). It is a smell of an Eastern Sierra scrub, hot fall at about 2500M. The sun beating down on the few evergreens and plants still hanging around. The effect is nearly as bright and is absolutely A++. Yield if I were to do her right in the grove would be pretty damn ridiculous. Not sure with indoors. Chunky. She’s currently on top of the leaderboard this year being she’s all that I’ve smoked from the new crops so far. Bar set high yet?

and add another puff or two. Finally wrapping up the joint to my head. Oh no, I’m not. I’ve had many more puffs and the joint is just turning into a resin torch. I light, inhale, exhale clouds and the joint seems no further diminished. Is it the resin kicking? The KC adds a real kind plus to that purple haze plant, dubi. Somehow makes it less introspective and more warm and social and then if it also might yield well indoors!!!


ACE Seeds Breeder
you nailed it Ur Humbl Nr8tor friend, couldn't have said it better :angelshug:
Thank you so much for the awesome smoke report, glad you are enjoying there with friends and with inspiring herbs ;)

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