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Plant Based Diet


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I'm in my late 50s and have a family history of heart disease, prostate and bowel cancer. I need to have things like cholesterol and blood tests for prostate cancer every year. Colonoscopy every 3 years. Cholesterol had been slowly increasing to the point where my dr wanted me on statin medication. Also my markers for prostate cancer had started to increase.

Long story short, I did a bit of research and started incorporating more vegetables and legumes into my diet, whilst reducing dairy and meat. I was only really eating meat when I was out. Anyway the dangerous blood markers started going down, Dr was pleased and remarked that I seemed to be getting younger.

Following this I decided to go fully plant based. I did this sensibly, read a lot. I supplement with B12 and sometimes with Omega 3s, although I try to get Omega 3 from diet (difficult as a vegan).

I have been doing this for nearly a year now. Blood tests are great and I feel pretty good. Certainly have a lot of energy and am pretty fit for my age. The only unhealthy thing I do is drink beer and wine (I plead Australian). Anyone else follow this sort of diet?


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
mostly...i still do dairy and eggs...and occasionally fish or chicken...so not really at all! lol

but seriously,mainly my diet is plant based...i don't own a car so i ride a bike everywhere,and it also happens to be my major source of recreation...and since i often go for 5-6 hour rides on those days i do usually have chicken or fish,mostly because plant based foods aren't calorically dense enough to replace burning an extra 4-5000 calories burned...


Seed Whore
In case you didn't know, Canola is grown for most of the Omega acid oils sold today. ;)

But you need to find the cold-pressed version which is more expensive than regular Canola oil.

The health benefits of cold-pressed canola oil


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
yeah,my religion forbids me to not use butter and milk is crucial for proper coffee for me...soy milk is rancid in coffee....soy cheese is awful...

and plus i don't have the time to tell everyone all about my vegan diet without being asked and carrying a soapbox around on a bike is tough! lol


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I have had MDs tell me that alkalinity will thwart cancer, so I add some bakng soda to my water. It prevents reflux, and I bet is good for the teeth.

As for plants, lacking some of the goodness from spinach (or beets) and other greens, is bad for an old guy like me. Nitric oxide in blood vessel walls drops from not having the minerals.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Uncle, I sometimes lurk in your guide to fishsticks thread and am well aware of your mountain biking feats! There are some endurance athletes that are fully plant based, but you'd probably need a bit of planning if you went that route. I don't think having the occasional meat or dairy is that bad for you. In fact I've thought of incorporating fish a few times a week, but right now things are working well for me, health wise. I do a 10km hike most weekends, bodyweight exercises a few times a week and a brisk walk or bike ride almost every day.

Troutman thanks for the good oil info. I will look into that. Do you eat trout btw?

Also, I do occasionally go vegetarian if I am out and there isn't a great vegan dish on the menu. I'm not welded on to my choice, but it seems to be working great so far.


Seed Whore
Troutman thanks for the good oil info. I will look into that. Do you eat trout btw?

Also, I do occasionally go vegetarian if I am out and there isn't a great vegan dish on the menu. I'm not welded on to my choice, but it seems to be working great so far.

Yes, I also raised some trout fingerlings this Spring from eggs I purchased in January to create a secret mountain lake fishing spot. :dance013:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yes, I also raised some trout fingerlings this Spring from eggs I purchased in January to create a secret mountain lake fishing spot. :dance013:
Sounds great, and you probably couldn't find healthier fish.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Uncle, I sometimes lurk in your guide to fishsticks thread and am well aware of your mountain biking feats! There are some endurance athletes that are fully plant based, but you'd probably need a bit of planning if you went that route. I don't think having the occasional meat or dairy is that bad for you. In fact I've thought of incorporating fish a few times a week, but right now things are working well for me, health wise. I do a 10km hike most weekends, bodyweight exercises a few times a week and a brisk walk or bike ride almost every day.

Troutman thanks for the good oil info. I will look into that. Do you eat trout btw?

Also, I do occasionally go vegetarian if I am out and there isn't a great vegan dish on the menu. I'm not welded on to my choice, but it seems to be working great so far.

a 5 hour bike ride takes 5 hours of cooking and eating to recover from...not to mention rehydrating

Green Squall

Well-known member
I've dabbled. Plagued with gut problems, I spent 8 months on a whole foods, plant based diet that was high carb, low fat. Lots of potatoes, squash and every other vegetable you can think of. Fruit, too and certain grains like quinoa and oats, but not wheat. Beans and legumes were consumed in moderation. My favorite thing I discovered during this time was dates! My god, natures caramel!

Its definitely an incredibly healthy diet, but its take a lot of planning, discipline and prep work. Maybe adding wild fish a couple times a week might make it easier and you wouldn't have to sup with B12?

Its also important to track your nutrients and calories. I would suggest using Cronometer to make sure you're getting what you need.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Ah yes, the gut. I used to have a constantly churning gut and was on medication for a while. No more problems. I eat fermented foods like kimchi or miso a couple of times a week and I understand that fibre helps maintain beneficial gut microbes.

Thanks for the tip on the Chronometer. I might get the app, although as I said, I have done a lot of reading and pretty much have things going along pretty well now.

I also limit processed foods. I rarely eat any of the vege meat substitutes. The most processed foods i eat would be bread (rye or wholemeal), pasta, occasional tofu and tempeh. I eat a lot of brown rice and barley.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Yes I have eaten different foods or tried different diets and plant based is healthier. unclefishstick says some unusual things like religion requiring butter or milk with coffee and ten hours for a bicycle ride neither of which I share. I'm 36 now and have tried kool aid ramen donuts and processed foods. Leafy greens and less or uncooked foods digest better vegan is certainly healthier. I knew a doctor who tried eating vegan now passed away. Unsure how to describe the story because there will be two or three medical doctors who may or may not be drug addicts of what they are selling who tried vegan dieting as maybe a way to reverse a lifetime of living less well or a popular new thing to try. Is a pharmacist a drug user and salesperson at the same time and is this why so many people do not like seeing doctors and why there are so many illicit drug addicts in public not sure of relation. Please have a look at Forks Over Knives and Plant Pure Nation. The thing becomes something, where I am not intentionally asking people in public or wearing a shirt everywhere I go although it is true there are some unspoken things people go or live by like if you do not grow cows or pigs you are not allowed in the state of Texas Oklahoma Missouri or Ohio. I have been alive long enough now to understand and realize that a plant based diet works better for the human body for me at least. It is another subject whether someone is allowed to, can smoke shisha from if it is a great idea. Similar to a helmet law where you are not very bright to be riding a motorcycle with no helmet if you want to that is not saying much. No offense intended to anyone else it is true that eating whole foods plant based feels better more energy. Drinking enough water or even filtered water compared to tap may be an improvement for many people. I could go on and on you do not see anyone hundreds of pounds overweight on a scooter saying they stick to green beans and carrots. Also you do not see anyone saying they have pale skin tired all of the time because they eat only vegetables. There was a physiology professor in a class I had on about heme protein being the best and runners need protein because the blood cells are broken when your feet hit the ground. Well whatever that guy was talking about there is plenty of iron and calcium in almonds and cabbage with no animal cholesterol zero. So it goes in life what is what depends on how you look at it or who you are asking. A statistics professor will say to you that statistics can say anything so what does that tell you. One showed us in class a student flipped a coin seven times and the same side every time. Nobody in the class realized or openly said something, instead he explained to us it was on purpose he set it up that way. The person we all thought was flipping the coin was cooperating. And he probably teaches the same class every time watching students look at a quarter land on heads or tails seven times in a row without someone speaking up. Thankfully I do not have lupus or intestine issues I know of that necessarily require a special diet. At a time you can begin to tell yourself if not with others for example someone who does yoga is not eating the same as someone lifting weights. This doctor funded by dairy meaning cow industry testing people for cholesterol finds statin causes myopathy. So in a building three experts nutritionist nucleic acid molecule and the guy sponsored by industry with titles and salary. Was not interested in a bag of cash in my career or life and when someone wants to go to a restaurant and talk about what kind of car they have it does not work. If feeding livestock crushed up rocks raises their mineral content what do you think will work better sprinkling it on your cereal or by itself?


Well-known member
After years of trying this or that type of 'diet' and failing miserably, I landed upon a low carb life style that works excellently for my metabolism and remaining body requirements.

High in healthy non hydrolyzed animal fats, moderate protein, low carbohydrates.
I take in approx. 10 T fats, 12 oz. animal based protein and keep my carbs around 20 gr. daily.
I do use coconut oil sparingly and to ensure I get ample AND balanced Omega's, I take 1 T Hemp oil per day.

Essential Fats and Omegas: All About Omegas
"Fatty acids are the basic building blocks and the main nutritional component of fats. The body requires about twenty fatty acids in order to live and operate. It can make all but two of these: linolenic and linoleic. These two are called “essential fatty acids” (EFAs) because they are essential fats for life and health. However, the human body cannot make these substances; they can be supplied only by food or supplements. Essential fats occur mostly in seafood and plant foods, with only trace amounts found in meat."

IDK about Dr. Sears but the info is; as I have researched, to be accurate.

Our gov't lied to us (again) by demonizing healthy fats. Fat/ oils are brain food. Fat doesn't make ya fat and unhealthy... SUGAR DOES! :O
They took out the healthy fats and replaced it with sugars.

What I discovered is that carbohydrates are all converted to SUGAR (glucose) and I am excessively sensitive to carbs. If I begin allowing myself excessive carbs, I feel sluggish. My mind begins to get fuddled, I sleep like crap, am agitated and begin to gain weight quickly. The worst 'side effect' to carbs for me is the fecking addictive behavior. Every time I exceed a lower carb goal for an extended period then cut back... I find myself repeatedly foraging when not actually hungry before realizing I am seeking out sugar, sigh.

Sugar/ carbohydrates are addictive and our gov't knows this indisputable fact full and well

My blood work has been the best it's been in at minimum 15yrs. I know this as I keep my own medical records for reference.
I was to the point 1.5 yrs ago that my doc wanted to place me on bp meds and statins for cholesterol. No need now. She was quite impressed as my labs keep coming in so excellent.
I eat on average, 8-12 eggs weekly too!
My protein source otherwise is mostly Beef.

I am of the opinion that each of us are chemically different and need to find a nutritional lifestyle that suits our needs.
There is no "one size fits all" way to approach healthy eating, it is individual.

The word "diet" has been abused as it simply means; lifestyle. It has been terribly twisted to lead folks to the newest crash diet fad (and products... buy, buy, buy!).

Finding an eating style that suits each of us individually and is easily maintained achieves a higher rate of adherence.

Please do your research folks and then, research again (and again). I fell for all those "fad" diet ideas over the years and I am certain that much of my health issues during those times were a result of poor information and following a lifestyle not suited to my personal body requirements.

IMHO any lifestyle that is excessively restrictive cannot be healthy for our mind, body or soul/ spirit.


Well-known member
a 5 hour bike ride takes 5 hours of cooking and eating to recover from...not to mention rehydrating

True that but the glow that you get from the ride will ride last longer.
For the folks that think that one can not carry much muscle with a plant based diet remember gorillas are vegetarians JS.


Well-known member
@imiubu - what you have written is exactly what i have found for myself. i gave up sugar for a month 2 years ago, followed by processed foods ... switching to ketones to fuel the mitochondria. lo carb, healthy fat is my nutrition for the last two years. lost 20% visceral fat, from a tight 35 to a loose 32 waist size. whole food has very few calories - i never have to count or be concerned.

i work out every other day now (at 72), with 30 minutes of body weight exercise (for the last 7 years) and 30 minutes of aerobics (for the last 38 years). i'm in the best health and shape of my life.

i love having finally figured out the nutrition aspect of living. it is not hard - just ignore the propaganda and lies.