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High Grade Vintage Cannabis photography


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
This is a very good thread...please,keep it civil :)

Red & Gold + blue/turquoise highlights...vintage cannabis?? :D


Farmer John

Old and in the way.
I'd smoke that. :D Amazing how well-preserved it looks...
2 pounds of 2700 year old cannabis was excavated from a burial tomb in the Gobi desert recently.
Actual pictures

Fig. 2. Photomicrographs of ancient cannabis. (A) Photograph of the whole cannabis sample being transferred in laminar flow hood. (B) Photomicrograph of leaf fragment at low power displaying non-glandular and amber sessile glandular trichomes. Note retention of chlorophyll and green colour, scale bar=100 µm. (C) Higher power photomicrograph of a single sessile glandular trichome. At least 4 of its 8 secretory cells are clearly visible on the right, and the scar of attachment to the stype cells in the centre, scale bar=25 µm. (D) Low power photomicrograph of a cannabis achene (‘seed’) including the base with a non-concave scar of attachment visible, scale bar=1 mm.

four seasons

Sam sorry to take so long to get back with you. The article is found in the Febuary 77 issue. My wife says I shouldnt post complete articles. Respecting copy rights.
Thanks to everyone.


four seasons,
Feb 77 what magazine? What page number? Please post the article to me via PM. I will not post the article on the WWW. While your wife is correct about an article copyrighted should not be posted on the web, you can PM me the article, and it breaks no laws. Please do post it to me.
I am pretty sure it is HT, and I even think I remember the article, it was about dry sifting hash, not making hash with water sifting, unless my memory is shot, which is possible! Please post me at least the part about making hash with water.
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My wife says I shouldnt post complete articles. Respecting copy rights.

Copyright law is a tragedy, and is used any more these days to further entrench and enrich international corporations (not media creators) at the expense of OUR culture. I say fuck 'em, copy away!


While your wife is correct about an article copyrighted should not be posted on the web, you can PM me the article, and it breaks no laws.

This would undoubtedly be as big a violation of the world's F'd up copyright law as it would be if he were to post it on the web. Not that I agree, just clarifying...


Copyright law is a tragedy, and is used any more these days to further entrench and enrich international corporations (not media creators) at the expense of OUR culture. I say fuck 'em, copy away!

Yep, the artist (who the laws were supposed to protect) is usually who gets screwed the worst.

Also, is High Times making any money of these articles still or is the writer? I really fail to see how copying an article from a magazine 30 years later is harmful. It may be against the law, but I value my morals more.

Anyways, thanks for posting what you have. Regardless of whether or not more pictures and articles are posted, I'm going to start buying the older issues on craigslist and ebay. Having the actual magazine is just so much cooler!

Joe Hawkins

Active member
Great thread , brings back so many memories of starting out in cultivation back in the early 80's.
Nostalgia will always make us think the weed was so much better back then, and had it had been, then I wouldnt have had to travel to amsterdam and other places to source seeds of KNOWN quality.
Australia had an excellent genepool of cannabis back then, and while I did have some excellent strain material I knew I could do better.
Late eighties brought with it demand for 'Hydro' which lead to bag appeal being a major consideration.
Which brings back memories now of first seeing Emeries website back in the late 90's and being able to order seeds, I thought, this guy looks and sounds so cheesy, I dont trust him(I was expecting a free set of steakknives) and continued my escapades to amsterdam and south east asia in search of some holy grails.
I remember growing skunk and it was the most potent pot you could get, it would knock me silly, now skunk is like smoking leaf or bigbud, does nothing at all.
then I discovered Overgrow about 2002 and decided to trust these guys to send seeds, which was great coz it saved me travel, time and money.
Now we have Gypsy, and several other seed distributors who deliver without the paranoia.
Lifes great in 2009 innit?

four seasons

Raco you have a very good hand at curing.
This article from 82 is for all of you HAZE lovers...
Ill be posting lots of goodies from the early days as I scan them over the next couple of days. You like the old stuff? so do I


four seasons

Some of my mags from the seventies. Its hard to find the best articles and pictures to scan because I have four boxes ,every issue.
My wife recently got all of the early issues out to thumb through for more material and it is difficult because there is so much good stuff.
I havnt looked through these in over twenty years so the surprises I find are a treat for me as well.


four seasons

Sam you are correct about the Mexican Hash article.
I am sorry about that. I havnt read it in years and didnt do so when I scanned it.
cool, would appreciate any Maui Wowie articles or articles on African sativas from the 70's time era. Thanks bro very cool of you to post these old articles.

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