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H3ad goes Coco


The Voice of Reason
Highyas guys...

After watching and reading and generally being impressed with the results you've all been getting with the coco medium, I've had to make the switch myself...

Being the rebel that I am...Not having coco specific nutes, and having a full supply of GH flora micro and bloom, I've been working at tailoring the 'Modified Lucas formula' I was using in pro-mix to suit the coco better...

The mix I have arrived at has reduced levels of K and P, and a slight reduction in total concentration, because I have been keeping the runoff to a minimum (only a few ounces of water come thru, just enough to let me know I'm completely saturated...

So... when I was using a modified lucas formula... my nutrient profile when growing in promix was:
N 130
P 93
K 163
Mg 64
S 43
Ca 130

By mixing 8ml/gal micro and 14ml/gal bloom and watering with plain water every other watering...

In the coco, I am now using 6ml/gal micro and 9ml/gal bloom which gives the nute profile:
N 97
P 60
K 105
Mg 41
S 27
Ca 97

adding 1 g/gal epsom salts to the solution changes the numbers for mg and s to:
Mg 67
S 61

Adjusting for the extra available potassium in the coco, the new formula puts me very close to the 'target ratio'... Phosphorous is a tad low, but I think there should be no worries there...

Nothing is too far along in flower right now, but I'll get some pics up a bit later.

I have also seen advantage in keeping the coco fairly wet, I'm guessing that the coco holds the nutes so well, that as moisture evaporates out, concentrations rise...
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Another coco mofo in da house :D I use the Sunleaves piece coir which is a little more corse <<- spelling, than the standard Sunleaves. I add 15 scoops of big chunk perlite to it. I also use the Lucas formula and a tip to you if you don't already know is I always flush really good on the first watering to wash out extra crap. I like the Sunleaves brand because it comes in compressed blocks that expand to 2.5 cubic feet when water is added and it is OMRI.

I have found the lucas formula to be a little low in the N area or at least that is what my plants are telling me otherwise it is working great for me.

Can't wait to see your results I am sure you will never look back.

Take Care Bro

Mo :wave:


Sunshine DayDreamer
loco 4 coco

loco 4 coco

a little bush...

..............say Cheese! :D


... Lovely Oriental Express... :woohoo:

...................... as always, more to come :smoker: ..............​

Peace and Love fello Canna and Coco heads....
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OH MY GOD. It's become a COCO World around here. lolol

Can't wait to see more. Nothing but great things from the Head family. Take care and have a nice week.


The Voice of Reason
Mr. Mo said:
Another coco mofo in da house :D I use the Sunleaves piece coir which is a little more corse <<- spelling, than the standard Sunleaves. I add 15 scoops of big chunk perlite to it. I also use the Lucas formula and a tip to you if you don't already know is I always flush really good on the first watering to wash out extra crap. I like the Sunleaves brand because it comes in compressed blocks that expand to 2.5 cubic feet when water is added and it is OMRI.

I have found the lucas formula to be a little low in the N area or at least that is what my plants are telling me otherwise it is working great for me.

Can't wait to see your results I am sure you will never look back.

Take Care Bro

Mo :wave:
Thanks for the tip, Mo...
Been on the coco for a couple of months, now... finally getting around to posting up...

I never had any problems from not flushing thoroughly, but I did run quite a bit of nute through to waste in the first few waterings...

As far as the lucas being a bit low in the N... My thoughts on that are as follows...

The excess of K which comes from the Lucas+coco locks out some of the available nitrogen, as well as Mg and Ca... Lowering my concentration of Potassuim made a visible improvement in the nitrogen defeciency I was seeing at first...

One of the nice things about the coco... It seems that whatever changes you make in feeding, show up rather rapidly.... When I started with the coco, I was using the same formulation I used for promix... I then modified it a bit to increase the N, and the plants said it still wasn't perfect, so I studied a bit, and changed direction... Instead of upping the N, try to adjust the K lower... In doing so, I had no choice but to lower the Mg as well, So I have to add the epsoms, but that brings the K:Mg:Ca ratios in line, and ups the Mg to near the 60 ppm generally recomended...

At that ratio, plant growth is significantly stronger than the pro-mix grows and I see no signs of any deficiencies or toxicities...

I do believe you're right... Can't see any reason to ever look back...


Sunshine DayDreamer
GoldDustWomen said:
OH MY GOD. It's become a COCO World around here. lolol

Can't wait to see more. Nothing but great things from the Head family. Take care and have a nice week.

Our OE is flipping HUGE! ... hoping to get a full shot for ya soon!

:wave: Mo!.... heyyyyy, nice to see you...

Thanks all...


Yup,ya cant deny the benefits of Coco.From all I have been readin on it's just plain foolish to use anything else!
I am definately makin the switch but it takes a little time,Have you guys seen the plant size in coco compared to pot size,WOW!!These cats are flowerin in less than a gal!!Huge bushes.
Hey H3ad's :wave: always good to read yer posts and see your pics. :sasmokin:


hell yeah man...I'm excited. Kicking everyone outta the front row and pulling up the recliner for this one.

Liking everything I'm seeing so far cept the epsom salts, I had trouble with using epsom, then again I had so many problems maybe that wasn't it at all. My gut says you'd do better with cal/mag+ from my experience, which is also N based and gives em that extra N kick MrMo was talking about.

H3AD.....I need H3AD!!!!!!


The Voice of Reason
oldpeculiar said:
hell yeah man...I'm excited. Kicking everyone outta the front row and pulling up the recliner for this one.

Liking everything I'm seeing so far cept the epsom salts, I had trouble with using epsom, then again I had so many problems maybe that wasn't it at all. My gut says you'd do better with cal/mag+ from my experience, which is also N based and gives em that extra N kick MrMo was talking about.

H3AD.....I need H3AD!!!!!!
Well, I had considered the cal-mag... but with my formulation, the only elements that really needed modified were the Mg and the S... So I broke out the handy nute calculator from the cannastats site, and figured out exactly how much Magnesium Sulfate(epsom) to add...

Also with the mix I'm using, I think additional Ca would only cause me problems...

Thanks for all the great input guys... I hope to give ya's a helluva show...
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Ms.Grat3ful said:

Our OE is flipping HUGE! ... hoping to get a full shot for ya soon!

:wave: Mo!.... heyyyyy, nice to see you...

Thanks all...

Thanks, It's always nice seeing your OE. Thanks again for posting the pictures and keeping that girl around. BOY, it's been along time for sure. Can't wait to see more. Good luck with the coco, but it sounds like you got everything under control over there. Nothing but the best for the Head family.
Take care all,

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
RED145 said:
Yup,ya cant deny the benefits of Coco.From all I have been readin on it's just plain foolish to use anything else!
I am definately makin the switch but it takes a little time,Have you guys seen the plant size in coco compared to pot size,WOW!!These cats are flowerin in less than a gal!!Huge bushes.

Agreed, coco is a fine medium. Although, plant size is all about root size, and you can't squeeze more roots into a pot full of coco than the same pot full of high quality soil.


The Voice of Reason
GoldDustWomen said:
Thanks, It's always nice seeing your OE. Thanks again for posting the pictures and keeping that girl around. BOY, it's been along time for sure. Can't wait to see more. Good luck with the coco, but it sounds like you got everything under control over there. Nothing but the best for the Head family.
Take care all,
That OE cut will be around a long time to come... Killer smoke and an awesome breeding parent, what more can ya ask for...

On a side note... I also have two more new OE ladies from seed, and a killer looking male I'm gonna test cross to the ECSD cut....


The Voice of Reason
Rosy Cheeks said:
Agreed, coco is a fine medium. Although, plant size is all about root size, and you can't squeeze more roots into a pot full of coco than the same pot full of high quality soil.
I have to humbly disagree on that point... Evidence seems to show larger yield per container size in coco.... Sure it is partially about rootmass size, but it is equally about how eficiently the roots can utilize the space they are filling....

Roots LOVE coco....

Farmer John

Old and in the way.
Damn brother and sister those look better than ever!!!! :woohoo: coco seems to be your thingy friends, looks grrrrreat!!!!! :wave:


Rosy Cheeks said:
Agreed, coco is a fine medium. Although, plant size is all about root size, and you can't squeeze more roots into a pot full of coco than the same pot full of high quality soil.

43 inches top to bottom in 34 oz. of coco. Vegg'd and now in flower in same container for over 3 months.

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