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C99 and Afghaan 90 - 90's Nostalgia Nugs...

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Hi all, just about to start the flower cycle on my latest grow. I have 2x Afghaan 90, 1x c99, 1x GG4 x SFVog females and 5x C99 males, 1x Afghaan 90 male. Aside from the GG4 cross, all seeds came from kwik seeds/the real seed co. Germination rates were all good, put 6 c99's down all six popped, put 4 Afghaans down and all 4 popped. Will be moving the males to a separate room tonight as well as up potting the girls to their final 6l containers. Grow is coco, with all canna nutes (coco a&b, cannaCalMag, drip clean) and blumats.

Here's a group shot:


Afghaan 90 #1:


Afghaan 90 #2:


GG4 x SFV og:




Brother Nature

Well-known member
I've up-potted the GG4xSFV and the c99. Removed the males. I upped the EC of the feed to 1.5 to see if they could handle/like it, but I think I'm going to have to tone it back as they're looking a little unhappy today, 1.2 seems to be the sweet spot with blumats and coco, regardless of strain.

I'm also meant to add another of the same light, to bring the wattage up to 600. However, due to covid, I can't get one here till mid-December. I've added my old 6 COB above the 300w boards, thought I'm not loving it so hopefully the new light arrives sooner than later.


Whole tent shot:
(Could be the addition of more light or the upping of nutes, but they're looking a little less than stellar...)

Afghaan 90 #1:


(I've tied this one the fuck back because I expect and am hoping for a bit of stretch with her)

Afghaan 90 #2:
(looks the least happy of the bunch)


Active member
Looking great man! Afghan 90 sounds interesting, do you have any info? I love Afghans, got some Hashplant goin at the moment and have plans to start some 'Afghani in the raw' in the new year. Best of luck with the grow!


ive had my eye on the afghaan 90 seeds. they have just released master kush 90 seeds as well. not much info on either just that they are from seeds from 1990 from amsterdam but doesnt say what breeder they are from originaly . either way its good to see people bringing back some proper old school stuff

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Looking great man! Afghan 90 sounds interesting, do you have any info? I love Afghans, got some Hashplant goin at the moment and have plans to start some 'Afghani in the raw' in the new year. Best of luck with the grow!

ive had my eye on the afghaan 90 seeds. they have just released master kush 90 seeds as well. not much info on either just that they are from seeds from 1990 from amsterdam but doesnt say what breeder they are from originaly . either way its good to see people bringing back some proper old school stuff

Thanks guys. Yeah I love a good Afghan myself, but I don't know much more about these seeds than what's been written at Real Seed Co. I'll ask on the real seed co thread, someone may know there. They're pretty cool looking plants so far, the first one has a very unusual smell on stem rub, smells exactly like rosemary, would be pretty cool if that transfers to the flowers. The other one is a classic hashplant smell. Can't wait to see how their flowers look. Pretty excited about the c99 too, never had the chance to smoke any back in the day so will be cool to see what the hype's about.

I've also got 2 Iranian Indicas from RSC going outside, one male and one female. The male is really interesting in how it looks and grows so I'm thinking I keep it and save the pollen from her to dust some of my other stuff, an Afghan and Iranian cross could be quite interesting.

Female Iranian Indica and another plant:

Male Iranian Indica and a female unknown sativa hybrid (The Iranian plant has out paced it in upwards growth, but isn't as bushy):

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Switched them into flower a few days back (4 I think, have had a long long weekend so can't remember if it was Friday or Thursday I did it). Reduced the feed to ec 1.2 and raised the lights a bit, they seem to have improved a fair bit and are drinking a lot each day. Not too much stretch, but the gg4 x sfv is still bulking out, as is the c99, probably a little more to do with the larger containers (6l) but the Afghaans are stretching a little bit too in their 3.5l containers. Took 3 clones from each plant, all 12 managed to root within 7-10 days, so that's always promising. On to the pics...

Top shot of the first Afghaan 90:

Side shot Afghaan 90:

GG4 x SFV top shot:

Second Afghaan 90 plant top shot:

c99 top shot:


I subscribe!! :D

Love the old afghan!!!
I had an old strain from Afghanistan, called the Gen&Tik cut on French boards. It looks like very similar to those you are growing.

And I'm following too the C99. Nice memories with this strain.

Very interesting thread!!

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Day 11/12 of flower

Day 11/12 of flower

Looks like stretch is nearing the end on the girls. The GG4 x SFV cross stretched the most, but had been vegging longer and was real slow to start. The rest has a little upward growth after switching to 12/12 but not anything unmanageable. The second Afghaan 90 (the one in the back right) has started fasiation on one of the tops, the rest seem fine. Photos...

Afghaan 90 #1, this ones my favorite so far, she has a crazy herbal smell, started off straight rosemary, but now is putting out some proper dank/hash smells with a herbal undertone:


GG4 x SFV, I'm liking the growth she's finally showing in flower:


Whole tent:

Brother Nature

Well-known member
The C99, she's starting that Pineapple smell I've always heard about, I'm really looking forward to how this one turns out:


Afghaan 90 #2, she's a bit more fussy, is even throwing up a fasciated top, looks ans smells rather different than the other Afghaan, looks a bit more like a modern hybrid:



Well-known member
I grew out Afghan 90 this past summer . I ended up with four females that were sativa looking in late flower . After harvest I am drying and curing . I did try a small bud and thought it was quite stony . She has a strong sweet smell to her . With a six week cure in a C vault she will be much much better . Enjoy !

Brother Nature

Well-known member
I grew out Afghan 90 this past summer . I ended up with four females that were sativa looking in late flower . After harvest I am drying and curing . I did try a small bud and thought it was quite stony . She has a strong sweet smell to her . With a six week cure in a C vault she will be much much better . Enjoy !

Thanks Bart, good to know others have grown her and enjoyed it. I'll try to give her a good cure, I'm pretty bad at doing that though, I smoke too much haha. Maybe I just need to grow more then... ;)


Well-known member
After my post I took a bud out of my C-Vault . She smells like chocolate and berry-ish hash now I still have a few weeks to go but I like her more and more . If you can afford to set some aside for a cure You will see a big difference . Enjoy !

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Day 20

Day 20

At day 20 now. The stretch has stopped and the canopy is pretty full, started pk 13/14 for a week, will repeat at week 5. The c99 is frosting up already, smelling of dank pineapple. The second Afghaan is bulking up quite well already, think she'll be a decent producer. Afghaan 1 hasn't really kicked into gear yet but still has a nice rosemary/herbal smell. The GG4 x SFV stretched the most and should be a decent producer as well.

Tent shot:

Afghaan 90 1:

gg4 x SFV:

Afghaan 90 2:
