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Urban legends Acid Kush AutoFem with SILS


Just newbin
Hi guys :wave:
so this will be my diary from my Acid kush, props to Urban Legends, im a newb, just 5 plants under my belt so dont expect much, i will do my best :shucks:
Please criticize all you want :D

This grow is in a small cab, on a low budget, lights are SILS, exctration is a pc fan with a decent static pressure (upgrade will be soon i hope), without filter, diy humidifier and heater connected to a hygrometer.

Seed was in a cup of water for 36h at a temp of 30°c, shell cracked then poted

She is in a 6L pot, with all mix soil from Biobizz mixed with vulcanic rock nutes will be biogrow, biobloom, sometimes acti vera and bio heaven, obviously calmag, all of these from Biobizz and epsom salts and bactohemp

Borned 2 days ago with shell atached wich i removed carefully, or in better words, the most carefull i could be :D, she still had that membraine atached wich didnt let her spread but i waited till yesterday to take it all just to see if she was able to do it alone, plus i only added the heater yesterday at the end of the day cicle so the first 2 days of her life was spended at 22c and just today at 25/26c, rh is easy to control for now since the weather is helping a bit

Light cicle is 20/4, temps aiming at 25/26c and rh at 65/70%. This is the first auto that i will finish in 12/12

she should be more developed by now in my opinion, but with tampering with her and the days at the colder side i couldnt ask for much just that she will "take off" in the next days

the other plant in the cab is a photo fem red diesel by barneys
Click image for larger version  Name:	20210725_001550.jpg Views:	0 Size:	64.2 KB ID:	17904663
Click image for larger version  Name:	20210725_001550.jpg Views:	0 Size:	64.2 KB ID:	17904663
Click image for larger version  Name:	20210725_001550.jpg Views:	0 Size:	64.2 KB ID:	17904663


Peace :tiphat:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Starting a seedling in a pot that big is usually a bad idea. Usually you want to water until you see drainage/runoff but with a plant that small in a pot that big you can't really do that without creating problems and/or making it difficult to judge when the plant needs more water. It's better to start seedlings in a small container and let it get to the point of being almost rootbound then transplant to a bigger pot but still smaller the that one, let the roots grow out until almost rootbound and then transplant to a container the size of what you have there in the picture. This will develop a better rootball that makes better use of the space in the pot. Even if you have no other problems(and there are several that are possible) I can almost guarantee you that there will be wasted space in a pot that big starting from a seedling and with nutrients and specialized premixed soil being as expensive as they are you don't want things to go to waste.

Other then that there wasn't anything else that really stood out other then the ventilation system which you said you hope to upgrade soon. Anyway good luck and hopefully in a few months you'll be able to say you have 7 plants under your belt. 😀


Well-known member
Starting a seedling in a pot that big is usually a bad idea. Usually you want to water until you see drainage/runoff but with a plant that small in a pot that big you can't really do that without creating problems and/or making it difficult to judge when the plant needs more water. It's better to start seedlings in a small container and let it get to the point of being almost rootbound then transplant to a bigger pot but still smaller the that one, let the roots grow out until almost rootbound and then transplant to a container the size of what you have there in the picture. This will develop a better rootball that makes better use of the space in the pot. Even if you have no other problems(and there are several that are possible) I can almost guarantee you that there will be wasted space in a pot that big starting from a seedling and with nutrients and specialized premixed soil being as expensive as they are you don't want things to go to waste.

Other then that there wasn't anything else that really stood out other then the ventilation system which you said you hope to upgrade soon. Anyway good luck and hopefully in a few months you'll be able to say you have 7 plants under your belt. 😀

Autos have a different root structure as I understand and many good auto growers suggest that you plant directly in final container. Problem is rest of media will get bone dry by the time you get to water the whole volume and also danger of overwatering and having your seedling in damp mix with no way to take moisture out.


Seedbay Vendor
ICMag Donor
Hi there !

Planting seedlings directly in big pots is one of the golden rules for autos . Agressive root system scans the soil available to set the flowering.

Enjoy Sampas92, thanks to believ ein this one !


Just newbin
HempKat and JustGrowing420 thanks for stoping by..
Hempkat, like others said, im doing like most folks regarding autos do, but thanks on the suggestion bro :D

justgrowing indeed is difficult to maintain all of the zoil with a even moisture even more since i have holes on the side of the pot..

Urban Legends thanks for stoping by, i hope i do things good to enjoy it in the end, and i am the one thanking here ;)

Peace :tiphat:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Autos have a different root structure as I understand and many good auto growers suggest that you plant directly in final container. Problem is rest of media will get bone dry by the time you get to water the whole volume and also danger of overwatering and having your seedling in damp mix with no way to take moisture out.

Okay well admittedly I've never grown autos before so if that's what the majority of auto growers suggest then I stand corrected. When growing regular plants though planting directly into big pots tends to cause problems for new growers because they usually follow the guidance of water until you see run off which in a pot that size with a normal seedling will usually lead to root rot. A more experienced grower might be able to work around that though by just watering for the size/age of the plant instead of watering until runoff. Still even with an experienced grower, starting a seedling in a big pot will usually end up with wasted soil space.

Anyway, I didn't notice that it said auto in the title when I made my first reply so Sampas92, ignore what I said and listen to those experienced with autos. Good luck with everything.