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Crazy Haze



here is a few pics of a small Haze plant that i grew. It came from a hybrid of orange haze mixed with a 12+week sativa. the 12 week is, I think, some sort of asian sativa would be my guess. I grew One plant and used silver theosulphate to make all female seeds. This is one of the homemade fems and of the 4 i have seen, all were females and looked the same. Looks like its got some indica in it, but the haze background is in there. Buds get REALLY big and smell like a spicy haze, matures in like 10 weeks. grown under one, 600w hps, drip ring hydro bucket.
I dont really like smoking it very much, make me feel nervious and paranoid like i am going to die or some shit.. lol

{EDIT} Crazy Hazy is 50% Thai, 25% mexican sativa, 25% afghani.

anyway, enjoy. :woohoo:

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how many plants under that one six hundred?

heres my 15 week+ strain at nine weeks. amnesia haze


suckerrepellent said:
how many plants under that one six hundred?

heres my 15 week+ strain at nine weeks. amnesia haze

wow! thats one heck of a sativa! only that far @ 9+ weeks? must be nice and rare. pictured, is my one plant in a 2.5gallon hydro bucket, using drip ring and standard home depot, rose bloom. medium is perlite. i`m fairly standard but its always prime results. i dont worry too much about ferts, i like to let the genetics and lighting do all the work :) i supply the Co2 and in turn this baby gives me a few dozen cubic feet of oxygen every day :)
i flushed the heck out of it for a while and its on its 10th week with pure water and lime juice added. This plant was in veg for about 3 weeks from seed and grew into maybe 20 large buds. total product from my crazy haze is about 4-6 ounces. one 600w light was all i used. Its a bigger bloom than heavy duty fruity. this crazy haze is infact the largest blooming plant i have ever seen and i have grow maybe 100 dif strains. HDF is prob in the top 10% for bloom. (for reference purpose)


this is a larger picture of the first two pictures in this thread. this is the wider angle on the plant

here is a picture of its half sister. I had three plants in one hydro bucket and here is the other one. (another was an indica i posted a few days ago) This plant is california orange bud mixed with crazy haze.

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one in the chamber
looks like one hell of a strain. Where did you get the Asian strain from? What makes you think it's Asian?


good question!

over the last 10 years i have been studying landrace sativas from around the world. although i have not had the luxury of travel, i have had exp with breeders who grow landrace`s from around the world. attaining the seeds has been troublesome and extensive but is worth it. landrace sativas have become recognised as being worth its weight in gold in the breeders arena of cannabis, which is why most all strains today are all hybrids of landraces sativas or indicas. my specialty is landrace sativas. knowledge and expierence of so many sativas has left me with extensive knowledge. lol i can look at a sativa and pretty much know where its landrace genetics came from. the sativa mother was a clone i received from a patient at the san francisco cannabis club in california over 6 years ago. it bloomed for 15+ weeks and never stopped growing. only asian equatorial sativas do that. it smelled like black liquorice and was seeded by a orange haze to get the product we see here :) rapid bloom of orange haze mixed with the ever growing potential of the (i`m thinking thai of some sort) landrace. when it comes down to it, south american landrace sativas are all similar. asian sativas have a larger diversity that south american sativas and overall the asian sativas stick out like a green thumb :yummy:

i`ll post more information soon :) please feel free to ask any questions at all


I have to disagree about only se asian sativas taking over 15 weeks, I have several other sativas that go over 16 weeks - a Mexican IBL, Zamal x Haze, Ducksfoot, a couple of Africans, then there are others like Colombian Black that take over 15 weeks as well.

I also very strongly disagree about se asian sativas having more diversity. There is ast diversity in African sativas, compare something like a Nigerian that is short, quite squat, quite dense buds and takes 10 weeks with a Lesotho or African Seed's Karibe Surprise that are really tall, take 16 weeks or more and have very different bud structure.

There is also a very large amoutn of diversity in S American strains, one example is Colombia with its many climates and environments. The Colombian Gold from the highlands is nothing like the Red from the lowlands, then Colombian Black is very different from either of those then there are other different Colombians like Punto Rojo and Farmer's Choice. Then there are all the Mexicans, there is a lot of diversity in mexicans too, and thats just too countries.

I'm doing an all asian sativa grow sometime soon, I have Cambodian, Vietnamese, a couple of different Thais and maybe some Burmese.


When i say landrace, i`m not talking about hybrids bro.. thanks for the info though.
Burmese is nice, those south american landrace sativas were all low thc and tasted bad. there is some better than others but i found south american sativas were only ok. mexican sativas for instance, seem like they change every year. maybe it was just what i have seen. personally i`ll say hardcore landrace thai will beat the pants off old columbian strains but everyone is entitled to their opinion.

i never tried the zamal, only a couple african sativas. all were faster blooming than 4 months. usually, the closer to equator, the longer to bloom. some strains were selected only for longer and bigger blooms. traditionally, africa has a short wet season and these 4 month sativas simply die from drought. so that rules out landrace. landrace means it survives on it own, without human influence. not many places in the world are capible of a long enough wet season to grow long term cannabis. I have heard a story of an asian sativa that mutated and never died. it was supposedly 15 years old and kept growing in the wild. the buds were like 15ft long.. lol it looked like a tree.

in regards to the south american sativas, i have seen about 5 differnent kinds of solid and longtime ibl`s, but non were 4months long in my exp. as far as south american diversity, pls read what i wrote. Landrace bro. the fathers and mothers of all plants before hybridization. cannabis was stabilized a long time in asian before it was even brought and used in south america. south americans have been working with strong cannabis for about 50 years. in asia and middle east, its more like 500 years.

this 4 month Mexican IBL you speak of is prob not landrace at all. prob just a sativa someone selected for some reason and inbred it and grew it in a place where it was kept alive. some people say if you have a 4 month sativa thats worth a darn, its got to be old genetics, or else its simply a fluke. out of maybe 100 sativas there is always one that keeps growing. my guess is that someone inbred a trait like this and passed on those seeds. it could be a long term sativa that only took 1 year to genetically design, this also rules out landrace. many south american plants i have seen were only changed from environment. local genetics was prob shared amoung growers, i.e. low diversity. I am after the landraces, the OGs of the new age stuff. they say everything evolves, i want those base sativas. with the same genetics, in SE asian, strains have developed environmentally over hundreds of years. in south america, its more like the last 50-60 years. thats what i mean by a low diversity.

"There is also a very large amoutn of diversity in S American strains, one example is Colombia with its many climates and environments. The Colombian Gold from the highlands is nothing like the Red from the lowlands, then Colombian Black is very different from either of those then there are other different Colombians like Punto Rojo and Farmer's Choice. Then there are all the Mexicans, there is a lot of diversity in mexicans too, and thats just too countries."

lol this sounds funny.. thanks. i understand you are trying to tell me there is not only one strain in south america. still, if i grow a sativa from the high valley and a sativa from the low valley, both look similar in my grow room. niether are very stable. some are tall, some are short.. some have more thc, some have less. i know, but i dont call this genetic diversity. i consider this like a fun pack, you never know what you will get. one sativa might take 12 weeks, another 8, another 25.. lol idk.. thats why i dont select those.


ok here is a little update and full body shot. i know you salty dogs will enjoy my massive haze! it was a long road to success but her majesty is unmatched.

first off, lets start with Crazy Haze at 10.5 weeks.



ok, ok.. enough of this before i eat my computer monitor!
Crazy Haze crown...

and lastly, her full body shot! beat this from 600w haze! all hazey buds baby! smells like spicey pine tree. this big girl was only in veg for less than 3 weeks from seed. when it popped its seeded shell, it out grows the best. infact it turns many professional seeds into runts. my guess is that with co2, a 1k bulb and 3 weeks in veg from seed + 11/12 weeks in bloom and u`ll have 10/16 ounces. i know nothing else that can do that.

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another small update. i lose tract of the right time its been in bloom but its been going for a while long after the indica in same room was ready.



hey bud :)

it was sprouted under a 400w hps and in 3 weeks it blew the other seeds away. i grew maybe 9 seeds of different strains this grow cycle and of the 9, 6 were males. But this one femminised crazy haze grew twice as fast as all other strains, male and female. i dont supercrop it, i onlt train it. i bend the stalks maybe one time every 3/4 days. the mexican sativa / afghani father had huge stems, mexican sativa is known for having huge stems and this trait was established in the Fem Crazy Haze. oddly, the only traits this strain got from the Thai mother, was the long blooming period. well, this one plant that i femmed did. there is about 5 dif phenos in the original hybrid, but being Femmed, all look like this and grow with the same vigor. things i like about this fem Crazy Haze is; large stems for big blooms, extreme hybrid vigor for rapid growth and development, long blooming periods to get bud size very large, and the sativa effect of THC/CBD levels.


ok :) i know you all are getting tired of seeing Crazy Haze, I`m almost done. this is the last couple pictures to update this thread. the top buds matured alot faster than the bottom buds, while i chopped off the top 2 ounces, there is still about 3/3.5 ounces left on the plant and that will mature for maybe 1 more week. here is a picture of a matured flower near the top. notice it has some purple in it!


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