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Bubbleator ice hash making machine pic's !

big bud

here's how it works ;)

you'll need :

the bubbleator
ice cubes ( about 4 kg)
a stand up screen
a spoon
kitchen paper (don't know the correct word)
frozen plant waste with lots of crystals :cool:
an ice-o-lator set
and the scecial bag that comes with the bubbleator


fill the bubbleator with water and ice and let it run for a few minutes


check the temperature (4°C - 40°F is ideal)


put the leaves in the special bag


put it in the bubbleator


let it run for as long as you want (i did 15 minutes)


the washing is done


let the water run out tru the hose in the ice-o-lator bags


take out the first bag


lift up the second bag and let the water run out, the smales the water beam? the more crystals there are inside


put it between the kitchen paper and pres hard to get the water out


result in the bag


put it al in the screen


push it tru the scren with the spoon


ready to dry



kim smith

hey big bud thats a pretty cool machine you got there what is it a minny washing machine? sure makes some nice blonde hash, good job with all the pics.


looks pretty cool, however it would be much better to dry your trichomes on some cardboard. The cardboard will apsorb much of the moisture, thus drying your hash quicker.

pushing the hash through the pasta strainer is a good idea.

Also using a cloth towel instead of the paper towel would be nicer for the planet.
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big bud

hello all,

i bought this machine cause it works cleaner and faster than wit a mixer.

it indeed is a small washing machine Kim.

But i was disapointed with the result, the quality is super but the yield was less then half what i normaly get with the mixer in the bag's.

i'm mailing the pollinator company azbout this .

i probably won't be using it again, i'll buy some bigger bag's instead i think, maybe make some adjustments to the machine if i don't get a refund (wich i don't expect but want) to try and optimise it for me.

i'll think of the cloth next time tricho :chin: .




the resin you collected looks quite pure so I'm sure there's more trics left on the plant material..so it appears that contraption is gentler than the average mixer ..it loks to be as gentle as a stick stirred by hand

perhaps if you run the leaf bag twice through the process, you might reap a bit more.....


Why do you push the hash thru the screen in that last photo?
It looks like a nice amount that you got in the end.
Its a good idea with that "special bag". I put my leaf material straight into the ice water and then every few min I stop the mixer and dislodge the leaves from the mixing blades. Gets rather tedious...

big bud

chamba, i do it more then once, 4 times 12 minutes actualy.

ronly : i push it tru so it would dry faster because the bits's are smaller.

i used to do it like that to, but now i bought this machine to make my life easier.

maybe i'll make some adjustments to it to make it work better.


big bud said:
chamba, i do it more then once, 4 times 12 minutes actualy.

ronly : i push it tru so it would dry faster because the bits's are smaller.

i used to do it like that to, but now i bought this machine to make my life easier.

maybe i'll make some adjustments to it to make it work better.

Please, keep us updated on the adjustments on the unit. I'm really thinking about buying one and would love to hear all the do's and don't about this machine. I'm also tired of the mess and using the hand mixer. Please keep this thread up to date.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
....yeah.....I have one in the Dam shop......and should really get them up for sale on the seedboo site...

....I remember when Mila used to make skuff in a big top loading twin tub washing machine.......she just shrank it down a bit with the Bubbleator....It makes a nice product if what you put in is good in the first place of-course.....


Active member
looks like good stuff!

>>>question>>how come i don't see your pix when using Firefox, but i do see them with IE???

thanks for posting a 'review' of the Bubbleator, too. :sasmokin:


Gypsy Nirvana said:
....yeah.....I have one in the Dam shop......and should really get them up for sale on the seedboo site...

....I remember when Mila used to make skuff in a big top loading twin tub washing machine.......she just shrank it down a bit with the Bubbleator....It makes a nice product if what you put in is good in the first place of-course.....

You should Gypsy. I'd buy mine from you in a heart beat. I'm guessing they are built in a USA 110 volt version. Let us know when they are up on the site. Sure others will buy them also. I know i'm getting one for the new place. Thanks for all the info. Been looking for a thread on it.
Take care all

big bud

hello all, thanks for stopping by !

sleepy : don't have an idea sorry :chin:

i bought mine at the alien growshop in Holland http://www.growshopalien.com/onlineshop/

the machine costs 100 euro but you need the bags, the package with both is 160 euro.

you get ice-o-lator bags from the pollinator company wit a 220 mesh to keep the bits of leag out and a 70 for the cristals.

it's 220 volt, don't know if they got a 110 !

been mailing to the pollinator company about the less in yield, and they said i was the first person to complain, most get 1-2% more yield then with the bags !!! why i don't i do not know.

next time i think i'm gonig to put the leaves straigt i to the machine, not the special zipper bag (witch is a pain to clean when you are done cause the leaves stick in every corner and in the zipper lining)

i hope this stir't everything up better, offcourse it will be harder t get te leaves out this way and to let the water out without clauging the drain hole but i'll see what happens !

after that i'm gonne put the material in the ice bag's and do it the "normal" way and see iff there still is good stuff comming out.

keep y'all updated .

next time will proabably be the 3th week of november.



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
it takes a bit of energy to stir with a spoon but i think ill stick to my spoon and bubble bags... if for no other reason we all need some excersize eheh.... when i use a mixer my hash isnt as melty as when i get the best by stirring with the spoon and then go back with the mixer to get the rest out once the gooooo is drying .... just my .02 ... been doing alot of this lately. Like the tip of pushin through screen while wet i prefer to smoke my real gooey stuph in this style as it lets each hit vaporize well. Once whats in the pipe has been burned so far it gets a bit more harsh. What im lookin for is those great vapor hits that barely makes you cough from the first rip of the powdery goooooooooo.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I think the selling point on this is ease of use and the quality....I know growshop alien did a demo if it at UKc and they said the yield was less too, but I guess you can keep it spinning round longer or keep running it through, ppl do 2nd and 3rd runs with a mixer so why not with this.... I might get one....Im not sure yet lol... I might just stick to getting a 7 bag bubbleman set..... but as I say, the point with this thing is ease of use like no effort at all, and the quality of the end product due to only being gently swooshed aboutinstead of all mashed up with the mixer.....

big bud

i'm doing a doublle test right now !

210 gr of fresh frozen leafs in the bubbleator

210 gr of fresh frozen leafs in the ice-o-lator with a mixer.

i am verry curious of the outcome !!!!

and you ??????????


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