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Work in big cannabis grow


...... fuk the fukin' Diaz bruddas!!!!!
...... shush DOES sell better than OG KUSH, or, SOUR DIESEL, or HAZE etc etc etc...:woohoo:
..... take it from a guy what USED to grow commercially!
..... yea, all i gots to show for it is a BAAD CASE A PM, and a cellblock full spider mites the size a tarantulas!!!!!
..... :laughing:
..... not to mention an electric bill that should have had me on my own power grid. n issues w/RH and temp issues that woulda required 70,000 tons of A/C, if i had used conventional A/C in conjunction with humidistats hooked up to fire hoses to keep RH ambient :tip hat:
...... no stick w/shushi n white blonde big boobed ameriKan hookers, n organize another FAST N FURIOUS TOKOYO run and you b waaaay ahead a da game ese.
..... seguro, no mentiras, me entiendes...
..... peace
..... HGC
..... P.S. keep in mind a STRESS-FREE ENVIRONMENT will give you highest n healthiest yields. NO, you gonna have LOTTA STRESS bein' a "gentleman farmer" w/commercial aspirations. BUT you wanna make every lil t"ing ire for yer plants.:i.e., NO STRESS ON DEM ese, nada

There's actually SOME gold in here if you can read between the AIDS ( i mean lines). Good luck OP don't do anything crazy that will get you caught just build it slowly and properly and do it all yourself IMHO. Good luck
Uh the sources on those are I believe the cannabis news section of this forum in june and august of last year. Can't remember exactly. Two different articles, one about Phillip Morris and Monsanto and one about Phillip Morris and Uruguay. Double checked them when they came out against traditional news sources.


this was a big trend when it got legalized - people all over the world came and flooded the market - i wouldnt' bet on finding a well paid job - there is enuff locals that know whats up - and if you looking for a 9$/hr leaf cutter job then maybe ....


Aside from the all the blatant racism.

Try to get a job as a trimmer somewhere in a legal state. That is THE entry level job of the industry, the only way you get promoted to grower instantly is if your some bro butt buddy of the owner and don't know shit sadly. I got jobs as a grower by bringing in samples of my home grown with resumes but never paid me more than 15/hr. It will never be what you want it to be until you start your own though. If you work as a grower for someone else be prepared to wash pots, trays and everything constantly, be told that you are not as good of a grower as the other guy and you don't know shit (the ego is strong). Don't ever take a work interview, they are just trying to use you for free work as well as the other 30 people the are "interviewing."

Everything is a challenge, like seeking for help on this website, people are going to try and test you and tell you the opposite of what you want to do for no reason. Keep your head up dude and do work :)

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