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Who've grown the post 2011 Prophet??


Hey vm! I actually have three female phenos but only grew out one, thus far. The other's have been "mommed" and put into (hopefully) stasis during the pendency my summer hiatus. I'm not an indica guy for the most part so I wanted to see what this was made of before growing out the other phenos (which, incidentally, in veg look remarkably consistent with each other). With what little I know about kushes (bubba or otherwise), the buds seemed to be much more productive - larger. Like bubba buds but on steroids.

Thus far, the scissor hash was delightful. I can only imagine what a cure will do. I -unfortunately- don't have climate control (air conditioning) and I hate fighting the elements. If I like the strain, we'll see what happens when the summer temps and humidity abate.


Very awesome pics mayan. Im glad to see that someone did the post 11 justice.

Cabinet Ninja

Just managed to snag a pack of Pre11 Prophet off the boo. Just have to work out how to pay for it now haha.

I'll get round to making F2's some time, got other projects in the work atm.

Also looks like there are a few more packs up for sale. $90/pack :)


Post 2011 prophet nugs. She was the most devastating of them all. Did save all the pollen from males so f2 on the way.

I got three fems that I kept and flowered from a one pack. One that was shorty stocky and most bubba leaning. second between short but buds reminded from GMS blockhead. Then the best which was the most vigorous plant in the pack. First up and first on everything else than flowering time. She could have gone longer but needed to clear the grow op. More on the blockhead looks but still got the slight coffee smell mixed with hash. Very strong up high at first which goes to more couchlock afterwards.
Doesn't matter what I smoke this one always comes trough and kick your ass. Keeper for sure!



