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What strains for breeding a german genetic?

As much as I am stoked about your idea, I have to come down with some realistic stuff. I havent read all the posts, coz I just found your thread and I am about to be off to bed. But with the shitty legislation they invented here, there is not much possibility of landrace breeding. For real landraces you would need high numbers of plants, open pollination and you should begin with high diversity. I would recommend population breeding and a few years of positive and negative selection. Aim for > 10 years. I know, this sounds cruel, but thats how it could and should be going. All in all it's doable, but not with the 3 plant limit. But you could start selection for promising parents and if not IBL already, do Bx or Selfing indoors and evaluate in season outdoors.

I am a huge fan of IBL, heirloom and landraces and I would love to start some > 100 plant operations, but that might take a few more years. Another factor would be the problem with open pollination. As much as I like hemp, that could wreck a whole operation through cross pollination.

What we could do, and I know, that's highly illegal ;D, is do some kind of group project. I guess earliest starting next year, but a little bit of pre-selection and trying out some strains this year. I am gonna grow an ACE R+D Purple Malawi + ErdPurt (3 Plants regular) + some semi autoflowering hash plant and afghan. We could update each other on promising strains and do some test crosses indoor in winter. I hope I will have some promising males.

So far from me. Greetings from the Hauptstadt.

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