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Vintage Colombian

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
That's a good question, however I could only speculate because I have no interior experience. In fact in over 45 years of growing (20 years in Colombia) I've never flowered a plant under artificial light. I do have a tent but I only use it to veg.
With the Muisca like any long flowering tropical plant I can only assume it would be difficult (impossible) to replacate the tropical environment. But again I don't know and I've only finished one Muisca so.
Now I did make a Muisca cross with the incredible Wiley from Hawaii. Again I don't know but I would think there would be better indoor results with the cross. I believe to experience authentic Colombian sativa it needs to be grown here. The sun,the soil, wind and rain make the character of the effect.
When you you hit Colombian sativa you can feel the sunshine, you can feel the vibe of the environment.
Of course that's just my opinion, your's may vary.

red rider

Baba Karuna

Well-known member
View attachment 19010961
Muisca a native Colombian high altitude tropical sativa. The resin from this particular plant like most of the tropical plants I grow is small and sparse. But the hit is my only opion, it's all I'm looking at. Morphology, yield, smell, taste, color, flower time all secondary. The Muisca has the hit (one of many) that I look for. The flowers are nice and great day starter morning motivator. Not overwhelmingly potent but the effect has a very high quality feel.
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This Muisca makes tasty dry sift that I find absolutely delightful. The pressed sift produces a luxury effect that brightens while elevating mood. It's similar to the effect of the flowers but now potent.
However in order to truly know Muisca to really understand the Muisca you must know the bubble. The result of almost a year's work and dedication.
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This is the heart of Muisca and where she shows her true power. The taste is simply delicious like tropical perfume, the smoke saturates the room with familiar aromas. But it's the hit that sets me back almost immediately. One tiny hit and the smoke expands in my lungs causing a cough no matter how careful I am. Then while coughing the forehead sweats and instant transformation. I smoke all day long and have been for decades , but rarely does anyone tell me I look high. Couple hits of Muisca bubble and there's no hiding it, half masted bloodshot eyes and a stupid look on the face. It's like a trip and very unique among other super stars.

red rider
Beautiful 😍

What is the legal situation for herb in Colombia? Is it pretty relaxed like Ecuador?

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
In the late 90s Colombia passed a law allowing individuals to legally posses 20 grams of flower 5 grams of concentrate. It is also legal to grow up to 20 plants. So legally (theoretically) you can carry weed legally (up to 20 grams) and to grow 20 plants.
Reality recreational cannabis is still illegal, sales and open consumption is not only illegal but in many places it's not socially acceptable. Of course you can get away with alot but it only takes once to ruin your day. In the big cities police conduct random personal searches, normally it's local riff raff that gets searched but your taking a chance.
And you have to be careful in certain areas trying to score, if you don't know the person you're taking a chance. Also smoking in public draws attention of not only the law but also shifty characters lurking in the area. My advice to anyone coming to Colombia for the first time smoker or not is
To not play the fool, don't stand out, don't make yourself an obvious target. Low profile, have a destination and know how to get there. Watch your money don't wear anything worth cutting your throat for. Don't engage random people on the street, be very very Leary of overly friendly women (don't let them touch you).
Other than that it's pretty cool.

red rider

Baba Karuna

Well-known member
In the late 90s Colombia passed a law allowing individuals to legally posses 20 grams of flower 5 grams of concentrate. It is also legal to grow up to 20 plants. So legally (theoretically) you can carry weed legally (up to 20 grams) and to grow 20 plants.
Reality recreational cannabis is still illegal, sales and open consumption is not only illegal but in many places it's not socially acceptable. Of course you can get away with alot but it only takes once to ruin your day. In the big cities police conduct random personal searches, normally it's local riff raff that gets searched but your taking a chance.
And you have to be careful in certain areas trying to score, if you don't know the person you're taking a chance. Also smoking in public draws attention of not only the law but also shifty characters lurking in the area. My advice to anyone coming to Colombia for the first time smoker or not is
To not play the fool, don't stand out, don't make yourself an obvious target. Low profile, have a destination and know how to get there. Watch your money don't wear anything worth cutting your throat for. Don't engage random people on the street, be very very Leary of overly friendly women (don't let them touch you).
Other than that it's pretty cool.

red rider
Thank you for the thorough answer brother 🙏🏼


Well-known member
In the late 90s Colombia passed a law allowing individuals to legally posses 20 grams of flower 5 grams of concentrate. It is also legal to grow up to 20 plants. So legally (theoretically) you can carry weed legally (up to 20 grams) and to grow 20 plants.
Reality recreational cannabis is still illegal, sales and open consumption is not only illegal but in many places it's not socially acceptable. Of course you can get away with alot but it only takes once to ruin your day. In the big cities police conduct random personal searches, normally it's local riff raff that gets searched but your taking a chance.
And you have to be careful in certain areas trying to score, if you don't know the person you're taking a chance. Also smoking in public draws attention of not only the law but also shifty characters lurking in the area. My advice to anyone coming to Colombia for the first time smoker or not is
To not play the fool, don't stand out, don't make yourself an obvious target. Low profile, have a destination and know how to get there. Watch your money don't wear anything worth cutting your throat for. Don't engage random people on the street, be very very Leary of overly friendly women (don't let them touch you).
Other than that it's pretty cool.

red rider
sounds like nycity or san fran

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I would like to say that although I don't know I want to believe that Muisca grown indoors would be something good.

What I was trying to say is it would be different, not bad if grown indoors.. Remember I only offer my opinion and perspective that being said the Muisca bubble is absolutely fantastic. I was hoping my buddy Camilo was coming over yesterday. He called me yesterday and said he had some nice San Pedro tea he wanted to gift me. Never had that tea so I said come on over, he said he and his girlfriend were on the way. So I told him I had a little hash for him to try, his girlfriend loves the hash. But this dude is like alot of people here, they say something but only vaguely mean it. No biggie no bad I put a little bubble away so when he does appear I got something to impress.

The Red Snake coming along nicely,seeds developing. I'm looking forward to growing more of this variety, we grew a few plants in Bogota back in 2017. I always wanted to try it grown directly in ground under the sun.

Red Snake

red rider

Baba Karuna

Well-known member
I would like to say that although I don't know I want to believe that Muisca grown indoors would be something good. View attachment 19012030
What I was trying to say is it would be different, not bad if grown indoors.. Remember I only offer my opinion and perspective that being said the Muisca bubble is absolutely fantastic. I was hoping my buddy Camilo was coming over yesterday. He called me yesterday and said he had some nice San Pedro tea he wanted to gift me. Never had that tea so I said come on over, he said he and his girlfriend were on the way. So I told him I had a little hash for him to try, his girlfriend loves the hash. But this dude is like alot of people here, they say something but only vaguely mean it. No biggie no bad I put a little bubble away so when he does appear I got something to impress. View attachment 19012032
The Red Snake coming along nicely,seeds developing. I'm looking forward to growing more of this variety, we grew a few plants in Bogota back in 2017. I always wanted to try it grown directly in ground under the sun.
View attachment 19012035
Red Snake

red rider
Beautiful landscape and plants brother 🤩
San Pedro or “Wachuma” is amazing. Such a profound teacher. I highly recommend you try it when you get the chance. There is nothing like it, truly life affirming 🥰🙏🏼

🪷Jai Guru Deva🪷

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Camilo is a cool dude, he's a funny guy always finding something funny. He eats alot of mushroom and cacti, funny his wife doesn't though. She told me she only has bad trips so she doesn't partake. She loves weed though and like Camilo she's a funny person.
But yeah I dropped quite a bit of acid back in the day and now I'll eat the occasional mushroom. I got to be in the mood for it, I'm not into random tripping anymore.
About five years ago I cruised down to Punto Mayo near the Ecuador border. I was invited by some indian dudes interested in growing hemp in their region. They thought I was some kind of cannabis expert since I was working with the Colombian cannabis center. The Cafan Indians have a village about 20 miles up the tiger river. This is like Indiana Jones jungle man, riding a little boat. The village was cool with really nice people, no cell service and power only at certain hours. I stayed with a very nice family in their basic but nice house. Maybe 30 people lived in the village with others living close. There was no weed there it wasn't in their culture. Anyway that night they invited me to the yage (Ayahuasca) ceremony. I couldn't say no and soon found myself trekking through the jungle trying to keep up with the indians. Way back in the densest jungle you can imagine was a clearing with a little hut and a huge roof with hammocks tied under it. And it was dark, they built a fire and started to prepare the brew. I'm sure most already know this but it's noisy in the jungle at night. I wasn't scared really but uncomfortable as I took a hammock. I kept thinking this would be a lot better if I had some weed. To make a long story short it was one the most powerful trips I've had. Talking to the beings and giant machines with huge gears and wheels in motion, jaguars with congo drums. I survived it and got to be honest I was glad to get back to cilvization. I recommend this experience to everyone, it really tighten up a few nuts but it wasn't fun. It's not a recreational experience and not one I want to repeat. Love the beautiful people there but it's so humid and so many insects and pathogens even a greenhouse would be difficult.
So yeah the other night I ate a little top of a wild mushroom Camilo gave me. I was alone and had a nice cleansing trip, very mild due to the dose.
I'll get some wachuma (I believe that's he called it) and eventually try it.
I also want to keep different options around for any visitors wanting that type experience.

Beautiful day today on the mountain.

Stay calm
red rider

Baba Karuna

Well-known member
Camilo is a cool dude, he's a funny guy always finding something funny. He eats alot of mushroom and cacti, funny his wife doesn't though. She told me she only has bad trips so she doesn't partake. She loves weed though and like Camilo she's a funny person.
But yeah I dropped quite a bit of acid back in the day and now I'll eat the occasional mushroom. I got to be in the mood for it, I'm not into random tripping anymore.
About five years ago I cruised down to Punto Mayo near the Ecuador border. I was invited by some indian dudes interested in growing hemp in their region. They thought I was some kind of cannabis expert since I was working with the Colombian cannabis center. The Cafan Indians have a village about 20 miles up the tiger river. This is like Indiana Jones jungle man, riding a little boat. The village was cool with really nice people, no cell service and power only at certain hours. I stayed with a very nice family in their basic but nice house. Maybe 30 people lived in the village with others living close. There was no weed there it wasn't in their culture. Anyway that night they invited me to the yage (Ayahuasca) ceremony. I couldn't say no and soon found myself trekking through the jungle trying to keep up with the indians. Way back in the densest jungle you can imagine was a clearing with a little hut and a huge roof with hammocks tied under it. And it was dark, they built a fire and started to prepare the brew. I'm sure most already know this but it's noisy in the jungle at night. I wasn't scared really but uncomfortable as I took a hammock. I kept thinking this would be a lot better if I had some weed. To make a long story short it was one the most powerful trips I've had. Talking to the beings and giant machines with huge gears and wheels in motion, jaguars with congo drums. I survived it and got to be honest I was glad to get back to cilvization. I recommend this experience to everyone, it really tighten up a few nuts but it wasn't fun. It's not a recreational experience and not one I want to repeat. Love the beautiful people there but it's so humid and so many insects and pathogens even a greenhouse would be difficult.
So yeah the other night I ate a little top of a wild mushroom Camilo gave me. I was alone and had a nice cleansing trip, very mild due to the dose.
I'll get some wachuma (I believe that's he called it) and eventually try it.
I also want to keep different options around for any visitors wanting that type experience.
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Beautiful day today on the mountain.

Stay calm
red rider
I spent time in the Amazon studying shamanic science and practices and the yagé is definitely very interesting. Nighttime in the deep jungle is something else, noisy and the animals aren’t always the scariest thing one can encounter. Strange things happen out there that western society is completely unaware of. I went into the adventure thinking that yagé was where I wanted to go but once I was introduced to wachuma everything changed and that became my primary teacher. These definitely are not recreational substances and must be approached with humility and respect 🙏🏼