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USA...where's all the hash?!?!??!

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
I LOVE HASH!!! Unfortunately, I can NEVER find any. Waaaay back about 10-12 years ago(old stoner) I could get a fair bit of black/brown hash that was mid grade and up. Since then, I have not been seeing it...AT ALL. Recently I had about a half a gram that a friend gifted me, and of course that only made me want more :)
I hear lots of folks in Europe and Canada finding a good bit of hash, but not so much here in the US.
So, what's the deal?? Where there is cannabis, there should also be hash, no??!?!?
So what are some of your opinions out there as to why we in the US don't seem to have as much hash as some other places(oh, and I posted this question here as opposed to OG to avoid the kiddies answering with dumbass comments like "America is gay"
but all other opinions are welcome.

In the long run, I intend to combat this lack of tasty resins by making my own hash once this Afghani finishes.

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