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Twitter went from CSV to JSON file archives how to translate?

Space Toker

Active member
Twitter went from CSV to JSON file archives how to translate? I had no problems downloading the CSV to Windows 2007 I have on my 2011-2013 desktop PC. Now Windows7 about to end wondering about those options, but the point is I cannot figure out a way to easily download the data directly to Excel 2007 or to CSV first which also works well. I saw online convertors but can you trust them? And the one I tried seemed to not work anyway. I just want to download all my data for backup and MB to condense/edit/delete. My bro has practically a brand new Mac Laptop, but no Windows programs on it.

Bottom line, Converting JSON file into something I can use on Windows7 or on Mac laptop any ideas PLEASE!? THANK YOU SO MUCH for any positive feedback meant at truly trying to address my question.

Space Toker

Active member
I saved it as text and tried pasting that. It keeps telling me "There was an error parsing this JSON. If you're sure this JSON is valid, please file an issue." Well at least it tells me something. Am I doing something wrong?


New member
Do you have any programming experience? json parsing is a pretty common task in the webdev world. Are you looking to import it into excel?


Active member
ICMag Donor
If twitter went from a simple text format comma separated values, to json which is java script something or other, then it is being encoded or made complicated. It is encrypted, or shared, there isn't much logical sense in making a file or information larger in size, because json is not compression. You can use a lot of things for compression but I think encryption is more accurate. If you have witnessed people in meetings they probably like to have encryption instead of comma separated text. One person might favor making money from personal user information, another developer might say here are the codes you can copy my assignment if you want. I don't care for java script personally that might be like Honda or Toyota or Ford or Chevy to some. Current generations called it written in assembler language or C before, not many years back. Now there are fisher price tool set for special ed private school only children, strictly hands off developer tools, million and a half+ piece lego set of prefab software with no choice or distinction.

Space Toker

Active member
I had 1990 programming experience,well,if you call studying for a certificate that was supposed to lead to associates degree then that fell through when that school closed,but then another opportunity with local public 4 year school,took some community college courses in interim,with mixed results,then recession that hit computer field at the time,before internet existed,or at least before average person realized it did,so,no work experience. But I do accidentally and sometimes intentionally click on something,"view page source" or is it info? and that code does look somewhat understandable or translatable or something. I was able to figure out how to save pics that did not seem able to save,that kind of thing,nothing grandiose. But the JSON thing,well,I can see my posts interspersed with a lot of gibberish,at one point thought I figured out how to search for some things and not others,to pick and choose the info I want,but since forgot how to do that. I used to rely on an old PC that has since "shit the bed",so I could use good faith guidance on the subject. Thanks!