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Only one seed produced



I harvested my amnesia99 and have cured for 3 weeks now. I was going through the cola, I am smoking it, and found 1 seed. there were no males with this plant and this plant was not a hermie as faras I could tell. Has anyone ever had this happen? The plant did get severely stressed. I figured it would have hermied easily, cept no flowers ever. I checked all the time for them cuz of the stress level this plant went through.


New member
if you found 1 seed i would assume a single male flower appeared and u missed it...dont worry, if it grows, its pretty much assured of being 100% female ;)


Active member
pollen can lay dormant in your room for a while, mayb from a previous grow ?. Anyhow enjoy your a99 :D



There are no worries, females sometimes put out male flowers in an attempt to polenate itself. This usually occurs late into flowering. That seed will be female but it will have a propensity to hermie especially late into flowering.

Brushtail is right about lefover pollen from past grows. I usually try to wash down my flower room with bleach between flowering crops.
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well i know about the self pollinating, just figured there would be more seeds, thanx.


Cannabis Helper
This 1 seed should be very hardy as long as it fully developed, because the plant only produces one seed it gets all the energy it needs to be great...

But... and i do say BUT... I would not breed with a self pollinated seed... :2cents:



Soma says. that time stress causes male flowers to appear on female plants. Sources of stess are the usual, light, air, water, heat, and I learned that if the plant is allowed to go two weeks past ripe it will stress the plant as well.

BTW, I had two seeds produced by a cole only strain. I kept the two seeds and I am hoping they are female.
