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New Nextdoor Neighbor is LEO


Active member
Does his county still bust people?
He doesn't sound like the ass hole 'must obey me' type.
Does his car use indicate small town? where policing is about peace keeping. Not scoring points.

Non of the above matters much. It's all about the smell. It's not called Skunk for nothing. Smokers forget what having a good sense of smell is. Non smokers sometimes complain about it coming through the wall. Obviously it shouldn't but it shows how much the smell carries. It's smell, strange comings and goings, and curtains always closed. They draw attention.

I don't know why a tent in a closet would leak light into the room. Perhaps you could have main lights and auxiliary lighting, plug in within the bedroom. So you can reduce the light before opening the tent (if that's when the light gets out)

Having blinds always closed draws attention?

I will be honest all my neighbors have their blinds all the way down. Is everyone growing?


New member
haha fortunately they don't face my front porch, but my backyard.

I do have a good filter, I think. Not that they've started smelling enough for me to find out yet....

If you have it vented into the house, you’ll know if the filter is working. If it’s vented outside, that’s where you have to be careful - be damn sure it’s working. All it takes is one whiff and that’s yo ass. Do not underestimate the stank. Him smelling weed smoke may not get him off the couch; him smelling weed growing is a whole nother thing. Wouldn’t want your first to be your last.


Well-known member
Having blinds always closed draws attention?

I will be honest all my neighbors have their blinds all the way down. Is everyone growing?

The neighbourhood watch are told to look out for constantly closed blinds and curtains. So yes, to the people that spy on their neighbours, you are all growing. They just need to prove it.

If it's a room he can see, and the tent is out of view, then make a point of opening the blinds and leaving the light on. He is new and assessing the area. Your room is one he will know isn't full of plants.

Or you can carry on looking like you might be hiding something


New member
Having blinds always closed draws attention?

I will be honest all my neighbors have their blinds all the way down. Is everyone growing?

Everyone I know leaves their blinds closed too, I do. If you have an actual busybody neighborhood watch, maybe it’s “suspicious”. To normal people who go to work and have shit to do, it’s not. I would keep that light leak as minimal as possible though, maybe just crack the closet door.
Main Thing - Don’t let em smell it growin - not in a red state.


Active member
Everyone I know leaves their blinds closed too, I do. If you have an actual busybody neighborhood watch, maybe it’s “suspicious”. To normal people who go to work and have shit to do, it’s not. I would keep that light leak as minimal as possible though, maybe just crack the closet door.
Main Thing - Don’t let em smell it growin - not in a red state.

The only reason I have the closet doors open is ventilation. Obviously have my tent ventilated with filter and exhaust fan, but I'm just exhausting out of the tent into the closet and my intake is pulling air from the side of the tent (in the closet), so don't the doors of the closet need to be open?

If I could shut the closet doors there would be no light leaks.

moose eater

Well-known member
Good filtration, no seriously bright lights visible coming from the closet, no obnoxious parties, keep your tags on your vehicle current, yard decently clean, and DON'T get all antsy if/when you shake his hand or say "hi". Basic calm, cool, collected, and go about your business like everyone else.

I know there are some locations that still regard any amount of growing of cannabis as tantamount to pissing on church pews, and I hope you're not in one of those places, but a lot of this is basically just a matter of keeping your head cool.

Keep ass-hats away from you and your 'friends circles', and live a relatively private life. Not that the unplanned and unforeseeable can't happen to anyone, but you seem a bit up-tight about this whole thing. Just a friendly observation.


Well-known member
Everyone I know leaves their blinds closed too, I do. If you have an actual busybody neighborhood watch, maybe it’s “suspicious”. To normal people who go to work and have shit to do, it’s not. I would keep that light leak as minimal as possible though, maybe just crack the closet door.
Main Thing - Don’t let em smell it growin - not in a red state.

About 6 weeks after buying his house, a friend was approached as the neighbours had noticed his were never open. It's not a conversation you want.
We can't build subterranean homes. Windows must have a view. I'm sorry for the image, but I'm doing my naked guy bit right now. I have seen TV from around the world. Who closes the blinds that has nothing to hide? It's a security risk. You have a nice car and nice garden, and want to see who is on the street.

It's a human nature thing. We are expected to be extroverted. Most go along with this. The recluse is seen as different. Blinds are used were needed, but windows serve a purpose. Only the bathroom has privacy glass.

If the copper gets a sniff, he will presume their is a room full somewhere nearby, or it's just not interesting. Call it optimistic if you like.
If he is concerned someone has a room or house full of plants, it's better he knows what each room looks like. Turning his attention elsewhere.

Thankfully he's not local leo. He shouldn't be in the trash, or having his dog van friend pass by. There is nothing quite as convincing as seeing it's not their though.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I would say that more then likely you have little to worry about, if you got odor control in place and as long as no light obviously brighter or different color then a typical lamp gets out then you're likely safe. If you who knows where to look can't see it from outside then chances are good he can't either or if he can it likely doesn't look out of the ordinary. Another thing to keep in mind is that many cops don't really care all that much about people using weed they care about people selling weed. As long as you don't have the telltale sign of a dealer, people coming and going all hours of the day and night then he's likely not going to be suspicious. As far as closet doors and ventilation as long as there are spaces at the bottom or top of the closet door for air to be drawn in or blown out you can probably keep them closed or at least mostly closed and reduce the chances of light leaking out. The most important thing in my opinion is to not be seen as suspicious or a mystery. The people that neighbors wonder about most are the ones that act strangely or that nobody knows anything about. So be involved in your community, if you see someone needing help and you can offer help do so, be seen in your yard taking care of your property, wave or say hi to neighbors passing by, go for walks around your neighborhood. All those things will make you seem like a normal member of the community. On the widows, I really doubt the blinds on a room facing the back yard on the second floor are going to make people suspicious especially if it is an otherwise unused room. No need for blinds to be open in a room that nobody is ever in to look out at things. Now front facing rooms and/or windows on the ground floor, that's a different story. If those are always closed that might make people be suspicious of you or think you're hiding something. Of course should someone ever ask why the blinds in one room on the second floor are always closed, it doesn't hurt to have a prepared answer, something like, "Oh that's an extra room we don't really use except as a place for extra storage" Of course if they can tell someone is in there often you might want to come up with a different answer, such as it's a workout room or an office and you like to keep the blinds closed to avoid distractions.

All in all I think you're good but it's okay to worry a little that's how we avoid mistakes usually.


Active member
Good filtration, no seriously bright lights visible coming from the closet, no obnoxious parties, keep your tags on your vehicle current, yard decently clean, and DON'T get all antsy if/when you shake his hand or say "hi". Basic calm, cool, collected, and go about your business like everyone else.

I know there are some locations that still regard any amount of growing of cannabis as tantamount to pissing on church pews, and I hope you're not in one of those places, but a lot of this is basically just a matter of keeping your head cool.

Keep ass-hats away from you and your 'friends circles', and live a relatively private life. Not that the unplanned and unforeseeable can't happen to anyone, but you seem a bit up-tight about this whole thing. Just a friendly observation.

I would agree I probably seem a bit tight, and it's probably because I live in one of "THOSE" areas you are talking about.


Active member

Just because he works for another county doesnt mean he cant make a call. Either to your county or the state. Remember hes still a cop even when that uniform isnt on. All cops love to get arrests, it makes them look good. He may want to climb the ladder in the pd. "Deputy fife sniffs out highly dangerous illegal indoor residential marijuana factory". Can you imagine that headline in the town paper???

LE is never your friend. Know your 4th amendment and know your civil rights. Never consent to any searches, under any circumstances.

Do you have alot of friends over? Alot of in and out traffic at all hours? Loud music? Do you have an significant other? Any loud arguments? Girls get pissed enough they will tell on you!!!! One of your buddies gets pulled over leaving your spot, they will tell on you!!!! All it takes is one of them to say they smell weed. They dont have to even smell it and it doesnt even have to be present for them to say they do. And once they say that, the door for probable cause is open , and then you are rly fucked.

Ultimately what I'm saying is make sure things in your personal life are straight. Do not tell anyone about your grow.

One other thing, and it's something no one had rly touched on yet, weed smells the absolute loudest when you are trimming. Fresh trimmed weed reeks waaayyyyy more than flowering bud. Your whole place is going to stink bad. May only be a few days, but if that smell drifts across the way....

I'm not trying to be a dick, I just rly u understand your situation. Alot of these guys are probably in legal places and may have forgot how things used it be. It's still rough out here for the rest of us fellas. If you get caught you are fucked. The state can take everything you own. Everything. Car, truck house, trailer, etc. They will for sure charge you with felony possession, cultivation, trafficking, maybe conspiracy and maybe even racketeering. They will threaten to charge everyone they can connect to it. Do not get caught and do not get caught up in the court system.

Be safe wildman good luck on your grow.

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
Speaking from personal experience if you were still growing in a restricted state yes you do have to be careful there’s still a lot of draconian thinking out there and they will fuck you up to the full extent of the law if they are able to

St. Phatty

Active member
Give the neighbor on the other side the makings for a Hydrolysis set-up.

Bucket with a gallon of water, 50 feet of wire, a battery, an ignition resistor, and a 42 gallon bag.

And 115 VAC, with a diode and a capacitor, so it's 160 volts DC.

You can let the hydrogen & oxygen mix in the bag, or you can separate the Hydrogen & Oxygen into separate bags.

When you attach the ignition resistor to the battery, you should be at least 50 feet away and kneeling & leaning over your knees, looking away from the bag of air.

It will make a sound like an explosion, but it's just the hydrogen & oxgyen re-combining into water. :party:

Now all of a sudden the LEO's attention is focussed on another neighbor.

Problem temporarily solved !

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