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Netherlands Selling Medical mari in Pharmacies

Netherlands Selling Medical mari in Pharmacies

  • Prohibition of Cannabis is almost over BOG.

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • It's hard to deny a suffering person their meds.

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • I guess the future will bring legal cannabiz.

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • No BOG...they will never let us win.

    Votes: 3 30.0%

  • Total voters

Satans pal

So Bog, if it were to become legal in the states, how would you like to see the laws written. Taxes, distribution, and especially home growers? SP


Bubblegum Specialist
The Simple Way

The Simple Way

Just recognize the rights of privacy in the home and make possession of under 2 oz outside the home legal. I wouldn't have big systems to distribute it I would let anyone make it like wine. On a small scale this does no harm.

Sales of marijuana would need some regulation but medical mari should be easily available to those who qualify. I really see no need to determine who is a qualified med user as anyone can use over the counter meds and herbs without a doctor anyways and many of them are more dangerous.

Good lord Tobacco and Alcohol in strong forms is allowed.

Why not the safer alternative. BOG ;)



Satans pal

You always seem to say the right thing,

You always seem to say the right thing,

the right way. Agree with you 100%:)


Sounds Like Pure Logic to Me

Sounds Like Pure Logic to Me


I've always liked the way your thoughts are so eloquently put. You will forever be a true role model for myself and many others.

V. A.
Last edited:


Wet Lettuce
Pharmacy :

Pharmacy :

~They sell pharmaceuticals, by definition. Not Herbal ganja. They chose to exploit/capitalise on all their poisons; aka pharmaceuticals. They know their fear is what has made weed temporarily prohibited. Bit I'll be ~fUckeD~ if they are going to try sell when it is fully legal- (soon).~


I really hope that someday people realize how stupid marijuana prohibition is. It really is up to us though. I kind of see the US govt. always being against it. They make WAY more money keeping it illegal. Look at the amount of money they get budgeted to them to fight "the war on drugs". So, they get tons and tons of money each year to fight this "war" and what do they have to show for it? Nothing really. Some arrests here and there. So, the people keeping it illegal are lining their pockets. Of course they want it to stay that way. Plus, its' so eas to grow that even if they did make it legal, they really wouldn't make very much money. So, like I said, it really is up to us. It's kind of like when they prohibited alcohol. The people just wouldn't have it, and they just kind of gave up. That's when the marijuana prohibition basically started. The govt. needed a new way to make money, so they started taxing the shit out of hemp growers, making it impossible for them to make any type of money on it. That is also when a new fabric for clothes came around. The company had the govt's support, which is another reason they fazed out growing hemp. What better way to boost sales than to eliminate the competition. All of this bullshit with marijuana is all about money. You gotta love our capitalist government.

I still can't believe how totally blind people are. They see some stupid commercials on TV about how evil pot is and just believe it. Then, they'll go down to the corner bar, get wasted and smoke a pack of cigarettes. Go figure..... Oh, and now these pharmaceutical companies can make these syntheic THC pills such as Marinol and that's OK? But the real, natural version is bad and the chemically made version is safe though. OK, I'll stop typing now cause I could write a damn book on this subject. Cool article though BOG.


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