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Medical Marijuana and Psychiatric Disorders


Active member
Here's an excellent review of how cannabis is being used by people to help with various psychiatric disorders. In California it is estimated that 30% of medical marijuana patients are using it to treat psychological problems.

Most states allow for medical marijuana only for physical disorders, not mental ones. The article compares the effectiveness of marijuana in treating many psychological disorders verses pharmaceuticals like prozac, as well as the side effects, concluding that marijuana is far safer and more effective.



my doctor told me that I should smoke from time to time. It was few years ago when i was treating depression. now everything is okay.. :)


Sorcerer's Apprentice
This is an excellent article that really drives the point home that MMJ laws just aren't being enacted by people who really get it.


I have my bad days when I cant smoke and I tend to blow things out of proportion. Useage of my medicine levels me out and suppresses those crazy urges.


Active member


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Cannabis has literally saved my life several times. Without it suicide may have been a real option. Prescription pharmaceuticals for mental illness are nothing but poison. Seriously a lot of those drugs have Death as a side effect.

Talked to two different psychiatrists a few years back after going through some heavy personal stuff. They each spent about 30 minutes talking to me and each diagnosed me with a different disorder.... and different medications. Each gave me a prescription and told me to give it a try for a while and if I didn't like it, to come on back and we'd try something different.

One of them had over 30 known side-effects, including seizures, kidney failure and breast development and on top of all of that was known to cause loss of creativity in patients. The other wasn't much better.

I never filled either prescription.

I said, "No thanks. I'll stick to cannabis."

LEO: You whacky cops and politicians need to stop telling me what's right for me. Think about what freedom means to YOU. You wouldn't like me enforcing my beliefs in your home/life any more than I like it when you do it in mine. What was that line again? I know it was something about "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." :joint:



Dr. Mikuriya states that cannabis is particularly effective for PTSD because it modulates emotional responsivity and restores sleep, relieving insomnia (307.42) and ameliorating nightmares and other sleep dysfunctions (307.47). He states further that PTSD is worsened by alcohol, stimulants, and Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors (SSRIs).

Gawd! Vindicated!

F*k Prozac and the ilk it's Brain Bleach!

I derive benefit from the instance of medicating and for up to 72 hours.

Not all strains work well.. But the ones that do .. well I forget I medicated.

I too have the "build up and blow out problem." Like a freight train once it gets rolling. Cannabis is a wonderful treatment and prevention substance.
Who thinks much of the person they see "flipping out?" I get depressed once the cycle is over and again Cannabis helps. Oh get over it is what some say.. My behavior is more than voluntary I'm afraid. That's why my recommendation is for life here in the state of California.

People may say the "Marijuana today isn't the marijuana of the 60's" that's right people. "It can be what we need it to be through the art of Horticulture like any other crop." ( JTG )

I assume in some States the idea that a medicine alters perception rather then only changing biochemistry is an evil. That would make sense for people who are afraid to change their perceptions on Medical Cannabis.
I assume they are waiting for the big biochemical change that comes for us all!
