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Lucas Flora DWC Measurements


I Have A 20 Gal. DWC With 13 Gals. Of RO. I'll Be Doing Lucas Way At 0-5-10. Is This Right: 2 1/4oz. Of Micro, 4 1/2oz. Of Bloom? If Not What Should It Be? What Would It Be For 15 Gals.? Any & All Help Would Be Great!



Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
For 20 gallons @ 0-5-10 you'd want 100ml of Micro and 200 ml of Bloom (3.4 oz, 6.8 oz)


A 20 gal tub does not hold 20 gal of nutrient solution. My 18 gal tub holds 16 gal in the seedling stage (when net pots are submerged) and 12 gal or less with mature plants and air gap.

Note that 0-5-10 (or 0-8-16) are for established adults, not little girls. Seedlings are better fed at 0-1.25-1.25 (1/4 tsp per gal) When roots can span a 1" air gap, lower the water line and increase to 0-2.5-2.5 (1/2 tsp per gal) Chart EC and pH for further instruction. EC up-pH down is too rich. EC down-pH up is too lean. Once roots are established and you're ready to flip the lights, switch from a 1:1 Veg formula to a 1:2 Bloom formula. (Example: from 0-5-5 to 0-5-10)

While 15 plants will drink a greater volume of water than a single plant, the strength of the solution for both remains the same.

Remember that the formulas on the bottles are not related to plant health. They are intended to make you use nutes at double the necessary rate so you'll spent double the money at no extra gain.