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Lebanon's Hash Farms


VICE News - Lebanon's Hash Farms

Cannabis cultivation in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley is an ancient practice that dates back to the beginning of recorded history. During the Lebanese civil war between 1975-1990, it provided funding for feuding militias and turned Lebanon into one of the world's largest hashish exporters.

Today, Lebanon's feuding militias are still using drugs as a source of income. Under international pressure, the Lebanese government is cracking down on smaller Cannabis farmers while drug lords continue to act with impunity. Security forces confronting armed farmers defending their crops have lead to bloody gun battles between the warring sides. VICE News hung out with some of the farmers to learn about Lebanon's ancient hashish industry and see how crooked politicians are profiting from the chaos.


at 5.29 it shows the big pile of ground plant matter and he sais theres still 4 process to go through, any ideas what the whole process it?

great video, ty


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Marvelous video!

Marvelous video!

Thank you very much for this one.

at 5.29 it shows the big pile of ground plant matter and he sais theres still 4 process to go through, any ideas what the whole process it?

great video, ty

I would say that the whole material will be sieved again on a under 17microns sieve, then moulded on bricks/slabs and wrapped, then the bricks are warmed to around 60Celsius to improve flexibility and finally they are compressed with what i call hash mallets until they reach the ideal density,size,weight, consistency and aspect.
Hash Mallets

But this is just a guess, never been to Lebanon and even less to that specific farm, but i would love to :biggrin:


TC Nursery est 2020
Those little Plants looking awesome :D any idea if these are hybrids or landraces?


Active member
How interesting that the colas they showed were all loaded with seed. These guys have been doing this for centuries.
Guess the 15 year old experts don't know what they are talking about.


ICMag Donor
Thats a really sad situation. I feel for those folks caught up in that chaos. Really cool seeing how they grow and process cannabis out there. They said it grows up on its own! Its so dry! Canabis is a survivor. Those were landrace sativas for sure.

The host said it smelled really potent in the hash room! :smoke:


Active member
Let's not feel too sorry for them. I saw a video recently where a hash grower was interviewed. When asked about Hesbolla coming and bulldozing their fields he grinned. He then opened the trunk of his SUV. He had grenade propelled rocket launchers and machine guns. He said they always leave when the armament comes out.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Feel sorry as hell for the people from the Bekka valley. Caught between Syria and the Jews.

Smugglers Blues, by Richard Stratton. Dope smuggling fiction, with chapter 7 set in Lebanon. Not a bad read, especially for Canadians.