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Knives being sharpened for "Ming"


ninja bud

Looks like the Gardai are after Luke Flanagan TD for his cannabis use. Complaints have started from Fianna Fail and now the Gardai are getting involved. Looks like Ming will have to watch out for the backstabbers.
Its conservative politics that has the country the way it is. New government same old conservative bullshit.:shooty:


A cheap shot and to be honest a pretty fucking petty one.
Just goes to show that the FF rats and their counter parts in the present government are scared of what Mr Flanagan represents.

2 can play that game and these guys should remember that when they leave the Dail bar or their local pub and drive home.....


eyes that shine...
ICMag Donor
when are we gonna grow up out of this shit---fuckin jailing grown adults for their choice of what materials they choose to put into their own bodies.I fucking despair sometimes


when are we gonna grow up out of this shit---fuckin jailing grown adults for their choice of what materials they choose to put into their own bodies.I fucking despair sometimes

Seriously, i meant jesus christ it's not as if we haven't more important things to be concerned about.....the economy for one.

Last week, Fianna Fail councillor John Coonan revealed he was writing to gardai about the deputy.
To me writing to the cops = too scared to table a debate in leinster house, coonan and the rest of the prohibitionists only argument would be that cannabis is illegal but they wont be able to give a valid reason why.

If you wish to register your discontent then you can email mr. coonan from the link below

From the papers

By Cormac Murphy
Tuesday March 22 2011

LUKE 'Ming' Flanagan's cultivation of cannabis for his own use "is a direct challenge to the law", the Garda Review magazine has said.

The newly elected TD is an advocate of decriminalising cannabis and has even admitted to growing the drug.

However, the latest edition of the Garda Review is heavily critical of the deputy's stance.

In an editorial, the magazine states the election of a new Dail brings the issue of legalising cannabis "back to the forefront".

"We now have an elected public representative of the legislative system who is publicly committed to the legalisation of cannabis and has regularly admitted in the media that he cultivates a supply for personal use.

"It is a direct challenge to the law and as such to the law enforcers," it adds.

The publication states: "We cannot have a situation where the law is ignored, either through appeasement or political expediency, otherwise our system of justice will become a mockery," the magazine insists.

"This will impact negatively on our work through drug enforcement," adds the Review, which is the official magazine of the Garda Representative Association (GRA).

It is the latest in a series of attacks on Mr Flanagan over his controversial opinions on drug use.

Last week, Fianna Fail councillor John Coonan revealed he was writing to gardai about the deputy.

Mr Flanagan should not be given special treatment and should be dealt with for breaking the law, according to the Kilkenny representative.

Mr Coonan was writing to gardai and Taoiseach Enda Kenny to express his concerns.

A decade ago, Mr Flanagan sent 500 cannabis joints to Irish politicians as part of his campaign to legalise the drug.

See page 14

- Cormac Murphy

ninja bud

I think they should be after TD Lowry and the rest of the political elite. I had a lot of hope after the election but it seems that its business as usual for these wasters. If things dont start to change here I can see Ireland going the way of Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain and Libya.

ninja bud

Hey HGO whats the law in Spain in relation to growing your own. I believe you are allowed to grow for personal use. Could you fill me in?


Luke 'Ming' Flanagan has announced that he is "giving up the gange".

Speaking on 'The Last Word' on Today Fm, he said: “If I want to get cannabis legalised the best place for me to do that in Dáil Éireann … eventually I will be taken out of the Dáil and people who want cannabis legalised will no longer have a voice in the Dáil.”

Deputy Flanagan’s decision follows an editorial in the Garda Review magazine, which warned the justice system would become a mockery unless action was taken against the Independent TD.

He said that he took the decision to protect his family.

“It would not be good for my family for the gardaí to be coming around to my house and annoying us about this.

“It is a tough decision, it is a difficult decision but it is the only logical decision I can make. My children are more important to me than anyone else on this planet and my wife equally so.”

Deputy Flanagan has continuously campaigned for the legalisation of cannabis and he is surprised by recent calls for his prosecution. In 2001, he posted near 500 joints to various TDs and journalists.

“After I did that I wrote to the DPP asking if they would be prosecuting me for supply, possession and cultivation. I received a letter back from the DPP informing me no prosecution would take place.”

Deputy Flanagan claims that he is not the only TD to have used cannabis.


The President of the Garda Representative Association has said an investigation has been launched into claims that a newly elected TD is growing and using cannabis.

Earlier this month, the Star newspaper reported that Roscommon South Leitrim TD Luke 'Ming' Flanagan admitted he grew a small amount of cannabis for personal use.

An editorial in the Garda Review magazine now warns that the justice system will become a mockery unless action is taken against the Independent TD, who was not named directly.

President of the GRA Damien McCarthy said any admission of breaking the law by a member of parliament must be taken seriously.

Read more: http://www.breakingnews.ie/ireland/...td-growing-cannabis-498183.html#ixzz1HTS3Mr1n


Gotta love the slant the scumbag tabloids put on the story......"Ming quits for the sake of his wife and children" not Ming quits for the greater good of the legalization cause.

Worry not Mr. Flanagan there are people hard at work breeding strains for everybody to grow outdoors, these narrow minded bastards wont be smirking for much longer.

johnny c

New member
Luke 'Ming' Flanagan has announced that he is "giving up the gange".

Speaking on 'The Last Word' on Today Fm, he said: “If I want to get cannabis legalised the best place for me to do that in Dáil Éireann … eventually I will be taken out of the Dáil and people who want cannabis legalised will no longer have a voice in the Dáil.”

Deputy Flanagan’s decision follows an editorial in the Garda Review magazine, which warned the justice system would become a mockery unless action was taken against the Independent TD.

He said that he took the decision to protect his family.

“It would not be good for my family for the gardaí to be coming around to my house and annoying us about this.

“It is a tough decision, it is a difficult decision but it is the only logical decision I can make. My children are more important to me than anyone else on this planet and my wife equally so.”

Deputy Flanagan has continuously campaigned for the legalisation of cannabis and he is surprised by recent calls for his prosecution. In 2001, he posted near 500 joints to various TDs and journalists.

“After I did that I wrote to the DPP asking if they would be prosecuting me for supply, possession and cultivation. I received a letter back from the DPP informing me no prosecution would take place.”

Deputy Flanagan claims that he is not the only TD to have used cannabis.
yep he is a sell out,runs on a platform then when he got into office ,changes? fuck you ming!!
what the cops are after you???? why were they not before?