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kali mist :no resin on buds



I wonder if the grower let her fully mature? I hope he did. and I wonder what the high was like? Seeded or not seeded, the high from either will be similar and resin content is no indication of what the quality of the high will be..and like many other posters here, that plant in the photo looked to be a good four weeks from being ripe, then, like most longer flowering strains would benefit from a long, slow dry and cure/storage.

Plants that are full of seeds are great for dry sifting...just hang dry the plants, then put them in sealed cardboard boxes (with a sheet of paper with the sides bent upwards to form a tray so any dropped seeds, resin heads or trim can be caught) in a cool place and wait several months before sifting.

The important part of growing is something that is rarely mentioned and is something that any grower with a magnifier learns quickly is that don't rupture the resin heads......from the time a plant starts developing visible resin, make sure to not to touch the plant, don't brush against it, don't shake it and definitely don't maul it like so many youtube growers do! The best way to move or bend a branch is by holding a large to medium sized leaf, doing this you will be able to peer into and under any part of the plant without destroying resin.

And when the plants are harvested, it's just as important to make sure extreme care is taken when removing the fan leaves, de-branching, hanging up etc or you will be yielding less resin.. Ideally a branch should go from being cut from the plant, de-fanned and hung without touching another plant..and when dry enough for boxing, any cutting should be done over a screen, a stainless steel 100 Mesh works well for this. so any of the resin heads that break off will be saved.

I don"t know if science backs this up, but I've noticed that the resin heads with the best high are located on the exterior of buds, these are the trichomes that are usually mauled off during growing, trimming and drying and if there's any exterior resin heads left then the plastic bags they are stuffed into makes sure they're all gone by the time the 1/8th buyer hands over his cash.
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just read a thread about an AK47 plant with no high in the serious section, than now the kali mist without resin... I heard earlier that there problems with the old serius strains nowadays, it seems its a fact.

last year I grow BG from seeds and it was nothing special.

fortunately know some clone shops with some really nice selection.

buy serious varieties in seed form nowadays seems not really worth.


Serious has never been the same since the bust back in the day. They used to the one of the best strains even, BubbleGum. now gone, not the same. The AK and the Kali Mist both the same. I know a lot of people who like the more mellow AK, but the AK that used to come in the old seeds was supreme.


[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/attachment.php?attachmentid=285656&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

should i really wait for it ?

flowering on the strain can take 90 + days

& there is no sign of resin!

I'm in week 9 of flowering and also growing malwai strain and that one is full of resin, both received the exact same conditions.

can the fact that she have been pollinated & producing a lots of seeds be the reason for it not producing tricromes.

will there be any THC content if there is no resin

I am at weed 8 right now wroth minimal resin. I would wait.


That sucks. If it were me, i would finish it out & stash away for some emergency bud. I definitely wouldn't scrap jus yet because of no resin, ive seen bud with major resin but it lacked in the high department and ive had bud with little or minor to none and was pretty good weed. Its jus the luck of the dice. Besides if you scrap it now, then it would have been
A complete waste of energy, time and money. Emergency stash or a gift for a friend or relative. Good luck


Keyboard Warrior
Narrow leaf cultivars make more sessile trichome so there is still hope. Finish it and cure, then report back. You may be suprised.

Cinderella Man

It's been over a year the OP probably figured it out by now... I'm curious how it was, I've never grown a plant that had zero resin on it...
Although this thread is years old...just read the whole thread and I wonder why nobody get the idea, that the threadstarter was maybe ripped of. He bought Kali Mist? And? Did he get Kali Mist? Or did someone sold him any crap which looks maybe a bit like the Kali?
And we don't know anything about his grow conditions. Maybe something is seriously wrong.

But some people start criticising Serious Seeds in general, although so many other grower claim it's one of the best breeder ever.


I would wait for it, kali mist is my favorite smoke, I believe it will come through for you.
Seeding it will have an effect.

If there is no resin by now there isn't going to be any. No resin equals no on potency straight up hemp.

I've found that most plants you can tell the quality of the resin by like day 30-40 in flower.

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