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Is it legal to pass a joint after the legalization?


As everyone knows, u can posses and theoretically buy weed in stores in washington state (soon)

After reading the laws, I couldn't find any hint if doing things like sharing a bag with a friend (the classic joint for the way home) or even smoking a joint in a group (passing it along) is legal.

Alright I know some might tempted to say this is all behind closed doors and it doesnt matter in that case, but thats not my point or intent. I wanna stay legal in any case or situation.

Whats your opinion, is it LEGAL to pass a joint in washington?
Is it legal to gift a bag of weed to a friend?
What would you do to stay legal when friends come over for a smoke?

Are there maybe even some fact sheets on the topic of the ACLU or similar?


Thanks for the FAQ but it didnt really contain anything regarding my questions.

As for your question, what prohibits drug trading activity, that is defined by RCW 69.52.030:

Violations — Exceptions.

(1) It is unlawful for any person to manufacture, distribute, or possess with intent to distribute, an imitation controlled substance. Any person who violates this subsection shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a class C felony.

Distribution is the term I am looking at, it is defined as any activity including gifting, bartering or providing marijuana to another person.

I just re-read the I-502 implementation and found some passages. The only exception here is that if u gift marijuana, your property involved in the gifting can not be seized.

(ii) The bona fide gift of a controlled substance, legend drug, or
imitation controlled substance shall not result in the forfeiture of
real property;

(iv) The unlawful sale of marijuana or a legend drug shall not
result in the forfeiture of real property unless the sale was forty
grams or more in the case of marijuana or one hundred dollars or more
in the case of a legend drug, and a substantial nexus exists between
the unlawful sale and the real property;

From what I see, passing a joint along in a group of 21+ adults is a Class C Felony?


TWISTED, it's time to rethink your standpoint if u happen to live in a state that doesn't require you to be a criminal in order to smoke a joint. And if you don't.... even more so.

I'll forward my questions to the ACLU and see if they have anything to say about the topic.


I found all my questions answered on this site:


Consider the following scenarios:

- If you pass a joint to a friend, you’re guilty of delivery of a controlled substance, a Class C felony.
- If your ounce of pot gets wet, you’re guilty of felony possession by weight.
- If you and your friend get stopped, and you each have a legal ounce in the car, you still can be found guilty of a felony under constructive possession.
Notice how different I-502 is from alcohol, which is legal but regulated. I can offer you alcohol at my home. If I hand you a bottle, I haven’t committed a crime.

Here are some hallmarks of legalization:

- The right to make your own at home
- The right to share it with friends
- The right to purchase as much licensed product as you like

The sad part is, I think these laws will have to be applied to the real world first and some media attention brought to arrests (it's already on the media for weird DUI cases they construct due the new legal limits, people getting charged for smoking a joint yesterday etc), before the failure of legalization in washington state becomes a topic and hopefully reconsidered at some point.


To Have More ... Desire Less
.... April 15th, 2014... and only 10 state licenses have been issued..... yet the state says stores for Recreational purchase will be open by summer.......

this is SO out of whack and confused by paper-pushers that don't know shit about weed, and how to grow....

if the state thinks 10 different groups in April can produce top quality product for summer sales..... then the state liquor board is already HIGH to even think this is conceivable....

WA and our bureaucratic leaders have turned this effort in to another state SHAME.....


To Have More ... Desire Less
prime example.... web site lacks ANY up to date info.... before it's over.... WA will fuckup and loose.... the whole thing.... as is the concept has become jaded by greed in less than 2 yrs.....OH and last time I checked ............STILL NOT UP AND WORKING.... let alone paying taxes.....


Active member
jimmy, I have just been used to doing what I want to, regardless of what the laws are concerning smoking/growing of Mj that I just keep it on the D L, and no worries.

I really did not mean to make light of the plight of having a bunch of Ass hats putting You all in legal limbo.
Looking at just these few post's has made Me understand where Y'all are coming from a little better.

Peace; 1TT

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