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Health in the Garden: STEVIA


New member
Grow your own stevia. If you enjoy making teas right out of the garden then i suggest sweetening it w stevia. Use a few fresh leaves in your tea strainer along w other tea leaves such as lemon balm and you might be surprised at the sweetness. Its a good alternative for weight loss and diabetics.


Oh? Then tell us about GYO'ing stevia! Sounds great, tell us more. :)


New member
I found some stevia at my local agway and stuck it in my outdoor garden. Stevia seemed to be a very hardy grower, and had no pest issues. It is very easy to grow. although it does not over winter in harsh environments stevia can be brought inside and kept all year. I originally bought it because i wanted to be free of my sugar dependance and was trying everything. Stevia bought powdered or liquid from the store does not have the same taste quality as it does fresh. As a matter of fact i do not like the store bought stevia at all. It is a healthy and natural alternative to sugar and i recommend any gardener to try it for themselves.


Excellent to learn, and I see that you're likely in one of the cooler zones. How did you process or use it? Does it go to seed well on its own, or will you have to purchase more plants for next year?

My MIL is a raging diabetic, and if we grew out some of this for her it might be a small help. :)


New member
Excellent to learn, and I see that you're likely in one of the cooler zones. How did you process or use it? Does it go to seed well on its own, or will you have to purchase more plants for next year?

My MIL is a raging diabetic, and if we grew out some of this for her it might be a small help. :)

Yes i am in the cooler zones and that may be why the stevia did not go to seed. Perhaps the growing season was too short for this to happen. that is a very good question that hadnt occured to me and im glad you asked it, got the wheels spinning. I have not tried processing it ie drying etc. i used it fresh in a tea diffuser w my fresh lemon balm(for anxiety) leaves. Or i ground it w a mortar and pestle to get the oils out.
I will be trying to clone these. ill let you know how that goes.


I put stevia in my morning smoothies as a sweetener. Non-toxic and no calories. Good stuff.
When I first tried stevia I realised straight away why the sugar producers made this plant illegal back in the day. Now everyone's hooked on sugar...