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Durban GSC info

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ICMag Donor
C'mon brothers....sisters...which ever you may be.

Here's SOME credence to what Steele is saying - in that - there is certainly some Durban and something else going on here...

This first picture - is of a female flower - on a Cherry juice smelling pheno - EXACTLY as Steele has described. This plant was in 1g for veg - for WAY too long - and then put into flower in the same 1 gallon pot for 18 days - when I realized I just wasn't going to ever transplant it - and it could be a million times healthier. I stated earlier I neglected these plants just because I was uncertain about even having them in the first place - and they just sat back burner for a long time.

Anyway - 18 days into flower - cut back and put under 24hr light for the last 4 days.


This is the same female next to the male I mentioned I set aside. The male smells like anise and sour apple - which makes sense to me if I was working with a durban hybrid


My only intent here - is not to pick one side or the other - but I can say with HANDS ON experience with the plants, what Steele is saying about them - would APPEAR to be accurate in the various traits I am seeing.

Is it GSC - no. Some kind of Durban/white mans gifted plant from native americans (ie GDP) - perhaps. Smells on the one female pictured would certainly allow one to draw such conclusions...

So for the truth seekers - I hope this helps. I really don't think Steele is trying to mislead anyone here...but what is it EXACTLY that you would like to see done to resolve the issue at hand? Is it purely a matter of the inclusion of the "GSC" tag in the name? Is your request that the name be changed so that it is not misleading to the uninformed consumer?

Keeping in mind that Steele did not personally mislead anyone as it was never his intent for these seeds to ever see the public light. He never could have anticipated coming back to the forums to have to deal with something he had deemed not worth of his companies (or his) reputation being EVERYWHERE. In all reality, had his will been honored, these explanations would never even be necessary - as the questions would never exist. IN ALL FAIRNESS, I think Steele TRIED to avoid this very mess from the beginning.

Now - having the seeds used in hybrids by others and in some cases being sold - what would you do as a company? You hear some people actually LIKE something you personally did not and would like to play around with the beans...so against your own opinion - you honor the wishes of a few and sell a few packs to the curious...

Where did Steele foul up in ALL of this - OTHER than leaving the "GSC" tag intact?!?

And can we simply not ASK DIRECTLY the the name be changed - rather than 5 pages of whatever this has become...

C'mon ICm - we are better than this. We are not supposed to be like those other places. As much information as could be shared has been shared - and in some cases, probably TOO much - all for the sake of FULL disclosure.

A quick name change Durban x DMT, or GLC x DMT - and all this goes away. Am I seeing this clearly??


Steele Savage

Active member
Boutique Breeder
I'm feeling you Dank Frank... I have asked clarence to comp bidders of this Durban shit xDmt , trading this for something else and shit can those seeds.

Smoketrees, "dude", I used the mother I had as a house plant till it dwindled, I havent had that piece of shit for a long time!!!

Moderators, you purposly allowed this to go on for way too long, then come in, clean it up, about 5 pages with no explanations, I would rather have left it all up!!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR WONDERFUL JOB @ MODING MY HELP DESK... Welcome back, 1000 hits on this lame ass bash Steeles balls, thread. Why doncha do what should have been done on the first page after explaining over and over; lock this thread, already.

The majority of members is right, "Nothing ever happened here".

GeorgeBush, you got a pack of something comin your way for having to scrap it out.

One Love, (in the truest scense)



I am to believe that Steele is sorting out this situation as he has specifically asked me. So if you are the winner of one of these lots please contact me. I have briefly read over this thread and I am happy that the truth has been talked about and I have been contacted by Steele to throw these beans away.

So something I dont normally get involved in is closing threads but since it was myself that put these lots up to sell I am closing this thread. If anyone has any more to say they are more than welcome to PM me.


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