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Digital Cameras


Active member
the best way is to just steal one because they drop in value so quick.

i paid 250 for what i thought was a top of line 8.0 megapixel, only to have 10 point megapixels hit the market a few months later and they were selling my camera on the bargain shelf for 150.

so maybe check the cheaper ones, IMO you dont need a 10, you can get by with 7-8. and go with a good brand like canon, sony, etc.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

Nikon, Cannon, Olympus, Sony in that order imo.

do not buy a camera from any company like HP as
they are not camera manufacturers and it shows.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I agree with s4l here.

I have a Nikon D class, and absolutely love it


Definately recommend a 12-24 month old model from eBay, you'll save an absolute bundle, and will get an almost identical camera to current models.

Personally a great advocate of Canon, but it's horses for courses really. All depends what you want from a camera too.. what is most important to you?

What's your intended budget?

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