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Curing Malawi Cobb

Dr Leary

Can anyone direct me to a more detailed resource for how the locals make and cure Malawi cobbs.

So far this is all I get "The weed is sun dried, wrapped in a corn husks and fastened with string, buried in the (dry/hot) african soil, and dug up a couple months later".

Im a fan of simplicity but I was hoping to find a little more information.
Hi Dr Leary! As far as I know, it's pretty straight forward. The bud is dried (not sure about sun dried or not, but it makes sense), wrapped in a banana leaf or Maize husk, bound with string to form the classic "COB" then buried underground. I was told by a Zulu mate of mine who has been involved with smoking/growing cannabis for quite some years, that the way he was taught to do it was bury the cob in a hole in dry soil as deep as your elbow, cover with dry soil and leave for a month or two occasionally digging it up to inspect the product if it was exposed to heavy rains as the soil may get too moist and cause bad mold.

My reasoning is that even though the cob is buried in dry soil, the rains will wet the top layer and I'm sure some moisture will wick down to the cob's level and result in a sweat cured product. My mate told me that when he was younger and at home in Zimbabwe, the locals would tightly wrap the GREEN weed in brown paper or news paper until the juices started to ooze from the paper. Then they would bury the package under a fresh pile of warm cow manure as it decomposed for about 3 to 4 days. He said that the moisture and heat from the manure would "ferment" the bud and after about 3 to 4 days, the product was almost black. It was then sun dried and was ready for smoking.

Hope this helps at least a bit!

Dr Leary

Thanks for passing that info along M8. I will have to dedicate a portion of my next crop to trying both techniques. I suspect the heat from the biological reaction to breaking down waste, along with the gasses released may cause the black coloration. Since I dont have access to cow shit (LOL) I will probably use my compost pile instead.

I think the curing process is very under explored with those that grow indica/dutch strains. I think there is some opportunity with Sativas and Hazes that may be interesting.
Dr Leary said:
Thanks for passing that info along M8. I will have to dedicate a portion of my next crop to trying both techniques. I suspect the heat from the biological reaction to breaking down waste, along with the gasses released may cause the black coloration. Since I dont have access to cow shit (LOL) I will probably use my compost pile instead.

I think the curing process is very under explored with those that grow indica/dutch strains. I think there is some opportunity with Sativas and Hazes that may be interesting.

No problem, glad I could help a little.
I agree with you about the curing, I think there's a lot to be learned from traditional curing methods. The infamous "Black African Magic" was believed to be fermented, resulting in it's dark colour. Or so I have heard...
I have read a post from a 1970's grower in a icmag thread a couple of years back. He told of a way of making the most powerfull marajuana you could ever smoke. He advised us to get the cheapest weed our money could buy. Place it in a ziploc bag and bury it for 3 months. Now at the end of 3 months you would find a moldy black bud that would be stronger than anything you had ever smoked.
I smoked the African black back in the 90's and I must say that it was all jet black even to the seeds. It looked old and worn out. The buds were tiny and tore like taffy. The power was sick. A half a gram knocked out me and six of my buddys.


bury your erb in cow shit, let it ferment until it is black, and then it is ready for smoking

this i have to try...

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