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British Petroleum

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Yeah it’s bonkers really how much it costs. It’s more so when you double up. With it being so cold (about -4 overnight) you have to put central heating on to keep the house habitable so it’s using the extra gas that kills it. I can stand the pain of a 1.5kwh oil rad for a few weeks but just trying not to freeze to death bangs another £3 a day on to my bill. Doesn’t sound much but I’m just a regular Joe doing manual labour. In England we rely too much on imported energy so we’re held to ransom somewhat by Dutch, German, French energy firms. It’s been on the news they’re closing Port Talbot steel foundry. So now britain can no longer even make it’s own steel. I love this country but I hate those bastards running it. An absolute shower of shite …. Rant over lol
And they still haven’t released the report about Russia and brexit