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2014 PNW light dep!


Hey all! This year I'm venturing into the world of outdoor deps and ICMag forums!
thought i'd share some pictures from this year's big project, though we're already started so here's whats happened so far.

Questions, comments and suggestions are appreciated. Enjoy the ride!

getting an early start on the season.

Moving them outside, hardening them off.

10 durban bubble (aka DBMR -durban poison x blue moon rocks)
5 Jack frost
5 nigerian sunshine (aka nbmr - nigerian landrace crossed with BMR)
5 Blue Orcas
3 wendell berry kush (moonwreck x plushberry)
2 Violet River Kush (space cheese x bmr)

Buildin beds and prepping for transplant

14 cu yd of soil is more than I ever care to mix by hand again. I want a concrete mixer or something!

Freshly transplanted
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Fast forward a few weeks, and its time to install the screen!

fast forward, fast forward, second screen


Hey! I guess I'm now allowed more space in my albums, so heres some more pictures from early on.

back when they were wee. 1 gal containers

and more from the soil building. a job fit for Sisyphous....

More to come.



I really wanted to try out the Blue Orca. have you flowered that strain yet?
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the blue orca is a winner
here's some shots from previous blue orca runs

Its doing alright outdoors though it started flowering before we started depping. Well, most of them are doing alright, there is one miserable one, trying to work it out over in the infirmary.


subbed & goodluck



so what are you feeding and how often? I need details on how to have some "happy cuts" :respect:


This outdoor is my first venture into a "super soil" with the rev's recipe from TLO, minus any "spike" or "layers". It's alright... would have rather built it, tested it through a&l, and reammended, but time did not permit.
We've been feeding with teas consisting of all sorts of fun things like alfalfa, our homegrown EWC and compost, nettles from the surrounding area, fish emulsion, molasses, guanos, and different kelps about once a week. probably up that in flower, though thinking about top dressing as well.

The indoor blue orca scrog was a 35 gallon smart pot, 50/50 ocean forest/happy frog. Followed bio bizz's feeding chart, using bio- grow, heaven and bloom, topmax, and then adding some liquid budswell and molasses for good measure. That was feeding twice a week with all that, and once a week with just budswell and molasses.



Lookin good Nes, if your outdoor is flowering why bother with the tarp?

It was just the 5 blue orcas that seemed like they were starting early. they make up 1/6 of the total crop, and 1/2 the bed/tunnel they're in so we started pulling the tarp to get everything else going too. Round here, if you aren't done by the end of september, you are asking for a lot of rot and mold.
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oh but this year is our year Nes!! Farmers almanac says that this is the best place to be this summer. everywhere else is suffering droughts or damp humidity. We're getting a warm and dry summer. it's going to be AWESOME! Mid 80's to 90's till late.


Here is a better look at where that magic happens... our aact brewer!

we throw the lid on to dampen the noise, otherwise it's loud!



how easy is it to clean that air diffuser? I'm looking for an airstone alternative because I'm sick of cleaning them. I'm tempted to make a vortex brewer but that diffuser seems much more simple.


its easy to take apart and spray out with a hose if we need to. none of the fittings are glued. with the amount of air that pump pushes (i followed microbeman's advise, got the biggest one and took the brass barbed fitting off to increase flow), it pretty much keeps itself clean. it hasn't been getting clogged. the main problem we had at first was keeping it from floating when the pump turn was on. ended just finding 3 nice sized rocks that seem to work well.
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