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2 Panamas dwc


Active member
Hey guys I've been gone for some time
but now I'm back. :tiphat:

I have 2 Panamas in simple dwc buckets under a 600w hps

I'm using only the GHE Flora Series(3-2-1 now in flower)

The plants are in 12/12 for 13 days now.

I live in a warm climate and I hope to be able to finish this grow
since I'll harvest in 10th of July.

I look for way to harvest 2-3 week earlier, both these phenos take 80 days for a few amber.

In my last Panama dwc grow(they did great in soil)
I had a problem in the 5-6th week of flowering
the buds started stretching and my harvest became fluffy
which displeased me a lot.<--(if there isn't such phrase in english ,excuse me)

Now, I'm trying to limit the airy bud production by trimming lower leaves and stems. I do it to let the plant consentrate its bud production to the upper levels of the plant. What do YOU think about that?

To stop the buds from stretching again this time I also changed fron Canna Aqua Flores to GHE Flora Series (in 3bloom-2micro-1gro ratio) and I;m thinking to use the Canna PK 13/14 (0.5ml/lt ratio) in the 3-6 week. You think that's ok ?

Green pheno (to the right)
ph: 5.7
ppm: 350

Red Pheno (to the left)
PH: 5.8
PPM: 400
My R.O. water ppm ----> 18
Some fotos right before flowering(here the red pheno is on the right and the green is on the left):

Some fotos after a week flowering(i changed the systems with smaller ones due to water leakage(i hated that part)
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Active member
Some more fotos at 9 days of 12/12

Red pheno Defeciences

Green pheno

What do ya think?
More fotos to come this afternoon

Love Peace Unity


Active member
There they are at 13 days of 12/12

Green pheno

Red pheno

Temps are rising so i'll make my special Heisenberg's Tea(beneficial microbes) to prevent root rot and root damage in general.


Congratulations on a successful grow, Rondelia!

My only suggestion is that they appear a little undernourished.

There seems to be a fascination among some growers recently with very low levels of nutrients. Seems to be a Euro phenomenon. Like The Hunger Artist or something.


Active member
Maybe I overdid it a bit with underfeeding since I had problem with N the last time. You think I should get it to 500ppm?
There is indeed a euro phenomenon like that, a theory that says that if you have a system with lots of water (50lt a plant in dwc) and LOTS of oxygen (like 70lt/hr and more) the plant is ok only with 0.6ec of nutes...
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the plant on the right from pic, looks more like she has a ph and/or root problem. can be also iron def. .
in the leaf foto i can see more a burn than def.
did you defoliate them in this stage? they need those leaves when building rootmass.
but nice plants so far, cant wait my panama!

@komboloi, a nutrient schedule on the low side, especially with N and some sativas, can create a much better end product. smoke, not yieldwise.



life gardener
bro im happy to see again that your in action again..
propably the temps will dissapointed you in couple weeks.stay cool!
any way, i will follow your roller coaster grow ride..i dont even think about to start dwc grow again in the middle of the spring:biggrin:
wish you luck and some cool whether:comfort:

about your problem,you know my thoughts!!
i vote for ph problem and NOT underfeeding..or -as my friend rudiger
says:tiphat:- some root problem...
what is your temp in the water after the first 3 hours of light?


Active member
Hey rüdiger! I did defoliate indeed my friend, two times. One right before flowering and one 3 days ago. They triple in sizw in flower so in kind of inevitable cause in the last grow that i didnt defoliate i got so many budsites that they couldnt see the light an tighten and now got fluffy buds to smoke. As for the def maybe its iron since there is not root of ph problems since i use ro and its really stable.nt

tjo bro it seems we posted together at the same time and I didnt see your post temps are at 23*° . I start using beneficial microbes for prevention .

As for the temps Im really worried but the seem ok for now, probably I'll lessen the hours of light after the 6th week.

Dubi do you think Panama can handle high indoor temps? 35° for example


do you have a controlled ph swing(up) while your ec slowly goes down?
the water temperature in dwc should be 18-19°c, 23°c is too high there is much less oxygen available.
I suggest to NOT put any beneficials in a dwc with that temperature.
It can go even more anaerobic.
first temp down!

Maybe you can build some kind of cooling unit for your buckets to stay in. get bigger camping coolbox cut a hole in lid(tight fitting) put your dwc bucket through this hole. so something like 90% of it is now
in your camping cooler. fill the cooler with coolpacks.
schedule it.

or go recirc. with controlled aquarium cooler.


when you defoliate in the first flowering phase you take away energy source for the roots.
the fluffy flowers is PH and/or nutrient uptake problem. Stable PH is not what you want in dwc, better is a litle swing so all nutes can be delivered optimum.
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Active member
That's VERY good avdice thank you. I was planning to do it in the next days. Do you think that if I manage to cool the water the plants wil be able to be ok with the high temps ?


they will stand this much better.
....same as outdoor me think, the air can be 40c, the ground stays cool when you dig a little....

put some reflective material under the plants, theres much radiant heat with hps.
you could also lay a wetted cloth around the bucket and put a fan blowing at it, cooled by evaporation(the old beer trick)...:biggrin:


of course it will, but considering your temperature, you should vent @ full throttle 24/7 so this little evaporation may be just a few percent.

on the other hand it could be also useful to have a bit humidity left, just because it will keep the plants own evaporation under control.

maybe the best solution is to get a bigger res. , the amount of something like ~50l+ will buffer your temperature, ph and ec perfect.
it is very easy to control the temp with just a coolpack in a bigger res..
look in hardware store they have nice boxes with lid, i can recommend especially eu norm, 60x40x32 66liter.

you can fit 6:biggrin: of them in our box(think its 120x120), perfect tight and clean. use one as your aerator and control station - connect the others recirc. .



ACE Seeds Breeder
Yes, it's looking good Rodelia!

You did well topping the smaller/weaker branches to focus the energy of the plants in the stronger branches. They have nice structure and well developed branches 2 weeks after the topping.

Apply intense light intensity and at the same time try to avoid excessive temps and too much N in mid-late flowering to avoid reflowerings and more spindly flower formation.


Active member
Hey people here I am with another update sorry to keep you in agony!

The bud stretch is starting again!
I lifted the light to cool the buds a bit but is that all ?
Anything more I should do???

rüdiger: Thanks for the advice man I'll try to do the camping thing but with my current system is highly unlikely to happen due to how the system is. It's a 2 bucket 50lt system. I try to cool it frozen plastic bottles but i have to keep changing them every 4 hours!
Also i'll try the towel thing for a test! Thank you!

Dubi:I use the flora series to the ratios mentioned further down this thread and try to keep the ppm down(n also) but I still get the bud stretch, i already lifted my hps so the bud doesnt get to hot. Is there anyhting more i can do?

Tjo: There you go bro

36 days of 12/12
Green Pheno (to the right)
ph: 5.8
ppm: 530

Red Pheno (to the left)
PH: 6.1
PPM: 450
My R.O. water ppm ----> 18

Water Temp : 23° - 24.5°

Using GHE Flora Series at 3bloom 2microsoftwater 1gro
Started PK 13/14 at 0.5ml/lt ratio at the 21th day of 12/12

There they are:

All of them

The Green Pheno(hazey intense smell) with her defs...wtf

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