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Gotta be burn! ????


Well-known member
Im convinced this is nute burn, must have mixed my soil mix way to hot and Im sure its all the bagged products I used in it.

What do you guys think? Look like burn to you??

I had a spider mite infestation and a month ago I bombed the room, pruned the plants way down and did a heavy root prune. Then replanted in the following soil mix:

5 gallons coir
5 gallons recycled peat based soil
5 gallons vermiculite
5 gallons perilite
5 gallons cheap bagged compost (Kellogs- home depot)
5 gallons organic matter (1 gallon composted bagged steer manure, 1 gallon rabbit poo, 1 gallon used coffee grounds, 2 gallons homemade EWC)

Then the above mix was ammended with kelp meal, epsoma plant tone, crab shell meal, alfalfa meal, cottonseed meal, azomite, powered oyster shell, gyspum, and dolomite.

When loading the new containers I added another hefty double handful of fresh EWC to each container.

The mix easily cooked for 12++ weeks... probably more. However, I didnt really turn it that often or tend to it, just loaded it into rubbermaids and let it set.

Here is the OG CHEM mom, about two weeks after it had the root prune:


.... and here it is now about 2-3 weeks later:




Gotta be that the soil is too hot dont you think?? I think Im going to buy a fresh bail of promix and mix my soil 50/50 with it, replant and see what happens. The plants were under a 400w HPS but recently moved under a 6 bulb T5 unit.


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Well-known member

this may help...

caused by lack of right 'stuff'

or ph out too much causing lock out...

looks like zinc by the pic...

i would flush with ph'd water...

good luck...


Well-known member
Thanks for the input. I've already looked at all the charts and graphs and I very much agree it looks like zinc, but how could the soil be deficient with all my amendments? Ive recently switched to watering with only RO water (since transplant). I guess I'll check my soil pH tonight but in the past when I've checked it its always been around 6.8.

Im not sure how it could be a deficiency, I have kelp, and rock dusts in my soil mix plus a ton of other amendments that are carefully listed above (crab shell, plant tone, alfalfa meal, cottonseed meal, kelp, and azomite). Plus I've Foilar fed with kelp,alfalfa and Epsom salts which did nothing. On top of that I've got a good amount of home made worm castings in there too! Easily 25% on the container (some added during soil mixing and more added at transplant)



Well-known member
hrrmmm...okay then the only thing that comes to my mind is that your heavy root prune has not left enough roots to support the developed growth you had already had on the plants...

also keep in mind that some of your amendments aren't immediately available to your plants to feed on as they will need to breakdown first...

other than that i am all out of suggestions...


I think it looks more like a toxicity of a particular Nutrient. Perhaps Magnesium or potassium. I would not foliar feed anymore of those Epsom salts if I were you.

Definite Nutrient burn though, You can see the tips of the leaves on the newest growth are clearly burnt. So I wouldn't try solve this 1 by adding more nutes. If anything I would just flush the girl and see how she reacts to that. Just my 2 cents. Hope you manage to sort this out soon bud. Ciao.


Well-known member
been doing some study on boron here is an section of what i found:


The range between a correct application rate, and a toxic one is not large, so it is relatively easy to apply too much boron. Because of this, it is very important to get uniform mixing and application, especially when applying in concentrated bands or foliar. Because of the slow transport of B in the plant, symptoms generally appear on the older leaves and consist of margin or leaf tip chlorosis, browning of leaf tips, which is quickly followed by the death of the affected tissue or defoliation. The critical plant level for toxicity can range from 10 - 50 ppm in sensitive crops such as small grains and garden beans, to as high as 200 ppm in tolerant crops such as sugar beets, rutabaga, cucumbers, and conifers.

Since B is a mobile element in the soil, excess B from over-application can be corrected over time with leaching. Applications of lime and sources of soluble Ca have been shown to be effective in reducing B toxicity, and it has been reported that additional N application can be of benefit.


just a thought...
Defo Nute burn mate.. As said above your soil is prob too hot.. Pruning the roots and soil being too rich is my guess...

Your best bet is to get a bag of soil and mix with yours and straight ph water for a week or so...

Good luck..

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