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I remember


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And remember the burning paper bag, full of dog shit, left on a porch after you rang the bell and ran? Ah, memories of being a crazy kid....
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lol , I sure do, we had what were called 3 penny bangers they were banned later, but they were just ideal for destroying letter boxes total loss, lol.total bastards we were.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
And remember the burning paper bag, full of dog shit, left on a porch after you rang the bell and ran? Ah, memories of being a crazy kid....

My older brother's advice to me on this prank, was that for maximum effect, you need to quick run around to the rear of the house and about the time they've just stomped out the fire, bang on the back door ... :)

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arizona ranch living

arizona ranch living

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And remember the burning paper bag, full of dog shit, left on a porch after you rang the bell and ran? Ah, memories of being a crazy kid....

LOL on the ranch just let it burn out and match the rest of the yard

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
Was anybody here into this TV show? I was a big fan of these guys. Illya Kuryakin was so cool. Napoleon Solo had his special Mauser with attachments and the radio pen. All my friends would watch this show then we'd compare notes the next day at school. Laughing at what my priorities were in those days. A television knock off of the James Bond series.

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Active member
lol , I sure do, we had what were called 3 penny bangers they were banned later, but they were just ideal for destroying letter boxes total loss, lol.total bastards we were.

We used to use M80s with a cigarette fuse and lay them on the hood of a car. 10 minutes later, BOOM!....the windshield would blow out. That was pretty mean now that i think about it, but at the time it was funny.


Active member
Was anybody here into this TV show? I was a big fan of these guys. Illya Kuryakin was so cool. Napoleon Solo had his special Mauser with attachments and the radio pen. All my friends would watch this show then we'd compare notes the next day at school. Laughing at what my priorities were in those days. A television knock off of the James Bond series.

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Cool. My buddy Jack always got to be Napoleon Solo and Dave was always Illya cause he was blond. I always was the evil Russian spy cause I had glasses. "NO FAIR!"

About that time the commercial for "Six-finger, six-finger, man alive!" came out. It was a toy cap gun (remember them?) shaped and colored like a finger. Had to get one. "M-0-0-m...I just gotta have it!!!" We weren't rich by any means, but she got me one.


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A few years after The Man from U.N.C.L.E was on I went into the house every Friday night at 7PM all summer long to watch James West and his partner Artemus Gordon in Wild Wild West. I copied James West's karate stance when play fighting with my friends too. He was SO cool. Had a cool train too.

Was never a fan of Will Smith's version. Not to be racist or anything, but how many black guys back in the 1870s were US Secret Service Agents? About none I imagine. I mean that was taking the bullshit of it all to a whole 'nother level I thought. It was hard enough to buy into some of that crap as it was.
I remember vacuum tube testing machines in grocery stores. Used to play with them while my mom went through check out..............

yeh my dad had two of em a rca and a phillips both with the selecting slides that coralated with the numbers on the tube .. man that really shows your age .. used to have em in the radioshacks and hardware stores to .. good one thou ..


Crusader Rabbit

Active member
Wild Wild West was a great show, a strange melding of the modern spy series and the old westerns.

While we're on this genre, another groundbreaking series was I Spy starring Robert Culp and Bill Cosby as government agents working undercover as international tennis pros. Unlike many TV shows the producers actually made a point of filming on location. My dad had a favorite show of his own that was in the same time slot so I had to go over to a friend's house to watch I Spy. They had the hilarious Bill Cosby records too. Ha, this was in the days when the kid in the family was the remote control for the TV... "Crusader, get up and change the TV to channel four."

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I Spy was the first television series to have a black man in a costarring role equal to the white costar. Culp and Cosby early on agreed that their comment on race would be to never say or show a thing about the issue in the series.


Active member
Reruns of I Spy are on the air right now on "METV"....day and night.
Same with Wild, Wild West.....


lol how about the old micky mouse club shows, remember watching them when about 12 or so, Annette was nice.


Active member
METV is also showing The Big Valley too. I remember that Audra Barkley/Linda Evans would give me a stiffy just walking and talking, but I didn't know why that happened until later. Now I wanna jump Ma.

That directer dude John Dereck married Linda Evans and Bo Dereck too. He sure had a good taste in women. Being rich and being able to cast them in his films helped his attractiveness I imagine as I always thought he was kinda goony. I was just jealous probably.
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Active member
I remember a time, when we did many of the things you guys have brought back to mind...
I also remember a time, when a young man wasn't labeled a domestic terrorist, for flaming sacks of dogshit, or registered as a sex offender for tuggin his weenie, while watching the neighbor girl change (the one who left her blinds open, knowing FULL WELL someone was watching!)
We are fucked now, but those were good times. I will miss them as much as I miss the sound of solid lifter big blocks, shaking the ground, and spewing evil hydrocarbons everywhere.
Those were the days, and I'm just not that old! :)


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I was under the apparent mistaken impression that peeping toms were considered sex offenders (we called them pervs) even back then. I guess they didn't have to register though.

I have heard of teenage boys getting caught having sex with their girlfriends and then being put on that registry that follows them around for the rest of their lives. That don't seem right.....excuse' moi...doesn't seem right. :biggrin:

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