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Colorado mom visited by child protective services for treating son’s cancer with medi


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This woman rejected chemo in treating her child's cancer, and instead gives him tincture:

" A Colorado Springs mom is catching heat from social services for treating her son's cancer with cannabis instead of chemotherapy.

The thing is, she says, it seems to be working.

Sierra Riddle learned a year ago that her son Landon, 3, had an aggressive form of leukemia. Doctors in their hometown of Salt Lake City began the standard treatment of radiation and chemotherapy, which took a heavy toll on his little body.

Landon became violently ill, vomiting multiple times a day, and suffered nerve damage in his legs, Riddle told CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta in July. At one point, the boy went 25 days without eating.
"Around the clock, he's usually on liquid morphine, Ativan, Promethexane. And it just really didn't seem to be helping," Riddle said.

Though she didn't know much about medical marijuana, Riddle decided to try it because "we didn't have anything else to lose." She and Landon moved to Colorado, where medical marijuana is legal, in order to obtain the drug.

In January Landon began taking liquid forms of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol), two compounds found in cannabis. Miraculously, his cancer began to retreat.

"As soon as we started taking the oil, his platelets have been a regular healthy person's level and they can't understand why," Riddle told CNN.
Landon went off chemotherapy in early July, and continues to take his four liquid capsules of the cannabis compounds per day. Last week, local news reports showed Landon as a happy, healthy-looking little boy, running and playing as any three-year-old would.

But doctors are concerned that stopping Landon's chemo treatments may put his life in danger. After a Colorado doctor threatened to report Riddle for refusing chemotherapy for Landon, a human services agent showed up on her doorstep last week, CBS Local Denver reported.

Another sit-down with the doctor and child protective services was reportedly scheduled for Wednesday, October 2.

Riddle told CBS she has not missed any of Landon's scheduled appointments, but refuses to put him back on chemo unless his situation turns dire again.
“I just want to say, no matter what I am not going to give him chemo, but I’m not going to risk losing him either,” she said. “I’m not going to push it that far.”

Riddle isn't the first parent on record to use medical marijuana to combat a child's cancer. Last year, a 7-year-old girl in Oregon was given the drug by her mother to ease leukemia symptoms.

Others, such as the Echols family of Oregon, have attempted to treat their children's seizure disorders.

Because of laws in most states, as well as a lack of precedent for treating children with cannabis, there is almost no guidance for parents who wish to do so.

The CBD compound seems to have an ability to combat cancer in human cells and in mice according to lab experiments, researchers from California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute told CNN."

Check out the before & after pictures @ this link:


Here in Michigan the CPS Nazi's are taking children from homes if you are a registered patient or caregiver.
Google 'baby Bree' ... Be prepared to b pissed off.

The judge is now going to determine if the fathers sezures really need to be treated with MMJ


I love my life
Time to start retiring CPS workers, Certain Doctors, and Most Judges with full metal jackets.



Kiss My Ring
not the other end of the spectrum?

cannabis is medicine, that's what prohibition was and is about.

kaiser permanente couldn't compete with nature...


Active member
There's no longer any question that cannabis is medicine, quite probably the most powerful & important medicine on earth, and yet the forces of greed & evil still resist with obfuscation and disinformation. Cannabis cures. It's undeniable, and the wall must come down, brick by brick, as we channel Pink Floyd.
A pox on those who resist. We need some famous people, celebrities, politicians, even doctors who get the cure and speak up about it. I myself have a condition called Reiters Syndrome, and cannabis is the only thing that helps it. Modern medicine calls it "incurable". But it is treatable. That much I know. I would like to see a coalition of doctors come out of the closet like Sanjay Gupta, and admit the truth. To hell with big pharma and the prison industrial complex. They are murderers and slave masters. Greed kills.


So chemotherapy is a cure most people that I have known to use chemo (5 people in total) have still have died (4 of the 5) of cancer related problems if god forbid my chid was sick and icould help him I would even if that ment I had to brake the law the should be more testing and f&?k big pharma if it works it works even if it cuts into your profit . That's my two cents and I hope the little boy gets the help he needs and not just what is politically correct


Sorry for the mis spelling in last post speed texting that subject just got to me made me post a quick reply just pissed could not be me would lose it


Active member
positions of power

positions of power

These fuked up people get into these jobs deliberatly to wield power over others .They do way more harm than good.A


Active member
gee who would of thought a medicine with no side effects you can cultivate yourself. I wish her an the kid well. I applaud her for trying whatever could help her kid an not going the way they make you think is best,


Active member
I profoundly disagree.

Any parent who, instead of chemotherapy, tries to use cannabis to CURE their child's cancer (as opposed to treating symptoms of it, which is another matter entirely) is a parent that deserves to lose custody of their child so the child can receive life-saving medical treatment from someone who has proper medical and scientific judgment. What they don't need to "cure them" is snake oil.

There is absolutely ZERO clinical evidence of cannabis being successful in treating and curing cancer. Not a shred. If this kid is better right now, it is because of the chemo and radiation the child has received, not the cannabis he received.

If you guys think otherwise, there is something very wrong with your logic and judgement. Children deserve life-saving treatment from Medical Doctors, not from New Age stoners.


Active member
I profoundly disagree.

Any parent who, instead of chemotherapy, tries to use cannabis to CURE their child's cancer (as opposed to treating symptoms of it, which is another matter entirely) is a parent that deserves to lose custody of their child so the child can receive life-saving medical treatment from someone who has proper medical and scientific judgment. What they don't need to "cure them" is snake oil.

There is absolutely ZERO clinical evidence of cannabis being successful in treating and curing cancer. Not a shred. If this kid is better right now, it is because of the chemo and radiation the child has received, not the cannabis he received.

If you guys think otherwise, there is something very wrong with your logic and judgement. Children deserve life-saving treatment from Medical Doctors, not from New Age stoners.

Apparently you didn't read the article very carefully. The mother said if it came down to it, she would restart chemo, but as things were, her son could not tolerate the chemo, and was doing better without it. The doctors were amazed by his improvement, and he is still being monitored.


No clinical evidence?

A pilot clinical study of Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol in patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme.
Guzmán M, Duarte MJ, Blázquez C, Ravina J, Rosa MC, Galve-Roperh I, Sánchez C, Velasco G, González-Feria L.

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I, School of Biology, Complutense University, Madrid 28040, Spain. [email protected]

Delta(9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and other cannabinoids inhibit tumour growth and angiogenesis in animal models, so their potential application as antitumoral drugs has been suggested. However, the antitumoral effect of cannabinoids has never been tested in humans. Here we report the first clinical study aimed at assessing cannabinoid antitumoral action, specifically a pilot phase I trial in which nine patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme were administered THC intratumoraly. The patients had previously failed standard therapy (surgery and radiotherapy) and had clear evidence of tumour progression. The primary end point of the study was to determine the safety of intracranial THC administration. We also evaluated THC action on the length of survival and various tumour-cell parameters. A dose escalation regimen for THC administration was assessed. Cannabinoid delivery was safe and could be achieved without overt psychoactive effects. Median survival of the cohort from the beginning of cannabinoid administration was 24 weeks (95% confidence interval: 15-33). Delta(9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol inhibited tumour-cell proliferation in vitro and decreased tumour-cell Ki67 immunostaining when administered to two patients. The fair safety profile of THC, together with its possible antiproliferative action on tumour cells reported here and in other studies, may set the basis for future trials aimed at evaluating the potential antitumoral activity of cannabinoids.

Is it possible this is because it's impossible to get studies approved do you think?

Considering there are hundreds of animal studies, many anecdotal stories and the multiple known and confirmed mechanisms of tumor attack, your post is way more than just ignorant - to suggest she should lose her kid into a system that is almost certain to guarantee the kid abuse (and, of course, high dosages of known dangerous drugs) is more than a little sick and twisted.


Active member
I am well aware of the science -- and the lack thereof -- in relation to this issue. Cancer is not >>A<< disease, it is HUNDREDS OF DISEASES.

For the purpose of attempting to treat an otherwise treatable cancer through conventional means in an actual child, and not a lab rat? This is criminal conduct.

A child is not a parent's property. The decision to do this by a parent is nothing less than criminal negligence. Yes I would take that kid forcibly away from the parent in a heartbeat. With a court order at first and a bullet, secondly, were it to come to that. And I would do either without the slightest hesitation.

This is, literally, (no, not figuratively, I mean literally) no different than snake oil.

Your ideology is getting in the way of your better judgment. Assuming you have any -- which is, at this stage, not in evidence.


Active member
Apparently you didn't read the article very carefully. The mother said if it came down to it, she would restart chemo, but as things were, her son could not tolerate the chemo, and was doing better without it. The doctors were amazed by his improvement, and he is still being monitored.

I read it just fine. It is not a mother's judgment concerning how her child is "doing under chemotherapy" which is an opinion I would take much account of - or place much stock in. For that, I'll listen to the oncologists.

Chemotherapy is, by design, a poison. It is designed to kill a specific part of your body without killing the rest of it faster than the body can keep up with. OF COURSE it makes you sick, weak and unable to eat, among other things. These are not accidental side-effects, they are unavoidable consequences of the toxins. It's the best we've got.

And no, I do not trust the mother's judgment based upon what I have read in this already biased article.

Ideology has no place in medical treatment. That applies whether she is a Jehovah's Witness denying a transfusion, or some New Age Stoner or Naturopath or Homeopath looking to hemp for some miracle cure.

Jack Herrer may have been a fine cannabis activist - but when it came to this issue? He was a stark raving loon.

silver hawaiian

Active member
Here in Michigan the CPS Nazi's are taking children from homes if you are a registered patient or caregiver.
Google 'baby Bree' ... Be prepared to b pissed off.

The judge is now going to determine if the fathers sezures really need to be treated with MMJ

Apparently there were some conveyances in Oakland county that brought this storm about.

Which is f'd, because the Act specifically states that parents cannot lose custody for anything protected by the Act itself..

But here we are again, in this f'd up situation, where patient-to-patient is deemed illegal (unless it's absent of compensation), and dispensaries are illegal per the McQueen ruling (here's looking at you, Scheutte), .. Where the f*ck does one obtain, if they don't grow?!

<rant off>


Active member
According to a 2007 and a 2010 study at theCalifornia Pacific Medical Center*Research Institute,cannabidiol*(CBD) stops breast cancer from spreading throughout the body by downregulating a gene called*ID1.[99][100]*This may provide a non-toxic alternative to*chemotherapy*while achieving the same results without the painful and unpleasantside effects. The research team says that CBD works by blocking the activity of a gene called*ID1, which is believed to be responsible for a process called*metastasis, which is the aggressive spread of cancer cells away from the original tumor site.[99][100]*According to findings released by the team in 2012, when the particularly aggressive"triple-negative"*cells (which contain high levels of ID1 and account for 15% of breast cancers) were exposed to CBD, they "not only stopped acting 'crazy' but also returned to a healthy normal state".Human trial models*are currently in development.[101]*Dr Sean McAllister, study co-leader, commented:[102

]Are you honestly trying to say that there is no scientific ideology...

Also here is 1 of many peer reviewed studies demonstrating the anti cancwr propwrties of the cannabinoid family.

Your claim that science has no ideology and that there is no evidence to support anti cancer properties shows you have little understanding of science and even less understanding of your own shortcomings.

I read it just fine. It is not a mother's judgment concerning how her child is "doing under chemotherapy" which is an opinion I would take much account of - or place much stock in. For that, I'll listen to the oncologists.

Chemotherapy is, by design, a poison. It is designed to kill a specific part of your body without killing the rest of it faster than the body can keep up with. OF COURSE it makes you sick, weak and unable to eat, among other things. These are not accidental side-effects, they are unavoidable consequences of the toxins. It's the best we've got.

And no, I do not trust the mother's judgment based upon what I have read in this already biased article.

Ideology has no place in medical treatment. That applies whether she is a Jehovah's Witness denying a transfusion, or some New Age Stoner or Naturopath or Homeopath looking to hemp for some miracle cure.

Jack Herrer may have been a fine cannabis activist - but when it came to this issue? He was a stark raving loon.

Gert Lush

Active member
A child is not a parent's property.
No, of course it isn't. But it isn't the property of a fascistic state with authoritarian doctors, either. Otherwise, we'd be talking about North Korea, you know what I mean? I am assuming (perhaps wrongly) that that system doesn't appeal to you.

It is not a mother's judgment concerning how her child is "doing under chemotherapy" which is an opinion I would take much account of - or place much stock in. For that, I'll listen to the oncologists.
Yes, your disregard for the parent's opinion and experience is becoming rather obvious. The oncologists may have saved the child, but they may also have almost killed it. If they do kill it, then they just say - "oh, but we tried" and it is absolutely no skin off their nose. It is the parents' duty to try anything and everything they can, even if they get it wrong on occasion. Not the state's duty, or the doctor's duty, or the pharmaceutical industry's duty.

A little bit of balance and compassion might help here. The world has enough Taliban as it is. Last thing we need is a medical field full of them.


Active member
According to a 2007 and a 2010 study at theCalifornia Pacific Medical Center*Research Institute,cannabidiol*(CBD) stops breast cancer from spreading throughout the body by downregulating a gene called*ID1.[99][100]*

Are you actually serious? I am sorry to sound condescending as all hell - but you are inviting it. Because you don't have a fucking clue what you are talking about.

The study you are referring to, IF TRUE, suggests there MAY be a benefit for a cannabanoid in the treatment of a form of BREAST CANCER that merits FURTHER STUDY. Even if this 3 year old boy was a 33 year old woman, that would not merit the treatment of breast cancer with hash oil ONLY while conventional treatments remained open to the patient.

But the patient isn't a 33 year old woman with breast cancer. Brandon Liddle is a three year old BOY who has LEUKEMIA. It is a disease which effects a person's blood and bone marrow. It's not fucking breast cancer - nor any of the three hundred and sixty-odd other forms of a genetic disease that falls under the umbrella term "cancer."

Chemotherapies also differ radically depending on the nature of the cancers being treated. It is a broad term that refers to an entire system of drug treatments that are designed to attack a whole host of invasive cancers.

Cancers do not work the same way and they vary greatly in underlying cause and profoundly differ in their effects.

I happen to think that the study of the use of cannabanoids in the treatment of many cancers merits further study. But that is light years away -- let alone a long distance call -- from just giving hash oil to a child in order to CURE leukemia while denying the child conventional treatment.

Anyone who does that to their child when there are conventional cancer treatments available is a person who needs to go to PRISON.
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Active member
No, of course it isn't. But it isn't the property of a fascistic state with authoritarian doctors, either. Otherwise, we'd be talking about North Korea, you know what I mean? I am assuming (perhaps wrongly) that that system doesn't appeal to you.

B.S.. Someone who is capable of making rational and sound medical decisions for a three year old child is the person who needs to make those decisions. If that isn't a parent -- it will be a judge based upon expert evidence from a pair of oncologists.

The person to make that decision isn't a parent who instead of providing conventional chemotherapy and radiation treatment to treat a child's leukemia, instead halts the treatment after it has been going on for weeks, feeds the kid hash oil instead -- and then marvels at the so-called "rebound".

There is no mystery here. The child was treated with radiation and chemotherapy and those treatments were stopped before they were completed. Of course the child's health is going to visibly improve after cessation of chemotherapy. Of course the child's platelet count is going to come up after radiation treatment is stopped. None of this is a medical mystery. The suggestion there is some mystery here is BULLSHIT.

The problem is, if the cancer has only been reduced, its symptoms will be beaten back somewhat without the underlying disease having been wiped out, let alone in full remission. It's going to come back and kill this kid. We maintain chemotherapies and radiation treatments based upon mathematical projections -- confirmed with hundreds of thousands of REAL clinical applications -- as to when to continue and when to stop treatments.

As a father of five, the compassion I feel is for the life of a three-year old kid, not a clueless mother who has is turning to snake oil and pointing to symptomatic improvements that are unconnected to the willy nilly feeding of hash oil to their son.

Might as well wish upon a monkey's paw. It would have about as much validity.


Active member
You aparently are low in reading comprehension aswell. You made 2 false statements and I corrected you. That is all. I am not suggesting that eating hash oil cures all cancer. I am not making any judgements about this story. I am pointing out that your statement that science has no ideology and cannabis has no anti cancer properties are incorrect.

Are you actually serious? I am sorry to sound condescending as all hell - but you are inviting it. Because you don't have a fucking clue what you are talking about.

The study you are referring to, IF TRUE, suggests there MAY be a benefit for a cannabanoid in the treatment of a form of BREAST CANCER that merits FURTHER STUDY. Even if this 3 year old boy was a 33 year old woman, that would not merit the treatment of breast cancer with hash oil ONLY while conventional treatments remained open to the patient.

But the patient isn't a 33 year old woman with breast cancer. Brandon Liddle is a three year old BOY who has LEUKEMIA. It is a disease which effects a person's blood and bone marrow. It's not fucking breast cancer - nor any of the three hundred and sixty-odd other forms of a genetic disease that falls under the umbrella term "cancer."

Chemotherapies also differ radically depending on the nature of the cancers being treated. It is a broad term that refers to an entire system of drug treatments that are designed to attack a whole host of invasive cancers.

Cancers do not work the same way and they vary greatly in underlying cause and profoundly differ in their effects.

I happen to think that the study of the use of cannabanoids in the treatment of many cancers merits further study. But that is light years away -- let alone a long distance call -- from just giving hash oil to a child in order to CURE leukemia while denying the child conventional treatment.

Anyone who does that to their child when there are conventional cancer treatments available is a person who needs to go to PRISON.

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