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The Perpetual Darwinian Fitness Center


Time for a small update.

Have just harvested about a hundred Sogouda F2 seeds from the Sogouda E. Still need to harvest a few other crosses and the F2 I made with Sogouda C.

Will be harvesting a few plants in the next two weeks. mostly sogoudas and crash test.

Here's a few quick pics.


Crash Test II F2


La Nina


Sogouda D


Sogouda E


heybro wanted to say props your genetics look DANK!!!
i like the core genetics..... id give the dominatrix a go sssdhz is a fuckin goddess and anything she touches is gold....
as for the la nina, bro props. not too many people have the patience it takes to go through a pack of these, but youve obviously proved its worth it.
im curious, shanti says it possible to find 8 to 10 week phenos... infact the description says no more that 70 days... so its odd for me to hear of 15 16 weekers...were those seed plants?
either way bro phenomenal plants... id love to see some dried la nina if u get achance