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Has there been a good scientific study?


Too bad I'm a physicist and not a biologist but I'm sure someone will be able to give a decent scientific explanation as to why this happens.


Active member
I have power strips and dehuey LEDs going in my room always. it doesnt seem to have any ill effect. I have wanted to intentionally give light leaks to a bunch of clones of different strains to help narrow down the strong plants that i want. Even if something is great smoke, if it is more prone to hermi i would prefer to get rid of it.

pappy masonjar

Well-known member
Everyone points fingers at led lights, light leaks, other improper conditions, but has there been any real documented proof about any of that causing hermies?

You know some people believe that a woman can be born inside a mans body, You could kind of think of it that way maybe. Perhaps some seeds are just destined to be confused....

I mean I do completely grasp how people say that during flowering the plant will revert to veg.but not seeing how.will make a female plant change sex. maybe that light exposed plant would already have gone hermie. I think someone needs to do 10-20 plants with a slight light leak, and 10-20 plants with no leak at all. Using all seeds from the same pack.

Any thoughts, comments?

i was just responding to this. he asked if anyone has Documented hermies being caused by light leaks, etc. I was documenting my experience, and thought with the possible adition of others' similiar stories, it would be helpful. yea, its not absolute scientific proof, more along the thoughts/ comments line.


plato;5906306 I mean a woman doesn't grow balls if she encounters some kinda f**ed up stress[/quote said:
I'm not so sure about that!lol


Wonder if a flashlight/porch light/overhead yard light on outdoor plants would cause them to herm?


I think the genetics is the cause...Genetics will define how you respond to a given situation
For example, the genes tell the wet seed to send a taproot to suck water and leaves to gather energy. The same is likely the case with the hermie issue.
But, just like my example applies to ALL seeds, this trait may also apply to ALL plants, or at least most of them


Active member
your right, it was probably a total coincidence that JUST the plants around the stray lights hermed out, and NEVER did again without light irregularites. but u have ur opinion, i have mine.
DD- just know, that when you do your experiment, the seeds (and there will be plenty) will be super hermie prone. i did that 'experiment' too
anyways, just trying to offer My experience.
Who knows if it's coincidence? I don't and neither do you. You've made an observation which is the starting point for any scientific inquiry. My first grow included all sorts of unintended stressors. The same genetics hermied when I was doing a bunch of things wrong and still hermied when I improved things in subsequent runs. Should I conclude that genetics are the only thing that matter?

We should do everything in our power to eliminate opinion when searching for the truth. I'm not saying it isn't possible that light leaks can cause a female plant to grow balls. I am saying that single anecdotes don't get us any closer to knowing.


Ideal experiment conditions:

-3 female mothers to provide cuts, preferably of different strains.
-Veg mothers to big enough to get 6 clones per strain
-Veg clones to whatever size (~1 ft), start flowering.
-Have 2 1kw flower areas, 3 clones of each strain in each area, 9 plants per area.
-In one side introduce a small amount of light in the front at night, put it on a timer so it's consistent.

This gives you two areas with identical strain samples, and if you arrange plants in a 3x3 pattern under each light you'll be able to also measure if the plants further from the light also herm or if it's just the ones close to the light.


Light leak area
(1) (2) (3)
(4) (5) (6)
(7) (8) (9)
.....*** <---light leak

You would be able to show if plants hermy more on one side vs the other. and if so you could tell like if say plants 7/8/9 throw nanners, but 1/2/3 don't that it's closest to the light source. Also you would place plants in vertical rows on that text map. So Strain 1 might be 1/4/7, Strain 2 as 2/5/8, etc.

Sat X RB

well ... all Mammalian foetuses are female until something happens to make around about 50% of them male.

now I know this is somewhat Philosophic ... but the same Themes of Behaviour tend to apply to all things Worldly. why not Cannabis?

obviously the potential for male AND female exists within the seed ... light fluctuation COULD be enuf of an environmental factor to trigger maleness ... as might fluctuating or hostile soil conditions.

the question IS philosophic. but we'll probably never know the answer.

Onward thru Inquiry!

pappy masonjar

Well-known member
Ideal experiment conditions:

-3 female mothers to provide cuts, preferably of different strains.
-Veg mothers to big enough to get 6 clones per strain
-Veg clones to whatever size (~1 ft), start flowering.
-Have 2 1kw flower areas, 3 clones of each strain in each area, 9 plants per area.
-In one side introduce a small amount of light in the front at night, put it on a timer so it's consistent.

This gives you two areas with identical strain samples, and if you arrange plants in a 3x3 pattern under each light you'll be able to also measure if the plants further from the light also herm or if it's just the ones close to the light.


Light leak area
(1) (2) (3)
(4) (5) (6)
(7) (8) (9)
.....*** <---light leak

You would be able to show if plants hermy more on one side vs the other. and if so you could tell like if say plants 7/8/9 throw nanners, but 1/2/3 don't that it's closest to the light source. Also you would place plants in vertical rows on that text map. So Strain 1 might be 1/4/7, Strain 2 as 2/5/8, etc.

get on it then boss


LOL. Someone with the intellect and the free time should definitely do it, And the thing I said about outdoor is that I have heard that the moon has no effect since its not emitting any light, light is reflected off the moon and the lumens on a reflection are almost non existent yet its not 100% dark, So it makes me assume as long as the lumens are low in example under 1 lumens, Im thinking it may have no effect. And some plants are just born gay.

pappy masonjar

Well-known member
i believe its not just the amount, it also has a lot to do with the type of light. ex. Special green bulbs can be used, that wont cause plants to herm, if someone wanted to do somethin in their growroom at night.


Active member
Spectrum and intensity might both be important. You could probably get meaningful data with 4 pollution sources: whitish and RGB, but that's moving the proposed experiment from unlikely to be done to will never be done.

I have a green LED flashlight I use for dark time in the flower room. Never had a hermie since I started using it. Can we leave the green pollution source out?

:D j/k


Green makes sense, plants dont bother with green light, thats why they show up green....bounces right off.
A full moon puts out .035 ft candles, btw, or .38 lumen/ square foot. Compared to the sun...at 10,000 per square foot. Thats about 1/3 of a %, so try that, above and below.

pappy masonjar

Well-known member
wow, the sun is 10,000 lumens/sq. ft... and its free... Sweet jesus i wish i could get in on some of that solar goodness!


wow, the sun is 10,000 lumens/sq. ft... and its free... Sweet jesus i wish i could get in on some of that solar goodness!
I wish I could get in on that too.
The inverse square law applies, it just doesn't have any real effect....93 million miles + 3 ft. might cost you a lumen or 2


After thinking on it for a bit Ive come to this, If light causes plants to go hermie. Than how come when you take a cut from a flowering plant, or harvest everything and throw it back under 18/6 Than how come they wouldnt be hermie or prone to be hermie?

If im wrong tell me, But im thinking that it has to be genetics based. Like how people say they were just born gay. They dont become gay. Same as plants. I think that light may stress, may effect yield, make flowering take longer. But just not sure how a p*ssy can grow a d*ck from some light.

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