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Using raw vegetable diluted-juice for watering?


New member
So my wife and me, we maintain a strict vegan diet where drinking fresh vegetable and fruit juice of different types so we get a lot of "disposal" from juicing greens.

We thought that we could use the remaining pulp/juice, diluted on water or not, depending on which was the original green to start with; to water my plants.

Cant find any information about this and I dont wish to disrupt the plants by adding parsley flavored water to their regular watering.

Anyone with experience on this?

Do we know how the power of raw fruit and vegetable juices relates to cannabis when it is used as a nutrient?

I have also been reading a lot about raw cannabis juice and its stunning... but thats another subject!


:plant grow:


pure dynamite
I think it would be more helpful if you composted the kitchen scraps. I never tried using juice or pulp on my plants, but chopped dried cannabis leaves make a great mulch. I imagine dried pulp would do the same, but it may invite pests in your growroom so keep a close eye on that.

the flavoured water should do no harm, but never tried it so I can't say how helpful would it be.


Active member
Good chance the juice would turn rancid, inviting unwanted bacteria strains. Try it on a non-mj plant or leave a jar of juice sitting out.


New member
yes actually I was thinking about the "vegetable flavored water" you get when you rinse the juicer machine parts and the leftover of this, which is nothing more than water and fresh raw vegetable (or fruit) extract.

I am gonna do a research about how cannabis interacts with parsley (this is the thing she is juicing a lot) and also it feels only logic to try out in small amounts and with a more "green" plant as parsley, rather than doing it with more strong ingredients like orange juice or lemon, etc. I also think that in case of being benefitial it would be not very noticeable on the subject of study, but hey you have to start somewhere right?

Read somewhere that growing cannabis and a plant called stingin needle together in the same environment produces benefitial exchanges between them. Actually this stingin needle plant looks like a cannabis "cousin" hehe

Thanks for replies guys, hope more people share their impressions.


Guys, why wouldn't this fall under the fermented plant extracts purview or monicker? I would do it and see what happens.

I would either compost the pulp, or feed it to worms (if you have 'em), and use the juice on the plants. I regularly use leftover beer and such on my plants to no ill effects, and I think it's feeding my neglected aloe vera plant a bit, as it's greened up and putting out new pups.

El, you're after plant metabolites here, and I'm sure you're getting to some by using that juice as it is, no fermentation needed. I've been using damn near everything I can find, including the weeds that are growing when nothing else is, to some effect, and the effect is that it allows me to use less or no fertilizers, along with putting back what minerals/nutrients the plant has sequestered in its own tissues.

Look into the fermented plant extracts thread, I think you'll really be surprised. Don't worry about giving your weed a parsley flavor, it's not going to happen.


Active member
I'm hoping this won't get me banned again...as I mean no offense. But

Guys, why wouldn't this fall under the fermented plant extracts purview or monicker? I would do it and see what happens.

How would this fall under Fermented plant extracts? using the juice straight out the juicer? unless your eating rank fruit/veg to begin with I just don't see it..

I would either compost the pulp, or feed it to worms (if you have 'em), and use the juice on the plants. I regularly use leftover beer and such on my plants to no ill effects, and I think it's feeding my neglected aloe vera plant a bit, as it's greened up and putting out new pups.

Composting the pulp or feeding to you worms is what I would do will give you some nice rich castings in the end..

But from someone that advocates urinating/getting their plants drunk on beer take the last bit of that witch a pinch of salt

El, you're after plant metabolites here, and I'm sure you're getting to some by using that juice as it is, no fermentation needed. I've been using damn near everything I can find, including the weeds that are growing when nothing else is, to some effect, and the effect is that it allows me to use less or no fertilizers, along with putting back what minerals/nutrients the plant has sequestered in its own tissues.

In this paragraph you say No Fermentation is needed So which one is it? to be or not to be? that is the question...

Look into the fermented plant extracts thread, I think you'll really be surprised. Don't worry about giving your weed a parsley flavor, it's not going to happen.

I dunno....


W89, I'm not sure what your question is.

Now, onto your assertions, or questions, I'm not sure what you're aiming for here.

I don't advocate urinating on plants. That is straight up idiotic. If you're going to make a statement about anything *I* have to say, make sure you've got it right, ok? Since you've mentioned this at least twice, go back, re-read what I've said, then try again. I can show you studies that demonstrate very well that using urine not only performs as well as chemical salt-based fertilizers, it performs better than. Considering some of the goals of going organic, does it make much sense to you to pay to have worm, bat, cow or chicken shit shipped to your door? Or shipped anywhere? (I'm including driving to a place to make the purchase--the same effect is generated in the action.)

Nor do I advocate getting plants drunk (although... really?). I do advocate making use of what you have on hand and experimenting, and I absolutely advocate questioning 'conventional wisdom' and 'experts'. If you, as a minion, don't know what beer can provide, then I've just given you a direction to follow and some more to research.

Same with the pee. Go do your research, then get back to me. :)

Fermentation vs juicing...? It only needs a little time and some inoculants to start fermenting, but really I've found it's a term being used very loosely on this site. What I am advocating for is EXPERIMENTATION. I do not march in lock step with others, I am willing to experiment, I am willing to keep my mind open to the ideas and experiences of others. I've done plenty of experimentation myself and through that have learned quite a bit. Often it doesn't jive with the opinions of others. Oh well!
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Not in coir yet, but the next run will be supplemented with urine, absolutely. I say supplemented because I'm not sure I'll produce enough to keep them fed, especially after my experience using it for soil-grown ladies.

Other SeaMaiden quote: "I don't advocate urinating on plants."

I'm really confused on where I should be pissing.

Even more confusing.

Where should I piss after I've been drinking beer.

Can't hold it much longer.



Snap-E Tom or V-8 Juice? Big decisions indeed! I'll bet that by adding some Dolomite Lime and some molasses you would really make this a powerhouse combination to reach Dank Dumb!

Best to check with Bert & Squirt at the grow store......


Gone but NOT forgotten...
I prefer Clamato...it's got that high school fishy smell a young lad often makes stupid decsions for.

Sat X RB

well, Mates I 'm feeling depressed reading this thread. for years I 've been pissing on the soil of my plants each time I water or I piss in the water bucket prior to watering and now I find out this is the behaviour of an idiot ...

and Mr Cootes language seems cryptic ... and I haven't the energy to decode ...

so seems to me one potential problem is loading the top of yr soil with nitrogen as the vege bits are filtered out when you water on the brew you've made.

but every now and then should be ok ...


Active member
I have been giving my plants the rest of my five leaf jinseng Jiaogulan and sage tea and making fermented extracts from veggies and fruit and herbs and juice is another good option as i just bought a juicing machine. Urine would be cool as well for sure. If the juice does not work just compost it or ferment it, but cannot see any reason why it could not help.

Neo 420

Active member
Ahhh... The pee pee dilemma... While Maiden is absolutely correct in the fact folks have been urinating on plants for nutes (primarily N), this should be done in outdoor environment where nature can eventually "flush" it away. Not indoor where there is a high chance of salt build up. I have other reservations on why I wouldn't use it...
BTW in Europe pee pee is a no no for orgo (organics for the uncool)

"Conversely, concentrations of heavy metals such as lead, mercury, and cadmium, commonly found in solid human waste, are much lower in urine (though not low enough to qualify for use in organic agriculture under current EU rules).[23] The more general limitations to using urine as fertilizer then depend mainly on the potential for buildup of excess nitrogen (due to the high ratio of that macronutrient),[21] and inorganic salts such as sodium chloride, which are also part of the wastes excreted by the renal system. The degree to which these factors impact the effectiveness depends on the term of use, salinity tolerance of the plant, soil composition, addition of other fertilizing compounds, and quantity of rainfall or other irrigation."


Active member
So what your saying is you should not shit in your pots either? damn too late!


Oy. Urine has a place, but direct use indoors I can't advocate and really there are issues of diet and health to consider. As for human shit I'd honestly love to do a compost heap of humanure, let it break down for a couple years and then try it. We're revulsed by it but have no objection to other mammal shit. This does sound gross, but imagine the nutrient content in shit from a healthy human. Logically speaking if you composted long enough human pathogens should be no issue.
Human shit has been done.

By a guy call Ted. Also known as the unabomber. Couldn't believe it when I read it. Made me want to move to Montana ...and raise me up a crop of dental floss.


Active member
Didn't you know they have invented a special bucket for that kinda thing.. to keep around the house they have diff colors, patterns and sizes... they also have a travel version that fits in most rucksacks and handbags just in case you need to go when your out and about.. available from tub'o'shit.com. when it's full you just empty it on your compost pile probably once a week obviously that depends on how regular you are.. amazing products!


Let's keep the sarcasm for the sake of sarcasm down please. It's become the rallying cry of this subforum too much. New members don't get half our sarcasm I feel and it makes the place less than welcoming. We should be an oasis in the chem desert. Not the subforum that acts holier than thou.

Sat X RB

Ahhh... The pee pee dilemma... While Maiden is absolutely correct in the fact folks have been urinating on plants for nutes (primarily N), this should be done in outdoor environment where nature can eventually "flush" it away. Not indoor where there is a high chance of salt build up. I have other reservations on why I wouldn't use it...
BTW in Europe pee pee is a no no for orgo (organics for the uncool)

yes. I thought afterwards about the difference between growing outdoors and indoors affecting viewpoints.

also what variety one is growing must be salient factor. for example a well developed large sativa is probably less sensistive than a wee wee indica.

(by the way ... I like the rythm of yr last sentence ... did you achieve this with the deliberate use of iambic pentameter?

cheers from Oz.

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