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GROW CONTEST WINNER: 30 Sour Bubble Trees, 20 Gallon Smartpots, 10K Sealed!


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Johnipedestrian- Thanks, learned that one from my buddy RangerRick.

Blaze- Tell me about it man. You of all people know how much work goes into maintaining a proper thread. Shit takes time and effort for sure. Rockin steady is the only way to be bro, gears are just turning over here everything is pretty close to dialed. I think you will be a fan of the ECSB, she is the real deal. The deathbubbles were great but lots of looking around to do still. I won't let you down on the Katsu run I am going for full canopy coverage of katsu colas. The sour bubble could fill in another 3-4ft wide wise.

Tonygreen- It is awesome you are running the mix and having good success thus far. I have had plenty of people IRL use the mix and just do great right from the get go. Talking about taking people with zero experience and turning them into production farmers first grow. Now it is nice to see someone here try it. Just know that I expect to make some tweaks and those are coming soon. I will cover that later in a week or two when things kickoff. For now though the mix is a gurantee of a great harvest as long as you got the genetics and environment to go along with it. I wouldn't put any chem boosters on it but go to town with organic boosters.

Frankenstein2- Hell yeah nothing like aperfect environment 365 24/7. Thanks for stoppin in.

whatthe215- thank you. Og "verts"? I am sorry don't know what you mean here if your talking vertical bulbs I am not running any of those.

maryjaneismyfre- thanks maybe I will try amending some alfalpha meal soemtime and see what comes up. I do use weekly EWC teas with lots of extras added in. Currently I use the general organics line liquid fulvic called black something. Having a brainfart.

LedNewbie-That is correct sometimes a little more sometimes a little less. That will be changing soon though I am going to start running some heavier stuff the sour bubble is just not the right plant for max yield. Actually I am quite surprised I have been as successful with her as I have and I feel I have pushed her as hard as I ever could, basically not leaving much room if any for improvement running this low of plant numbers.

RomulusUSA- Thanks, I really do try and not let you all down. Sometimes these threads are good motivators to stay on top of your game. Please share your results with the mix if you do get a chance to run it.

RespectGreen- That is very good news. the more I read and hear about SFV the more I am pulling for that plant to impress me the most. Some of the most positive things came from yesprop215 talking about how she can yield well for an OG. I have been smoking some jedi kush the last few days that is SFV dom in taste and I do infact like it. I know the clone will be much more proniunced. When I see pics of her I can tell she is going to be fire. She rooted super fast for me and is responding well to the topping and supercropping. If she yields real and takes a liking to the mix I will smash a whole round through. I wouldn't mind trying a GSC, I smoked it once and it is thin mints. Not really my flavor but my 4 female patients would devour it.
maryjaneismyfre- thanks maybe I will try amending some alfalpha meal soemtime and see what comes up. I do use weekly EWC teas with lots of extras added in. Currently I use the general organics line liquid fulvic called black something. Having a brainfart.

Diamond Black
Liquid Humic Acids


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ICMag Donor
RangerRick-yeah man I am liking her more and more, this is the best I have seen her yet. Please keep her CLOSE, I intend to do some breeding with her.

PoisonedDart- Thanks haha my brain farting alot today. Might be because I never got out of my Pjs.

whatthe215- Haha yes sorry must be one of those days. I knew I must of have been missing something. So far so good it seems as if they do increase the intensity of the light quite a bit and the closer you get the more detrimental it is to the ladies. They aircool very well, and I love the latch system for cleaning and changing bulbs. I might change the other side to 8" magnums or 8" raptors and see how I like those as well.


I dont get much thin mint actio actually man, it's the forum cut, but my senses are different I just call it funky OG smelling. Lol. I non-descriptive at times.

SFV can deff put some yields. Only seen one run, but it looks like with work, and dialage she could put out 1.5 or so. I wanna see if she can get 2, then I'll be all in.

I've got the True and Fire OG testing next.... SFV sets a high standard though, so far I like it better than the louie!

We gotta get together sometime and puff some cookies... If u ever find a sec outta the hectic schedule :D I really do like it, sfv is stronger, but it still holds it own... Just the yield is wat is unimpressive.


i agree with RG the sfv is better than the other ogs and the gsc buzz wise,,, the louie and ghost just taste better they both remind me of how sour dub tastes that super sweet funk and they are both that oily type weed that shimmers on ur hand where the sfv just gets ur fingers sticky as fuck,,,,,,the sfv is just better imo from my experience with them all,,,but i am getting ready to flip them all so in about 3 months i will know by my own hand instead of other sources,,,,,btw PK i got a zip of the chem91 back for ya,,,peace


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ICMag Donor
Respect- I agree, I would love to have a flavorful session. I have a hectic schedule for sure man this shit just doesn't stop. I got 11 lights coming down soon so that just means 3weeks of straight grinding to keep everything on track and timely as possible. I hate down days if my flower lights aren't making flowers I am treading water. I am stoked to see what comes of all these clones.

Ido- Man I really appreciate that, I will be seeing you soon bro.

So I had an epiphany just now and decided to log on and share it. I have 4 open slots in my breeding area and I have all these extra rooted og's and chems. I am thinking maybe:

Sour Bubble x Reversed SFV

I am assuming the SFV throws viable pollen since so many projects are already based on her. I have a sour bubble mom I can take the cuts I need off of and put into action asap, and I have extra rooted SFV and collidal silver in stock. I am going to have to invest in another little pollen chucking room but having two orgy tents will serve me well. If I can get some of that OG citrus/lemony flavor on a Sour bubble sour lime structure I will be on to something. The sfv looks to have the veg speed and stretch that might combine well with bubbles sturdy structure and tight ass buds. Yup it is on I will start spraying tomorrow.

The Katsu bubba kush x sour bubble #11 seedlings are doing well, recovering from their 5th node being topped and have been transplanted into the mix. I will take the katsu clone to be used for the bx1 crossing any day now. Katsu bx1 is full steam ahead.

Any other cuts you think would be stellar to go with reversed SFV pollen? I have extra ghost og, king louie og, chemd, chem91, sfv x chemd, and another extra SFV. So I could make s1's.....hmmmmmm As for my other moms I would have to take cuts and root them out and veg so these are more convienent. An ecsd would root fast and require zero veg or a deathstar. Once I realized I have these open spots and extra cuts, I figured why throw them out, now my gears are turning lol.


Hey PK, since you are starting alot of seeds would you mind sharing your germination technique(s)? Are you sowing straight into soil? presoaking the seeds in water first?

Any advice would be much appreciated :)

Ive been using jiffy peat pellets and whilst they do work im looking for a better way.

much respect bro your doing great things!


Astronaut Status
Hey PK, since you are starting alot of seeds would you mind sharing your germination technique(s)? Are you sowing straight into soil? presoaking the seeds in water first?

Any advice would be much appreciated :)

Ive been using jiffy peat pellets and whilst they do work im looking for a better way.

much respect bro your doing great things!
I'm not pk, but i do start assloads of seeds. In the past two months i think i've started 50 beans or more. This is what i do....... coco coir for my medium, usually a brick to start. I use bio-root at 2 tsp's per gallon and adjust ph. I soak the coir in the bio-root water and then fill my black cups(ya know the ones with a square top, 18 fit in a standard black tray), i usually give the coir in the cups another soaking, then plant my beans directly in the coir, no soaking, no scuffing. I sharpen a pencil and make a little hole for the baby and lightly fluff some coco over it. I usually have a 100% success rate with this method. Sometimes might lose one or two either due to bunk seeds, or weak seedlings. I usually have sprouts above coco in three days or less. Hope this helps.(also i don't leave any standing water in the bottom of the tray)


I've already got some SFV xChem91. The keeper out of it turned out to be heavy 91' leaning, but with much improved features. Deff not as finicky anymore... Could be interesting to see what it does vice versa though, mine our SFV x 91' reversed

Deff would like to see SFV x chemD x SFV though :) I've got some ChemD x Chem91's vegging now that hopefully make for a killer progeny

Do you have the motorbreathe #6 that cut X'd back t SFV would be KILLER! That cut is just like SFV impo

Katsu x SFV... Ahh just endless possibilities!


I'm not pk, but i do start assloads of seeds. In the past two months i think i've started 50 beans or more. This is what i do....... coco coir for my medium, usually a brick to start. I use bio-root at 2 tsp's per gallon and adjust ph. I soak the coir in the bio-root water and then fill my black cups(ya know the ones with a square top, 18 fit in a standard black tray), i usually give the coir in the cups another soaking, then plant my beans directly in the coir, no soaking, no scuffing. I sharpen a pencil and make a little hole for the baby and lightly fluff some coco over it. I usually have a 100% success rate with this method. Sometimes might lose one or two either due to bunk seeds, or weak seedlings. I usually have sprouts above coco in three days or less. Hope this helps.(also i don't leave any standing water in the bottom of the tray)

No your not PK, but thanks anyway :)


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Darthfader1- I use the paper towel method, I have for 15+ years. I wet some paper towel, give it a light squeeze so it isn't soaked, throw in the seeds evenly spaced. Then I fold up the towel with the seeds in it, and place it in a ziplock bag. I inflate the bag with my breath, seal it, and place it in a warm spot like on top of my computer or aquarium. Once the seeds have cracked and thrown out tap roots I place them in a cup of light warrior that I have already soaked and cover them with about 1/2" of light warrior.

RespectGreen- Dude that cross sounds fire. I lover mixing all this shit up and seeing what comes out.
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Darthfader1- I use the paper towel method, I have for 15+ years. I wet some paper towel, give it a light squeeze so it isn't soaked, throw in the seeds evenly spaced. Then I fold up the towel with the seeds in it, and place it in a ziplock bag. I inflate the bag with my breath, seal it, and place it in a warm spot like on top of my computer or aquarium. Once the seeds have cracked and thrown out tap roots I place them in a cup of light warrior that I have already soaked and cover them with about 1/2" of light warrior.

RespectGreen- Dude that cross sounds fire. I lover mixing all this shit up and seeing what comes out.

Hey thanks bro, your a legend!

keep it green & sticky


you already know i want u to hit my sfv x chemd with the sour bubble ive her soem strength and maybe slow teh stretch down,,but hell yeah crossing the sfv x chemd to the sfv or ghost would be nice as well,,,peace


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ICMag Donor
DarthFader- Thanks but lets not push it and will do :)

ido- yeah a SFV bx1 huh. Well right now I got my breeding numbers full again but when I reverse my sb mom some day I will be sure to save some pollen for your girl.

Right now in the pollen chucking setup there will be:

5 katsu x sour bubble seedlings M/F?
1 katsu recieving pollen

If I get ladies and boys out of the seedlings I will have "sour katsu" f2's, and katsu bubba kush bx1. The SFV has been getting silver sprayed on her for three days now and she will be dusting my sour bubble mama. I have two sour bubble bx3 males being save, and I am reversing one clone form each of them to see what they bring to the party in a more personal level before testing progeny. If they fail to impress I will begin searching in my sour bubble f2's for a male, using the seed stock from my clone mama.

Boy am I glad I get the Ac's with low ambient operating temps. The excel has been ran in -35F according to the guys at excel. Right now it is 4F but the wind chill has it down to -10+, and where I am at and the outdoor unit is placed windy is its middle name. So flat out here nothing but downed cornfields surrounding me. She is running good thus far, these cold nights are the true test.

The OG/Chems are moving right along, day 14 tomorrow, everything has little white afros forming and it look like I didn't over veg the tent. Everything should be small and cute like, a good introduction to get to know everyone. The ecsb is INSANE, I lit up a early sample and all I could say is WOW instantly right out my mouth. So flavorful it is not even funny. I am super impressed this really is my first run of her besides one neglected plant from clone. I am going to run a whole room of her after the katsu she is a winner for sure.

The one less cup of nitrogen I added to the mix seems to be the ticket to getting my sour bubbles color back. This is going to be the prettiest one yet, I haven't see whole leafs yellow out like this since I was running RDWC. Seems like 2-2.5 cups is great for 8 weekers, 10 weekers stick with the three. I just love seeing sad starved yellow/purple/red plants come harvest day.


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ICMag Donor
I am double posting my own thread :)

Quick update on the Og/Chem room. Tomorrow is day 14, everything is going great despite the lack of veg and rough transplant. They seem to really be enjoying the soil mix especially the SFV, she is happy clapping for sure. The SFV is a beast, the chem 91 loves my strong pimp hand, she has knots all over and I like that. The king louie and ghost are viney as hell. The chem d is the shortest and seems the most easyily managed. Ido's SFV x ChemD is also a beast. She roots very nicely and seems hardy.

It won't be long and things in here will get interesting. I am excited to be trying out all these great strains for first time all at once. ECSB is looking stellar and the sour bubble is as well, won't be long.





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