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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Active member
lol in that hood DB, does a certain armored excursion drive around with armed Hasidic jews doing neighborhood watch? H Park. Im going way off topic, shutting up now lol


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Even small breweries can produce quite a bit. Otherwise American wines like Howell Mountain, and Scarecrow would never make it out of Hollywood. I would want to build acres of enclosed green houses, with above ground pools turned into giant dwc set ups. That way I get the power of the sun, but can control temp, humidity, pests. and rain frequency. I could also do light dep grows.

To finance this I would just ask people i already know. I know a good amount of millionaires and Billionaires; and they smoke my herb. These people have traveled around the world multiple times and tried weed from everywhere. One judges the cannabis cup every year. I would ask them for investments and a seasoned business management team. It is existential to have experienced business pros to go along with experienced grow pros. If you only have one and not the other it is auto fail. Another thing to consider is who is going to build it all? good contractors are a huge factor. They have a huge effect on budget, which means they have a huge impact on your business plan. No investor is going to want to invest if you don't have a solid business plan explaining when and how much money they are projected to make.

If that didn't work. I would probably try to partner up with one of their parent companies and start a quality herb line for them. depending on the terms. I wouldn't give them much. basically just a 10 percent cut and distribution rights. I would try for a company rappers love. Like Crystal champagne. they still present the image I like.

Then if all that got approved I would start hiring the best icmag growers to make sure our quality stays AAA.

Then if all that was successful, I would start opening free standing cafes. I would also build by dream hang out. A boutique hotel/ herb and hash cafe/ restaurant/ spa. It would be up in the hills behind Santa Barbra. It would be spread out over multiple acres. The Idea is to make you think that you discovered a secret entrance to the mythical version of Mount Olympus. I want it to immolate the experience of escaping the city for a day to relax with the gods on Mount Olympus. There would be trails though forest, fountains. statues of greek/roman gods of the past. Instead of hotel rooms their would be private bungalows with views of the coast. They would be very open, and allow in lots of light and breeze, but you could close them up at night to sleep if need be.

Hell yea, id rather be the little old french dude making the most insane cheese, that he is so proud of, and put so much love into it, than some Kraft cheese all day.

mmm nachos :biggrin:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
a bunch of Hasidic Jews live in my 'hood. They don't care if weed is kosher or not, so I doubt anyone else does! lol

ROFL. in order for it to be kosher it must be blessed by a rabbi. I don't know to many rabbi's that would bless my stash. hahahahaha

If I had a legal company though I sure as hell would hire a rabbi to bless my plants. just for the fun of it, cause that's hilarious.

Before eating produce that grew directly from the earth:
ברוך אתה ה' א‑לוהינו מלך העולם, בורא פרי האדמה.‏
Transliteration: Barukh atah Adonai Eloheinu Melekh ha'olam, bo're p'ri ha'adama.
Translation: "Blessed are You, LORD, our God, King of the universe, Who creates the fruit of the ground."


Active member
a bunch of Hasidic Jews live in my 'hood. They don't care if weed is kosher or not, so I doubt anyone else does! lol

lol. funny i was thinking just that after i posted. kosher jews in my past have always smoked cigarettes without kosher certs... I guess there is a talmudic loophole that exempts smoke from things consumed. **upon consulting the talmud it would seem that kashrut applies ONLY to food. medicine, even toothepaste, all exempt. google: IS METH KOSHER.

the current turn in this conversation has me fantasizing about magical greenhouses again.

The wine and brewing business has a lot of restaurant and tourism built into it. When Prop 19 was being politicked in 2010, I know a LOT of people were ready to jump into the ganjatourism industry.


haven't been able to read the ENTIRE thread so this might have been mentioned, but i believe there is a HUGE difference between MJ and all other ag crops I can think of: you cannot wash the final product clean at harvest. Tobacco, grapes, tomatoes, roses, are all washed clean at harvest and often a few more times before packaging; some even float in indoor rivers as their industrial conveyor belts during processing. If they couldn't wash them, they wouldn't be able to process the dirty looking fruit/flowers/veggies, let alone sell them.

Can't wash MJ once it has buds, and especially once it is near or at harvest. Not unless you want it all to mold. This might be the secret to keeping lots of boutique growers even after legalization, because one of the handiest tools for hiding the nastiness of giant ag facilities is a water bath, and they simply won't be able to do that. That means it can't be as mechanized nor produced as cheaply, since dust-stormed acreage where they grow corn etc and harvest with huge diesel combines will be terrible for growing big, tasty, resiny buds.

I think all the big ag OD dustweed will end up being turned into refined THC extracts to be put into products like e-cigs and others we haven't even imagined (snuss, anyone? or how about tobacco sprayed with THC extract?). Clean, smokable buds will need more control than the existing massive scale ag systems can provide. That's the built-in small biz benefit of our weed.


Interesting point I didn't consider. :tiphat:
Thinking about it: Should they legalize it as a medicine/ health product, it may be problematic to adhere to purity/hygiene standards outdoors.

IIRC David Potter experimented with both Greenhouse and Outdoor plantations for his doctoral thesis(Lucky bastard). IIRC both were viable, only problem was the variability in THC content, not impurities. Will have to re-read it when i got some more time.


New member
Interesting point I didn't consider. :tiphat:
Thinking about it: Should they legalize it as a medicine/ health product, it may be problematic to adhere to purity/hygiene standards outdoors.

IIRC David Potter experimented with both Greenhouse and Outdoor plantations for his doctoral thesis(Lucky bastard). IIRC both were viable, only problem was the variability in THC content, not impurities. Will have to re-read it when i got some more time.

I spoke to the guy that runs the biggest pot testing lab in la and he said if spore/microbe count ever mattered to patients or dispensaries, OD would be banned. said every OD they tested was loaded with microlife. No thanks!


I spoke to the guy that runs the biggest pot testing lab in la and he said if spore/microbe count ever mattered to patients or dispensaries, OD would be banned. said every OD they tested was loaded with microlife. No thanks!

Depends on your mindset, i suppose. I can guarantee you that kissing or licking your girlfriend gets more and potentially more hazardous microlife in your system than a years worth of outdoor.
That this argument doesn't fly with the "OMG it's not regulated/ controlled/ sterilized!" crowd is also clear. Maybe we should lobby to ban their girls as a potential health hazard.


Depends on your mindset, i suppose. I can guarantee you that kissing or licking your girlfriend gets more and potentially more hazardous microlife in your system than a years worth of outdoor.
That this argument doesn't fly with the "OMG it's not regulated/ controlled/ sterilized!" crowd is also clear. Maybe we should lobby to ban their girls as a potential health hazard.

When my girlfriend has bugs on her, I avoid from kissing and licking her :rasta:
whats more profitable? legalizing weed and letting Phillip Morris sale joints for a $1 each? Or keeping it illegal and making profit off of locking people up in privatised prisions and tied up in courts???? As of now I think the latter.....

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I spoke to the guy that runs the biggest pot testing lab in la and he said if spore/microbe count ever mattered to patients or dispensaries, OD would be banned. said every OD they tested was loaded with microlife. No thanks!

It does not matter what it is. If it is not made in a sterilized lab, then it will be loaded with mirco life. Even when you buy a loaded baked potato, one of the things it is loaded with is microbial life forms.

We even have microscopic mites that live in our eye balls and keep them clean, and infection free. Some of that crust in the corner of your eyes when you wake up is all the crap those nice little mites cleaned for us.


Active member
whats more profitable? legalizing weed and letting Phillip Morris sale joints for a $1 each? Or keeping it illegal and making profit off of locking people up in privatised prisions and tied up in courts???? As of now I think the latter.....

exactly, they arent going to take over this industry just to crash the price, they want control over a 30 billion a year industry not a 3 billion...and they sure as shit are not gonna jeopardize the multi billion dollar prison industrial complex just to start selling $1 dollar joints...my guess is after the sin taxes and all the red tape weed will still cost a fair amount....say 50 dollars an oZ for cheaper stuff and up in the hundreds for high quality high grade...

hash- theres mites in our eyes! shiet! didnt know that...


New member
It does not matter what it is. If it is not made in a sterilized lab, then it will be loaded with mirco life. Even when you buy a loaded baked potato, one of the things it is loaded with is microbial life forms.

We even have microscopic mites that live in our eye balls and keep them clean, and infection free. Some of that crust in the corner of your eyes when you wake up is all the crap those nice little mites cleaned for us.

Ok, i get that. But he was talking mold, powdery mildew and e. coli. Which is what they tested for (and all can be well controlled indoors). Might be interesting to test for "eye mites" (got a link? neat idea), but the ones they did test for are known to cause problems in humans (hence the choice to test for them). In regulated agribiz the USDA would't allow it. We aren't talking "bennies"; however a chlorine water bath kills bennies dead too--along with pathogens-- and washes them off...of everything but weed.


Active member
Ok, i get that. But he was talking mold, powdery mildew and e. coli. Which is what they tested for (and all can be well controlled indoors). Might be interesting to test for "eye mites" (got a link? neat idea), but the ones they did test for are known to cause problems in humans (hence the choice to test for them).

And yet humans are also known to have smoked outdoor-grown cannabis for thousands of years, without harm. How is that possible, if these microorganisms are so dangerous?

In regulated agribiz the USDA would't allow it.

Yes, and it's these sort of over-regulations that are killing our country.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
And yet humans are also known to have smoked outdoor-grown cannabis for thousands of years, without harm. How is that possible, if these microorganisms are so dangerous?

Yes, and it's these sort of over-regulations that are killing our country.

only if you eat or inhale them raw. if you burn them really well you wont ever have an issue.


Ok, i get that. But he was talking mold, powdery mildew and e. coli. Which is what they tested for (and all can be well controlled indoors). Might be interesting to test for "eye mites" (got a link? neat idea), but the ones they did test for are known to cause problems in humans (hence the choice to test for them). In regulated agribiz the USDA would't allow it. We aren't talking "bennies"; however a chlorine water bath kills bennies dead too--along with pathogens-- and washes them off...of everything but weed.

Ah, didn't realize that, interesting. I've read an article sometime ago that on average about 1-2 kilogramm of your bodyweight are foreign organisms.(Bacteria, virus, parasites) Gross, eh? :biggrin: Also interesting that the article mentioned that our understanding of this organisms is quite limited and up until now badly understood in the context of a healthy human beiing. Science, pharma and medicine largely ignored them.
exactly, they arent going to take over this industry just to crash the price, they want control over a 30 billion a year industry not a 3 billion...and they sure as shit are not gonna jeopardize the multi billion dollar prison industrial complex just to start selling $1 dollar joints...my guess is after the sin taxes and all the red tape weed will still cost a fair amount....say 50 dollars an oZ for cheaper stuff and up in the hundreds for high quality high grade...

hash- theres mites in our eyes! shiet! didnt know that...

Great conversation.

in the mid-west ozs of high quality can go for 500, average is 400. Prices aren't going anywhere but up in the future because all the legalization fights, or most of them, will be beaten down by the failed but heavily funded drug war and all the right and left wing propaganda. Look how popular universal health care was, over half the country would of voted for it and 3/4 of the population believes health care needs a complete overhaul, but not a change worth mentioning. Not even a public option. So this maybe 50% of the pop that would vote for legalization, more likely much less, and those who would actually publicly support it are even much much more fewer, give the hope of true legalization of marijuana a very slim chance in our lifetimes. Even medical is still under fire in most if not all states at some level. I went through a shitstorm getting my caregiver license and the feeling amongst us caregivers, patients and regular unlicensed users and growers is all about the same. Not much if anything will change for the better on this issue. I hope I'm wrong. I'm pessimistic by nature, it's worked for me well.

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