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Warped foliage - where did i go wrong

Ill post a couple of pics.

(first 2 pics) week 2.5. everything looks great and goin smooth

(Last 3 pics) week 5. wtf could have caused this.... using the same system iv been using for over a year, and im clueless as to even what type of damage this is.


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There is 2 strains in there PK and ChemD

ChemD is the only one having this issue. the only thing thats gone down this round out of the norm is, i got thrips and drenched my coco (im using coco) with azamax as per their instructions. also sprayed foilage w/ az
not this strain, but the gentic suppliers are A+ in the trustworthy department.

anyway why would they be good for so long and then just break bad.

it also might be worth noting the pks are looking great which made me wonder about the genetics myself, but i have a gut feeling its something eles, the only thing that makes me not 100% on that is the 2 strains are on the same table and got the same treatments. im stumped
ppms have maxed at 1100 and now its in the 600's dont use much nutes to beging with anyway. 3ml per g cal mag (till week 4)
3ml per g micro
12ml per g bloom
.75 tsp per g silica

thats about it


Warped leaves

Warped leaves

I had that same thing happen to me some time ago. I thought it was genetic because everything else was good and it only happened to like two out of 9 plant's. I still got some results from them they just looked wierd.


They're definitely overfertilized, but that's not causing the reduced number of lobes on the leaves, that's a hormonal thing. They're essentially confused about what stage of growth they should be in, and that's most often caused by a significant interruption in the dark stage of the photoperiod. In fact, I'd bet money on it.

Whenever you see single and triple-lobed leaves, it's a sure sign the plant is trying to go back into a vegetative state. Remember, plants respond to photoperiod hormonally, and those hormones are what regulates the stage and type of growth--vegetative (leaves/foliage, size) or flowering (buds).
"They're definitely overfertilized, but that's not causing the reduced number of lobes on the leaves, that's a hormonal thing. They're essentially confused about what stage of growth they should be in, and that's most often caused by a significant interruption in the dark stage of the photoperiod. In fact, I'd bet money on it.

Whenever you see single and triple-lobed leaves, it's a sure sign the plant is trying to go back into a vegetative state. Remember, plants respond to photoperiod hormonally, and those hormones are what regulates the stage and type of growth--vegetative (leaves/foliage, size) or flowering (buds). "

Understood, the only way my dark could have been interrupted is if my green lights for night time are not green enough. Is that possible? i bought the bulbs at the local shop and assumed they were trustworthy. if thats a factor, then, yea theres been a lot of light during the dark.

the thing is i have have been through a light issue before (4 days of 24 hour 3rd week of flower, timer issue) i remeber what kinda of mayhem that caused, however, during this run this did not happen, and the damage seems different. The leaves almost look fried. Im wondering if the azamax soil drench was too strong and burned the funk outta the roots. thats kinda where my head is at
WTF is that

bye the way, the one im holding is my terminal bud, ususally its as thik as my arm by this point in the cycle. all im seein is a bunch of puny bitch buds.

look closely at how its not just 1 or 3 leave fans but more importantly how the fans look burnt, its not the light these arnt anywhere near it.

i understand how there are major indications of light interuption but i feel there is more too it.

btw my ppms are in the 600's currently, and have been for awhile, so id like to hear how i could possibly be overferting
My thoughts...

Have you used those green lights before?
If it was a light issue, surely the PK would have issues as well?
I don't think it's overfertilaztion either. Neither the pictures nor your feeding history would cause me to believe that.
The only thing new this run was the azamax; but again, why not the PK? Also, I've never heard of azamax doing this.

That leaves either an environmental issue(which I think you would have mentioned. What's your temps and RH for day/night?) or the untested genetics.

I'd like to see a full body shot of one of the sick girls.


You're running different strains at the same time, and that can be problematic because they don't all need or want the same things.

I agree, the texture to the leaves and the color, it's odd. They look like they're brittle and could crack.

The tiny buds could definitely be another indicator of hormonal confusion. I'm just not sure about the green lights, myself. I can see them being just like using an infrared light around animals in that some just don't "see" it. However, I have some papers discussing the utility of the green spectrum for plants and photosynthesis, so they *are* using green light, during daylight hours at least.

You say you've been running this set-up for over a year, yes? Has ANYTHING else changed at all? Could anything have broken, gotten shifted, a patch over, say a light on a computer strip come uncovered? I read you on the ppm's and how they shouldn't be causing this, except that I've run for a few years now a cross that I favor, Cali O x Blueberry, and lemme tell ya, she is almost too easy a keeper. You LOOK at her and she gets burned from overferting. For example, where most gals are happy-happy-fine-fine with me using 5mls/gal Floranova Bloom, with this line I *must* keep it to 2ml/gal, less than half, or they'll become burned and horribly overfertilized.

If nothing else at all is new, then it's time to start going over everything again, one thing at a time.
"Have you used those green lights before?"

In the past i havnt used as many (3 really bright ones, when they' re on, the environmental controler thinks its day time) im not sure if iv left them on all night before like i have this run. these plants are def showing signs of a light interuption issue. In the past i had an issue with my timer and my lights were on 24 hour for 3 days in the third week of flower. i remember what that did, this looks like that plus much more. I still got a decent pull and some great quality out of that run, 1.5lb per 1000w. I will be lucky with a .25lb per 1000w with whats going on this time.

"That leaves either an environmental issue(which I think you would have mentioned. What's your temps and RH for day/night?) or the untested genetics.

I'd like to see a full body shot of one of the sick girls. "

1. Environmental issue is not even a possibility. 78-80 day 65-70 night temps, 40-50 RH, 1200-1300 cO2 day. ALWAYS. Sealed enviornment

2. Untested genetics? Without going into it, I would have a hard time being convinced of this.

3. Full body shot. ALL the chemD plants look like that. Every last one. Truth be told the best, most full bodied nuggets are lower. Im sure thats another clue.
why not the PK?

Only thing I can think of is differnet strains react to different stresses differently.

The only thing new this run was the azamax;

Did a manual coco drench for thrip larva. Because the plants look burnt it leads me to believe the roots got funked in someway. The azamax is the only thing it could have been. The thing is im sure we made the solution according to the directions.
"You say you've been running this set-up for over a year, yes? Has ANYTHING else changed at all? Could anything have broken, gotten shifted, a patch over, say a light on a computer strip come uncovered? I read you on the ppm's and how they shouldn't be causing this, except that I've run for a few years now a cross that I favor, Cali O x Blueberry, and lemme tell ya, she is almost too easy a keeper. You LOOK at her and she gets burned from overferting. For example, where most gals are happy-happy-fine-fine with me using 5mls/gal Floranova Bloom, with this line I *must* keep it to 2ml/gal, less than half, or they'll become burned and horribly overfertilized."

As far as minor light interruptions such as power strips and what not I remember reading a thread on this website about how small amounts of light do not need to be stressed about during the dark most notably because of how there is moon light for outdoor plants and that is an amount of light they recieve durning their dark period. If its comming down to power strips then, yes, i do have 2 maybe uncovered going, but theyv never been covered and iv had perfect runs with them.

The greenlights im using are longstar green party lights 13w, 3 of them.

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