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growth after inducing flower?


Senior Member
depends on the strain and style of growing, also lighting can play a role, you get more stretch going from 24 hour light to 12/12 than you do from 18/6 or 12/1...is English not your native language?


Tom 'Green' Thumb
depends on the strain and style of growing, also lighting can play a role, you get more stretch going from 24 hour light to 12/12 than you do from 18/6 or 12/1

I have never heard that before - thanks for that info! Just out of curiousity, did you notice this yourself or is it just common knowledge I somehow let slip by. Thanks!



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few things come into play
in a room thats dialed in no problems

indicas can stretch 2-3 times size. meaning a 1 ft tall plant can get 3 ft n/p

sativas can stretch 3-5 times size, hence a 1ft tall plant can reach 5 ft tall n/p

now few things that come into play
lighting used
distance lighting is from plants
rooms temps lights off temp, lights on temp, my room temp swing is w/in 10 degree's
rootmass , [ie] size of the rootball on the plant, a plant with barely any rootmass will stretch more then a plant who has a larger rootmass.

if height will be a problem theres allways

bushmaster good product i've used it a few yrs now it stops stretch on most indicas some sativas will need more then 1-2 doses.


Senior Member
I have never heard that before - thanks for that info! Just out of curiousity, did you notice this yourself or is it just common knowledge I somehow let slip by. Thanks!
i have definitely noticed a difference, i used to veg at 24-0 and got a lot of stretch, and upon switching to 18-6 i found it was a lot less. i have also read other people noticing this as well. i think it's because the plant freaks out a bit more, going from 24 hours light to only 12, as if it were suddenly shaded by another nearby plant, and it's first impulse(if plants have those lol)is to stretch and try to get out from under the perceived obstacle blocking it's light. as a rule of thumb the less light a plant gets the more it tends to stretch, in veg anyway, this goes for most plants of any species. it is also written around here somewhere, i know i'm not the only one to notice the phenomenon...

i just started vegging my moms under 12-1 this past run, 6 weeks ago, a week after taking clones from them, so i can't say anything for my new schedule, but logic would seem to point towards it causing even less stretch...i think i remember Joseph Pietri, the infamous smuggler and grower who made this method known, saying something to that effect as well...