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Ideas For Keeping Pot Prices from Deflating Rapidly

Ideas For Keeping Pot Prices from Deflating Rapidly

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the prop allows for large commercial liscensing, there are no provisions or ammendments to the bill placing a limit on how hard or expensive it will be to get licensed to grow more than 25 square ft.

because there doesn't need to be. People growing for more than recreation would be medical. They fall under 215. DO you understand the way the law evolves? The system of precedents and following lawsuits that test the law and shape it.???

This will be challenged the first day it passes. Someone will ask the court for clarification. That is democracy. You have to give the courts a chance to work. A chance to grow the law and shape based on an individuals needs. You can't write perfect bills because they would never be passed. All laws and legislation are written with wiggle room so they can be challenged and better defined after the fact. This is how democracy works. Its not unilateral or totalitarian. It is ubiquitous, and evolving.

give the political process a chance to work.

i chose to grow because i like the lifestyle, not because i thought, hehehehe im gonna get rich and fuck the world. hell no, i like bein my own boss and i love ganja and everything about growing it (lol except trimming)

this is ignorance. If it were to cost more to grow than you could sell the bud you wouldn't do it. No one would. SO you can try and back peddle from it but this is about money and local economies.

Have you read the thread? would you care to comment on the ideas listed to try and help the community? Would you care to actually participate in the democracy and get involved? Instead of just dropping loads of ignorant shit on my thread?

We live in a system where lobbying, influence, and exposure get you to where you need be, politically? How involved are you? How far beyond voting have you gone? If you haven't gone past that or very far past it, can you say you are competing in this system? You aren't even on the same field as the people actually making change.

I'm not saying i am some uber activist or at every city hall meeting but i'm not dropping this ignorant garbage in other people's threads.

Open your eyes and see the big picture. We need non bureaucratic solutions. I'ld love to see a weed union but its not workable. Not enough people will join initially before it is co opted. and too many folks hate unions.

Not buying marijuana that is machine trimmed can be accomplished by each person on their own. no need for bureaucracy or dues or meeting, just do what rights and demand Equitably Hand Trimmed Cannabis.
the prop allows for large commercial liscensing, there are no provisions or ammendments to the bill placing a limit on how hard or expensive it will be to get licensed to grow more than 25 square ft.

because there doesn't need to be. People growing for more than recreation would be medical. They fall under 215. DO you understand the way the law evolves? The system of precedents and following lawsuits that test the law and shape it.???

This will be challenged the first day it passes. Someone will ask the court for clarification. That is democracy. You have to give the courts a chance to work. A chance to grow the law and shape based on an individuals needs. You can't write perfect bills because they would never be passed. All laws and legislation are written with wiggle room so they can be challenged and better defined after the fact. This is how democracy works. Its not unilateral or totalitarian. It is ubiquitous, and evolving.

give the political process a chance to work.

i chose to grow because i like the lifestyle, not because i thought, hehehehe im gonna get rich and fuck the world. hell no, i like bein my own boss and i love ganja and everything about growing it (lol except trimming)

this is ignorance. If it were to cost more to grow than you could sell the bud you wouldn't do it. No one would. SO you can try and back peddle from it but this is about money and local economies.

Have you read the thread? would you care to comment on the ideas listed to try and help the community? Would you care to actually participate in the democracy and get involved? Instead of just dropping loads of ignorant shit on my thread?

We live in a system where lobbying, influence, and exposure get you to where you need be, politically? How involved are you? How far beyond voting have you gone? If you haven't gone past that or very far past it, can you say you are competing in this system? You aren't even on the same field as the people actually making change.

I'm not saying i am some uber activist or at every city hall meeting but i'm not dropping this ignorant garbage in other people's threads.

Open your eyes and see the big picture. We need none bureaucratic solutions. I'ld love to see a weed union but its not workable. Not enough people will join initially before it is co opted. and too many folks hate unions.

Not buying marijuana that is machine trimmed can be accomplished by each person on their own. no need for bureaucracy or dues or meeting, just do what rights and demand Equitably Hand Trimmed Cannabis.


this is ignorance. If it were to cost more to grow than you could sell the bud you wouldn't do it. No one would. SO you can try and back peddle from it but this is about money and local economies.

Have you read the thread? would you care to comment on the ideas listed to try and help the community? Would you care to actually participate in the democracy and get involved? Instead of just dropping loads of ignorant shit on my thread?

We live in a system where lobbying, influence, and exposure get you to where you need be, politically? How involved are you? How far beyond voting have you gone? If you haven't gone past that or very far past it, can you say you are competing in this system? You aren't even on the same field as the people actually making change.

I'm not saying i am some uber activist or at every city hall meeting but i'm not dropping this ignorant garbage in other people's threads.

Open your eyes and see the big picture. We need none bureaucratic solutions. I'ld love to see a weed union but its not workable. Not enough people will join initially before it is co opted. and too many folks hate unions.

Not buying marijuana that is machine trimmed can be accomplished by each person on their own. no need for bureaucracy or dues or meeting, just do what rights and demand Equitably Hand Trimmed Cannabis.

first off i never said i started growing to be poor, or to work for free. its an option to keep myself alive and not have to be working a nine to 5.

my political involvement?

ive registered no joke probably 100,000 people to vote, if not, damn close to that in my life. easily more counting the people who ive organized. i collected sigs for 215, travelled to oregon, nevada and colorado to work on similar med props there. organized on the ground to get those issues qualified.

my issue with your view is you seem to think that the ONLY thing people need to do to affect change is simply choose not to buy something or buy it somewhere else.

i have worked in the dirty bulshit low level political machine in cali for over 10 years. i know EXACTLY how lobbying and big money interests abuse the system in their favor. why cant we lobby against it? if you think that change only happens on the retail end of the spectrum with only wise choices, then im sorry but you are way too idealistic.


Well-known member
so explain to me why you can't do whats right? start with the man in the mirror. be the change you want to see in the world. any number of bumper stickers.

You are obviously intelligent, whats with the lack of discipline and pride? Honestly. No snarkyness or sarcasm. Why are you so quick to see the problem and the solution and then, walk away?

When did acknowledging your faults suddenly absolve them? Has the world gone catholic? lol

I wish I had the answer for you but I love your statment above its 100% correct and I cant find any debate nothing less then selfishness.
first off i never said i started growing to be poor, or to work for free. its an option to keep myself alive and not have to be working a nine to 5.

my political involvement?

ive registered no joke probably 100,000 people to vote, if not, damn close to that in my life. easily more counting the people who ive organized. i collected sigs for 215, travelled to oregon, nevada and colorado to work on similar med props there. organized on the ground to get those issues qualified.

Bravo! Bravo! so you are familiar with the way an idea can spread and take hold. again bravo and thank you for your organizing.

my issue with your view is you seem to think that the ONLY thing people need to do to affect change is simply choose not to buy something or buy it somewhere else.

i never excluded anything, I just believe a consumer driven change is better than a bureaucratic one. A segment of our community will inevitable feel left out of this new bureaucracy and create dissension. The consumer/market driven solution is as linux is to windows. Its open source and any one can scale it up or down, and or alter it. Not a product designed by others for you, but a homegrown personal way effect change in one of the world's largest economies.

SO don't get me wrong, you have to lobby and organize and et cetera, but i just don't think the union angle is the most workable solution. Or the most effective.

Big business's competitive advantage is destroyed if the market refuses machine trimmed cannabis. That simple step can keep you profitable and your friends/trimmers well fed. Guaranteed.

I will say this with resolve: Markets are infinitely more powerful than unions.


Sprinkle phencyclidine on it,call it loveboat,and it'll keep the price down while admissions to the cuckoo's nest increases


I think your fair-trade idea is pretty funny, sounds cool but in reality it would suck. I pay my trimmers 200$ a lb right now, if it were legal I'd pay them minimum wage and if they can't meet the quota I fire their ass since it's legal & no english is required to trim weed. Trimming weed isn't an art, it's menial labor that has paid a premium wage, won't for much longer.


Game Bred
companies like wal-mart and marlboro will be selling it to the consumer while a company like monsanto will make roundup ready commercial cannabis with GMO terminator genetics to completely take control of cannabis cultivation.

not until federal rescheduling and that will be cause for celebration not lamentation.

i LOVE the idea of a sticker saying"fair trade" or "union produced" or whatever.

lets me know what artificially inflated,over hyped and overpriced bullshit not to buy.

just like i do now.
I think your fair-trade idea is pretty funny, sounds cool but in reality it would suck. I pay my trimmers 200$ a lb right now, if it were legal I'd pay them minimum wage and if they can't meet the quota I fire their ass since it's legal & no english is required to trim weed. Trimming weed isn't an art, it's menial labor that has paid a premium wage, won't for much longer.

this is obviously going way over your head.


The future of Walmart marijuana :blowbubbles:


Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:
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Overkill is under-rated.
Well I guess I better sell one of my gold-plated Ferraris (I have 13, of course since I'm a commercial grower) and go get me a real job washing dishes or something. Maybe I can take a Mexican's job, since they're all leaving the US.

Oh wait, I don't own a Ferrari. Or even a nice car. I already work full-time at another job, because I'm not a moron who thinks weed is reliable enough to pay the bills. I also know that you can't buy a house, a business, or even a nice car with cash. Weed doesn't do one thing for your credit rating. Weed won't get me a loan for a business or a house.

I also know that if I was one of these mythical Ferrari-owning growers, that the car would be the thing that would bring the heat, and would get seized by the DEA as soon as they could get their grubby mitts on it.

The ONLY people getting rich off weed are the dispensary owners. Every one else is just trying to make a living. So if the prices of weed gets cut in half, you'll have a bunch of normal folks (who were already just trying to make ends meet) standing in the welfare lines for public support.

Unemployment is still at record highs, let's add all of the mom and pop growers to that list so we can have MORE people competing for jobs that don't exist.

Or do you want to go work for Dick Lee in his mega-warehouse complex for minimum wage?


stoned agin ...
if you want to keep prices up, it has to stay illegal, the more illegal the better.

if it becomes legal, in 10 years it will become like beer, cigs, wine, coffee; a commodity, grown as a cash crop from seeds worked over by corporate genetecists who grow test crops by the hundreds of acres, inside and out, and who have deep pockets to look for good genetic material to work with. they will work to make it uniform and suited to the target consumer market. a friend asked a guy in a major brewery tour once how they made their beer taste different than the other guys. in a moment of candor he said they spend more time making sure their beer tastes the same.

comsumer market researched, it'll be so good that it will be the same as wine and cigs ... relatively few people produce their own.

if someone small produces something really special, or a particular region gets known, the price will be there ... you can buy a can of maxwell house pretty cheap, but you ever see the price of jamaican blue mountain beans? :D and it will start off fragmented, then consolidate; someone quick out of the gates on a commercial scale who can get know for quality, may hit it big. who will be the "weed king"? LOL :D


Active member
i want pot prices to deflate rapidly. and the sooner the better. when aaa hits 200 an oz i will be happy. i dont give a fuck what commercial growers think as they dont care about us either. thank god i grow my own


Active member
i wanna see outdoors drop to like 1k-1600 a pound. and regular indoors for around 2k...and the top shelf stuff like OGK, Sours, and other exotics in the 27-32 range.

i think thats a fair price where the growers can still get decent returns and the customer gets decent savings.

the current market..with their 2500 lbs of outdoor and 3600 lbs of indoor is a little expensive in my opinion. although when i grow some OG i want 300 a zone LOL...but i guess growers will have to take a small revenue loss, but not ALL of it. indoor organic OGK selling for 1600 a LB will fuck everything up...


its unrealistic to see prices drop hard in the first 5 years of 19.

for one, counties have to approve not only big grows, but approve the store fronts that sell their product. and they could face serious fed backlash.

under 19, its mandatory that the non medical sale of marijuana is taxed. so any store front will be at a large dissadvantage to non taxed dispensaries.

so you end up with a 3 fold road block bottleneck of sales:

1- county approval
2- innability to be competitive with medical dispensaries.
3- federal backlash


Overkill is under-rated.
i want pot prices to deflate rapidly. and the sooner the better. when aaa hits 200 an oz i will be happy. i dont give a fuck what commercial growers think as they dont care about us either. thank god i grow my own

Nice stereotype you got there.

I'm married, have bills like a normal person, and probably smoke less than you do. I am not rich because I am not a greedy Fuck who steals power or slings to thugs, my weed goes to my patients and yes, they usually compensate me under $200 an oz. I pay all of my helpers $30 an hour and pay full rates for my power even. I recycle, fertilized an orchard with my runoff, and treat all involved with respect.

Not all commercial growers fit your ugly stereotype.


Sorry to those that grow or deal for a living but the last thing that I would want to do is keep prices from falling. It's about the love for weed not love for money and to all the people involved in growing just for the money and are against legalisation I wish you'd open a meth lab or something and just quit growing because you do nothing but impede the cause. I've been toking since 1966 and growing for over thirty years and I would like nothing better than to be able to smoke a joint and grow a personal stash without being a criminal. To all of you who want to make money off the misery of thousands of growers and tokers shame on you, you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.


Active member
Marijuana should be cheap, it is easy to grow. Once it is legal it will be ridiculously easy to grow great herb. You won't have to worry about concealing things so you won't have to forgo anything to keep it "stealthy".

I don't buy grass unless it is super killer, can compete with mine, and that happens like every year or so. I do trade at times but it would be great if herb was affordable so
i could run out and buy a few new flavors for a change from what I am growing or to find something new to grow.

The greedy lazy people will suffer.

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