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witch one of these fert is better for flowering



Neither of those are ideal...but I'd vote for the 8-42-14. Lowest N but both those are starter nutes. Are you sure there aren't any flowering or bloom nutes?


Neither of those are ideal...but I'd vote for the 8-42-14. Lowest N but both those are starter nutes. Are you sure there aren't any flowering or bloom nutes?

its so hard to get any help here in the store couse i have to tell em im growing tomatos and peppers so for flowering they always tell me to use a 24-8-16 npk fert.,can u tell me what kind of a ration should i be looking for,im really having problems with this,i got 3 400l reservoirs that need to be filled


Well tomatoes require similar nutrients as ganja...but store clerks are not all knowlegeable. Look at the bottles and see if there are any that say bloom or flowering. then look at thos ratios.

Maxibloom...a popular powdered bloom nutrient is 5-15-14
Peters bloom nutrients are 10-30-20 Get out there on the internet and familiarize yourself with the different bloom nutrients.

Your problem Elito is that you are going to need hydroponic nutrients. You can't just buy store bought stuff and stick it in a reservoir because it's not stable in long term suspension. It will end up as a slush on the bottom.

I made a recommendation to you on the thread you started about mixing your own nutrients. Order some Maxibloom in 16 pound quantity. Buy 3 or 4 of them and you'll only have to receive that shipment once every couple years.


Active member
Hey Evil,
Do you use MaxiGro and MaxiBloom? If so, what kinda of feeding routine are you on? Do you use anything else? Thanks.


Hey Evil,
Do you use MaxiGro and MaxiBloom? If so, what kinda of feeding routine are you on? Do you use anything else? Thanks.

I've tried Maxi-Grow and actually feel it has too much N...so I use MaxiBloom for both vegging and flowering. Due to veg crop failure while I was out of town, I'm currently doing a soil run. But for hydro, I use MaxiBloom and am very happy with it. cheap and convenient and ganja seems to really like it. I've had good grows using just MaxiBloom but my last hydro run, I added some BeastieBloomz about half way through. It was a new strain for me so I can't really say if it helped that much. Certainly good smoke and decent yield.

PS On the MaxiBloom...800ppm for veg and 1200-1400 for bloom worked good with White Widow and Buddha's Sister.


Well tomatoes require similar nutrients as ganja...but store clerks are not all knowlegeable. Look at the bottles and see if there are any that say bloom or flowering. then look at thos ratios.

Maxibloom...a popular powdered bloom nutrient is 5-15-14
Peters bloom nutrients are 10-30-20 Get out there on the internet and familiarize yourself with the different bloom nutrients.

Your problem Elito is that you are going to need hydroponic nutrients. You can't just buy store bought stuff and stick it in a reservoir because it's not stable in long term suspension. It will end up as a slush on the bottom.

I made a recommendation to you on the thread you started about mixing your own nutrients. Order some Maxibloom in 16 pound quantity. Buy 3 or 4 of them and you'll only have to receive that shipment once every couple years.

the problem is that i cant order anything,i have to have a decleration for this stuff to be able to reach me and that out,on these nutes it says its water soluble is thst enough for hydro or do i need something else


So what if you have to have a declaration? If you're so worried, perhaps you shouldn't be growing. People must order stuff from overseas all the time. Just do the paperwork. I've bought seeds overseas and supplies from Canada. It's an international world.

I also suggested on one of your other posts that you should fit your grow to your local supplies. If you can't get hydro nutes...then grow with soil.

All nutrients are water soluble. That doesn't mean that they're suitable for hydro. When you leave non-hydro nutrients in a reservoir...some of the chemicals can combine. They will then end up in a slush on the bottom of the res.

Iron must be in a chelated form for hydro. That means it's got an attached molecule that prevents it from combining.

Hydroponic growing is a very mainstram thing these days. There are greenhouses full of hydro tomatoes and vegetables grown all over the world. You just need to find them. Tell me (PM) which country you're in and I'll tell you where to get hydro nutrients. I'll bet I can do it too.

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